A Scholarship in Italy Is Just What Angela Needs
Ha ha, losing Angela requires a feat of engineering that stretches beyond the mind.
Losing Angela
The Germans had managed to trace Mädel’s presence to somewhere near Euroland where she had been making fun of them, but then found they lost Angela. This is because the British went to War against the Serbian Mother to whom Angela had been dedicated and somebody in Germany chose to side with the British. Why? Unfathomable!
After die Hunnin had returned with her brother from Serbia to Italy, the day came when Angela pulled out a Mediterranean stone-baked dish from the oven and, as the aroma of herbs filled the kitchen, declared Brother, we work for Italian Mother! This is when she started doing her research into the foundation of the Italian Church. This came about after the British had turned her down, meaning we had already returned from England to Italy empty-handed and the British had excluded themselves.
I had planned at this point to get Mädel and Alexandra, my sister’s fiends, transferred out of England as had been shown me in Communion between the Serbian Mother and the German Mother.
Helping My Sister
It was only through the Grace of God that Angela received the spiritual command to go again to England and carry out what she had originally proposed for the English and the Scots. I assumed God had decided not to let the British get away with turning her down, so it was upon me to accompany her. I had to help Angela in her work, and, saying Deus Vult!, I pulled down the visor over my face.
Years later, after they had shouted that die Hunnin is a liar and declared me dead, I thought Let the God of Angela decide this!
Within time the day came – I’ve written this before – that the English Rainbow appeared over England for Mädel’s restaurant and I transferred Prosperity out of England. God had heard my request and allowed me to make this binding decision. The Lord is righteous!
Here is today’s first Party tune.
Two in a Household
Back then in Italy we shared the same house, and later in England I recall explaining to Angela that if two people live in one household, it’s inevitable that one day both will happen upon the same place within the house at the same time, each of their own accord. That place could be the kitchen where each has a common thought of reaching to the milk in the refrigerator in order to make a hot coffee – or because both had in mind a cold drink.
Continuing, I explained It doesn’t mean they are both competing on opposite grounds for the same thing, they just had something in common at that point in time.
Sitting there combing her wavy hair, Angela replied That’s because you’re a nice person to live with.
The topic was about the agreement we had made in Italy before leaving again for England where we had already been turned down. She would be working for the downfall of the UK in the name of Jesus, King of the English, whereas I was in search of the same objective owing to Normandy where the British, using a hoax, had interrupted a quiet stay in a backwater zone when the theatre of war had been expected further north, in an area where more experienced and better prepared divisions were waiting.
If the German High Command had known the British were landing in Normandy, we’d have been stationed further north in Calais in a quiet area and the bulk of the German Army would have been moved from the Pas de Calais further south to Sword beach waiting for them. We had all been fooled by the British!
Both Angela and I had good cause to go one more time to England, our aims coincided and so we agreed to work together as a pair. It would be similar to taking the milk and the cream from the fridge to prepare a coffee on the stove for two people: having both shared the same thought on entering the kitchen, it made sense.
Finding Angela
As for the Germans losing Angela, you’d think if there’s anyone who could find her, it’s her brother as he’s the only person she’ll come back to, but that isn’t necessarily the case.
There’s no need in this page to repeat the details how somebody decided to exchange my sister for someone else, as if that person had gone with her to Serbia and covered all expenses and had ever dedicated their time to her.
Then the British tried exchanging the Serbian Mother for the Swamp, claiming Angela never went to Valjevo and never returned there at Easter. They also denied she did anything on coming back to England even though she returned after they had already turned her down. If all this is also the official view of the Germans, then I really can’t help them find my sister.
If the British succeeded, the Holy Mother of the Serbs would come out of this War as a liar, and someone with a grin on his face would later boast: All this we achieved with a five pound note!
The British, who denazified Mädel’s English restaurant into oblivion, certainly won’t be helping the Germans because they went to War against the German Mother too. They are not getting anywhere near Angela, she being the one who proclaimed Jesus the rightful King of the English. It’s pretty clear to me that The Lord gave her the command to return again to England after our previous failed attempt because He would not allow them to get away with rejecting His divine Son as the legitimate King of the English Folk.
Here at The Party, including in its previous version, I have repeated Angela’s request for a contract with Germany, this has been going on for years, and then one day she decided to go back to Italy instead.
Now someone in Germany would want to let her know that she is forgiven after the outburst. But the root of the matter is, Angela knows there is a cathedral with dome waiting in Italy, it’s familiar to her as she already had started the research into its foundation in Liguria.
While the cathedral in Germany was closer and she had been willing to go back there, the Germans managed to lose her, and her brother cannot guarantee anything concerning her whereabouts, for she’s somewhere in Mexico and all I know at this point is what can be read in our Party edition from 30th April 2021 going by the title El Santo Padre Mexicano Ignores Italy’s Posture.
If this communion event is an example to go by, then the Germans will one day have to look for Angela in Italy, because I think she gave up waiting for an invitation back to German Land which never came. The best advice is they follow the Mexican example and just come on their own accord, as Germans, leaving other people’s problems for God to look into in His own time. Shouldn’t He be the One inviting a nation to His table without someone else trying to take over and invite all and sundry? Whose table is it, theirs, or The Lord’s?
I’m Sorry!
Sorry, but if you run after Beelzebub, then you get Moloch! And that’s probably the reason why you lost Angela. If you are out to crucify her, then you broke the very first rule in her vocabulary. She dedicates her time to Mother and Child, and I’m sitting in a prison in her place to prevent someone pronouncing the Serbian Mother a liar and throwing Angela upside down in the Swamp.
Angela works with the Spirit, her decisions are most final and I cannot change her mind. I also have contact with the German Mother and She has an alliance with Italy and also showed me so. God’s Rainbow from Heaven should not be taken in vain.
The Rainbow
Yes it’s true, after I transferred the Prosperity Rainbow over to Germany as according to the Law of Belgium, Freundin and her friend Alexandra then also went to Germany, but Angela is different and I have never attempted transferring her, and when she departed from German land it was only on condition of a return ticket.
Now she’s expecting a borsa di studio from the Italian State, her mind is made up, and I’m not going to climb up a ladder in England, stand on the top rung and wave my arms to and fro asking for another Rainbow for Germany. That would be tempting The Lord.
At The Party it has been explained that the last one was the double-Rainbow, it was in sign of the Alliance between German Mother and Italian Mother, and this brings us back to the kitchen when Two have in common the same objective and work together to achieve their aims for mutual benefit. This is what happened as stated in the Chivasso Events. The German Mother found another way forward, and it fits perfectly with the Italian spiritual Mother’s own aspirations.
So it’s in Angela’s best interests for me not to take part in the German search for her, she’s adapted her plans and who am I to try changing her mind?
Madel's Kreuz |
When the British denazified Freundin’s English restaurant and inflicted the capital punishment on her Hun, I withdrew her original English avatar which she had chosen and gave her a new one of my own, which is clearly Teutonic: the one we see above. After transferring Prosperity to the East, I shut down her restaurant and sent Mädel on to Germany. In due course she’ll let me know when to come to her.
She’s currently working in Germany and apparently has set up a theatre show called Euroland. Of-course I can’t say where it’s located, I don’t know for obvious reasons so as not to compromise her. Wolfgang says she doesn’t need a licence to wear costumes and create fun in Euroland. It’s a place where people can enjoy satire and see the comical side of the political parties.
There’s no payment involved, it’s a private institution and not a place for the politruk’s arrest warrant and prison sentence. On my part I don’t get involved, I can’t: her activities are beyond my decision and her whereabouts no less.
Here is our second Party presentation.
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