It All Started in Serbia

The Church of Presveta Bogorodica would either succeed, or fail, but the Serbian Mother cannot afford to lose and so the War must go on!

Serbian Conditions

When Angela first arrived in England she came from Germany, and this was conditional on her going back there in the future, but her return to England was contingent solely upon her journeys to Valjevo at the very start of her itinerant studies.

In Serbia she received the spiritual church calendar from the Serbian Holy Mother, and using this calendar Angela and her brother later returned to Serbia at Easter by avoiding the Swamp. That our presence in Valjevo was conditional to our returning to England has been clearly presented here on Party space in earlier pages.

And this brings us to her intended studies in Germany: again, they are solely justified by Angela’s prior presence in Valjevo and the Serbian Holy Mother’s promise that sister Hun would return to Germany: to the Land of the Rhine and therefore to her homeland. This too has been clearly outlined in previous Party pages.

All the work achieved and still to be accomplished by die Hunnin is based upon her Serbian matrix and on her spiritual dedication to the Serbian Holy Mother. Betrayal is not an option!

Returning to Serbia Along a Different Route

Although Angela had been successful at evading the Swamp at Easter when returning to Serbia the last time simply by going from Italy through Greece and Bulgaria, this didn’t prevent us both falling into the Swamp later when the trapdoor gave in. However, even though they stole her manuscript once we had both landed in the marshes, she managed to keep the hidden matrix in the form of a different copy which they could not find.

What they found in her satchel were some cigar-stained papers written in Cyrillic by her brother obeying her orders and with some loose tobacco scattered around and a handful of peanuts, but the original went undetected in her jacket pocket carefully concealed between two layers of material sewn together.

So following our last return from the Swamp to Italy, going by Angela’s spiritual calendar we then went to England but returned empty-handed after being rejected. Then the Italian Lady came to Angela in the Spirit and offered her to research the origins of the Italian Church instead and my sister complied. Then the British sent the Antichrist to Italy before she could get a work contract to continue her Italian research.

The Rotten British Deal

So we returned again to England, and not having any contract, I had to fund all my sister’s studies, like I had done in Serbia and in Italy. Then somehow the British managed to declare Angela a liar and proclaim I had fallen down from a ladder and died. I hadn’t! This is the trouble when you work without a contract: if they want to get the work for free after it has been completed and claim the one is a liar and the other died, and there is no written statement to go by, people will look at you and say: Who the hell are you? But by then the work is gone and you stand there empty-handed!

It so happens that Angela left two empty spaces in the union flag and so the British could never steal her research into the Irish and Welsh churches for she never carried it out in the first place, and while she then fled to Mexico, I have been sitting in prison taunting the uk police commander who made false promises to the Irish and to the Welsh which he could never keep.

Saving Grace

The official British version has always been that Angela is a liar and never did anything in Serbia, in Italy or in England, and this confirms my strong suspicion that there is a resemblance between them and the Swamp: I think they were working together all the time!

But the Italiana was following the case and hadn’t forgotten that Angela had in fact committed to researching the Italian Church foundations before carrying out her studies in England, nor had She forgotten that the British Antichrist had come and knocked my sister down in Italy.

A Divine Mother for What?

Readers at The Party can now better understand that Angela saved her own soul and her brother’s skin by accepting the Italian Lady’s offer back then when we returned to Italy after being rejected by the British.

Seeing that she was about to present the foundations of the Italian Church as of biblical script, and the Italian State, which at that time was operating for the expansion of the EU-NATO empire, took her written pages away and hid them, the Italiana has a case against them for betrayal of the worst kind: they tried selling the spiritual Mother of the Italians for Thirty Silver Pieces to a foreign prince: the Prince of Darkness!

Otherwise, I could be rotting in a British prison for another fifty years and Angela would officially be nothing but a liar! This would also bring with it the downfall of the Serbian Mother and the victory of betrayal by way of the Swamp.

So there we have it! The British and the Swamp were going hand in hand all the time, and this will explain why the ‘investigator’ is determined to pass my sister off as a liar and to bring down the Serbian Mother, and with Her every single national Church and the Holy Trinity of every nation. Being who he is, he wielded lots of authority simply by showing a pass and an ‘investigation’ warrant, apart from his foreign contacts.

The Russian Empress

The only other Lady In High who the Serbian Mother had an agreement with is the Russian Lady. This communion was based in Italy and depended on the presence of the Russian Church situated in Corso Imperatrice in Liguria, and this too has been expanded upon in previous Party pages.

