In Angela’s Name, Not Someone Else’s

That which comes from God must not be placed in the name of the Devil.

On Satanic Forces Working in the Dark

Readers at The Party, which is a public edition, know that I have the duty to represent Angela’s interests and that this includes preventing secret services from hiding her research away and then trying to hand it over to other people or institutions for them to dismember and rewrite and place in their own or another’s name.

I also need to get a State contract that will allow my sister to continue her studies into the Italian Church, in Italy, which will include funding and the promise to promote the Italian national Church as Angela will have presented it within due course, in her name and in that of the Italian spiritual Mother.

She works with her brother, not with the people who the Italian secret agency are operating with, which could be just about anyone other than her brother. Until now, this agency has made impressive investments in making sure that I run out of my own ability to fund my sister and do not receive any money at all to further fund her studies.

They appear to take great satisfaction from this, no doubt overlooking the aspect of betrayal that is hanging over them, as we have seen from the Italian spiritual Mother who has publicly denounced them for accepting the queen’s Thirty Silver pieces.

The Cornerstone

Anyone who has understood how sister Hun works will have realised that the foundation of a national church must also have its cornerstone and the masonry with doors and windows. As was in England for the English Church, her studies into the origins of the Italian ecclesia need to be carried out in Italy, and she is the only person who can do this – chosen by the Italian Holy Mother.

The agreement with the Italian State must be made out as according to what She recently showed me as printed on Party space: an upfront sum for me to prepare a place in Italy where to reside, and a separate fund for Angela’s requirements once she has arrived, and the payments from this separate fund should be given to me progressively, as the need arises. This second fund will depend entirely on which enterprise my sister has to embark on, where she has to travel, lodging and connected expenses.

There is practically nothing which I know at this point in time as to how and where she will go about it other than that it will be in Italy. Whereas Angela, who never was British, has her own documents, I will need an Italian one with a special work permit.

We both need a low-profile status, and the time span she needs is unknown to me, but the sooner the work can commence, the better.

Here is tonight’s Party song.

The War

In our last Party page The Italian Campaign for Zion, we find: “According to Angela at the time, the Italian Church was founded by way of the heavenly City, thus relieving Italy from all attempts at imposing Byzantine sovereignty over Italian Church affairs.”

Having been victorious at Chivasso in preventing the departure of the Italian Scroll from Italy at the hands of the British, the Italiana is preparing to confront the Byzantine Army at Maleventum, or Beneventum. This is what Angela’s work will be about, and her understanding of the Italian language will also help her in working through Latin scripts.

Back then, my sister declared the Italian Church as founded in Zion, and the Italian Mother refused to allow this foundation to be sold off for the known price, that which is characteristic of Judas Iscariot, and this is why Angela’s Serbian matrix from Valjevo along with the church calendar that was given to her can never be taken away.

Were the enemies of the Italian Mother to prevail, it could only ever be through betrayal from within by the hand of those who open the door to them, as had happened when they opened the gate to the one who knocked Angela down in Italy.

Yet this is what the Italiana has required me to expose, for She refused to surrender and fought back against those who called out my sister Hun for a liar, sending unto them the Thirty Pound stamp placed high over their own land!

Only then when the work is done will Angela decide to move on from Italy to German Land, as is agreed with the German Mother whose alliance is with Italy.

Our Last Days in Italy

After returning to Italy with her Serbian blueprint, my sister became a cheerful person conversing with me in Italian, which had become her chosen language there. Originally still believing we’d obtain a contract to carry out extensive studies into the national ecclesial origins, on finding out through her spiritual contact that she was required to leave Italy and move to England – where we had already located to from Germany, she suddenly stopped talking and for many days would not say one word. The sadness in my heart was immense, but in hers it was greater.

Having also been shown in communion how she had been knocked over in Italy by the Antichrist, and, furthermore, seeing that we had already tried but failed to obtain in England a work contract for her intended studies into the English and Scottish churches, I realised that my combat experience from past times was going to be needed.

I had already been shown by the Serbian Mother that one day my sister and I would return to Germany. The German Lady had shown me the Full Moon Church near the Rhine and had come to me in the German House and consequently I never broke down in England to the many assaults of the British. And not only this, I had also been shown by the Italian Mother that She was not going to lose track either of Angela or of her brother, Her dispute being entirely with Britannia.

Ecclesia Militans

It was a mistake of the British from the start to believe that Angela and I had burnt the bridges behind us: we hadn’t. We never burn the bridges we cross! The reason is that her achievements cannot be undone.

It all started with her very first words: Heute ist Karfreitag!, followed by a shudder. This is why it’s time for the Italian State to come clean on its past activities concerning Angela because her previous accomplishments cannot be undone, but, to the contrary, need to be built upon.


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