Srpska Duhovna Majka

Angela returned to Serbia at Easter and will not be sacrificed to the Swamp.

Easter Not Crucifixion

There are only a few conditions attached to the Italian State’s contract-in-waiting with brother Hun and these have been made evident in previous pages published at The Party: when Angela has completed her research in Italy, she is going with her brother to German land reckoned as north-east from Chivasso.

This is on account of her going to Serbia when she started her studies and, following Easter, being promised to Germany by the Serbian Mother along with her friends Alexandra and Mädel, both of whom are already in Germany. Having returned to Serbia at Easter by avoiding the Swamp, Angela proved that she knew how to use the spiritual church calendar given her by Srpska Majka. No-one is allowed to render vain Angela’s achievements accomplished in Valjevo where she prepared the matrix for national churches while resisting the empires that were at war against her.

Serbia or the Swamp

If the Serbian Mother were to fail, the Swamp would prevail, and this could only come about if Angela, who upholds Resurrection in the name of Jesus, could be replaced by Moloch of crucifixion.

This explains why the German Lady had Moloch arrested in Germany, sentenced, returned to England … the rest we know. The event came about following the British attempt at infiltrating Moloch into Germany to replace Angela after her 2018 request for a work contract with Germany – which was turned down when the British declared War on the German Mother.

If She were to be traded off, the same would happen to the spiritual Mother of the Serbs, and this would bring about the victory of the Byzantine Empire using methods of cheating, lies and betrayal. It would also mean the end of the Italian Church and the victory of those who hid sister Hun’s written pages away to prevent them going into public domain.

On Selling a Nation’s Holy Mother and Child

Trading off Mother and Child of the national Church would imply Satan declaring vain the Rhine Scroll and the Italian Scroll as well as Angela’s Serbian matrix, and therewith Spiritual Jerusalem. This is why I brother Hun am sitting in a British prison to prevent them arresting and locking up die Hunnin, the one who defied them by returning to Valjevo instead of going to Belgrade and from there back to the Swamp to be crucified.

This is the reason why the Italian spiritual Mother denounced the Italian secret service for betrayal of the worst kind when they sold out to the British Antichrist.

Here is tonight’s Party presentation.


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