So whether we are talking of: 1) the English and the Scots, 2) the Germans or 3) the Russians, in each and every case it all goes back to the premise of an alliance with One Serbian Mother and the One Serbian Child with whom Angela was working from the very start in Valjevo. Under no circumstance will the Swamp, which represents the exact opposite and sought Angela’s demise, ever replace this!

Russia’s Position in the War

In the War that broke out between Italiana and Britannia, eventually the former succeeded owing to an alliance with the Germanica as presented in the Chivasso events. In this union of force, two keys united into one common cause in order to be stronger.

As a result, the Pacts of Corso Imperatrice could not be transferred over to Britannia, and this will explain why any future work on the part of Angela for the Russian Lady will be on the basis that she went with her brother to the Russian Church in San Remo while walking west following the afternoon sun!

San Remo is in Italy and not in England, and so any appointment the Russians may have had with Britannia was cancelled by the Italiana. What this means for the Russians is that they can forget the British dictating any laws over Angela’s future as she won’t be coming back here anyway!

If Serbia Falls, It’s Over!

Now if the British and the Italian secret service were to cancel Serbia from the Acts of Angela, then this would undermine all her dedication to the Serbs, to the Italians, to the English, to the Scots, to the Germans and to whatever she may one day decide to look into in regards to the Russian Church, in particular if it meant exchanging the Serbian foundations in Valjevo with the sinking sands beneath the Rotten Floorboard.

People shouldn’t be fooled when the known ‘investigator’ knocks on their door around Halloween wearing a mask and saying Trick or Treat? The Hun says: Just send him away! When he first came to me in a communion event making a claim while never looking me in the eyes, I ignored him. As for Angela, she escaped his prison and made off to Mexico.

He is the very person who has tried to bug Schwester Hunnin, he claims to have imprisoned many a Lady In High and to be able to condemn to ruination the Holy Child of any nation, he is the one who is preventing Angela from continuing her studies, he is the one who has made preposterous claims and promises to the Irish and to the Welsh which he cannot keep …

The Italian Ecclesia

It was only after Angela discovered Corso Imperatrice that she started her work on the Italian national Church, for she was visited by the Italian spiritual Mother as well as by the Russian Lady, precisely as my sister explained to me at the time, and it also corresponded to what I had been shown and told in communion.

In an upcoming print, I will explain here at The Party why the Russians In High are essential in saving the Italian Church, and not only, but every national Church! The Communion event in relation to this was shown me in Italy after the Italian State turned rogue and betrayed Angela.

It’s no doubt the reason why Corso Imperatrice is so vitally important as much for Italy as for Russia. And we are talking here of a War of sheer survival against the onslaught of the British Antichrist and his ‘Investigator’. We are talking of Holy Mother and Child versus Satan and Moloch, Resurrection versus crucifixion, Truth as opposed to the Lie, spiritual Love confronted by satanic hate, Holy Spirit challenged by demonic bugs.

The Alliance From Hell

The Italian secret service and the British state made Un Patto dagli Inferi and I expect the new Italian government to forever break this diabolic pact as requested by the Italian spiritual Mother who the Italian State tried selling to the British for Thirty Pounds, that is, thirty silver pieces. I’ll see if I can get this intended work on the Russians In High printed out in the next edition.

Concerning the English Rainbow …

When the British denazified Freundin’s English restaurant, I her Hun said: We can’t have this, Mädel, you can’t do these things here!, and so I shut her English restaurant down.

A smirk appeared on Freundin’s face and her blue eyes changed a shade from a celestial to a marine blue. She agreed to lay down her very own English avatar – the Anglian Cross, and accepted a new one which I gave her, and she also agreed to move to Germany. She is now working in German land to bring an end to the European Empire run by EU commissars elected by no-one but themselves.

These people use as their avatar the twelve EU stars, but Mädel knows that the true Twelve Stars belong to a Lady In High. She’s working for the German Holy Mother, the One whose Church is under the Full Moon of Heaven.

The Hun’s Deal

On their part, the English had their one and only coffee in the restaurant on the very day Freundin left England for Germany with Alexandra at her side. After they departed, I went to lie down for a few hours and then a vision came unto me: In this event, one English lad came for a coffee. I was stacking up the chairs and tables to shut the place down and then, after walking to where he was, I said: Seeing that you are here, you can finish your coffee. And that was it. That was all they got for the five pounds I had left them in my will. I made sure it would afford them one coffee only and no meal.

I suppose it was irony that the very person whose passing away they were celebrating was the one who was serving them!

Here is today’s Party tune.


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