The Last of the British

When Angela returned to England after being knocked down in Italy by the Antichrist, she was on a mission!

Angela Hun Decreed

Today’s Party publication will look again at how Angela presented the union flag shortly following her return to England, which was after her last visit to Serbia.

At the time, she explained to me that we must work for the English Church first, and then for the Scottish. In a previous Party print I have explained how she designed a new flag comprising four equal frames, the two bottom ones remaining blank.

We know that these two empty ones represent the Welsh and the Irish, and we also know the reason why she did not colour them in. The last Party edition Only One National Irish Flag, states: “Angela had made clear from the start that there is only one national Irish flag, and this pitted her against the UK”.

Angela Hun, on her return to England, terminally changed the identity of the British as intended by Westminster, Whitehall and Buckingham palace. Using wonder weapons, she liberated the English Red Saint George from the mess that surrounded it in the old union jack, and she also offered an alternative to the Scots, the Irish and the Welsh, one that would not see their national emblems either void of existence, as is the case of the Welsh, or cut up into pieces and surrounded by dark blue shreds and shards, as was with the Scots.

You’re Going to Prison!”

In previous pages I have explained how the Fair Lady had warned me early on in a communion vision of the British police commander. He would be swearing allegiance to his queen and to her kingdom and would be followed by the men under his command. He’d lie and attempt bringing down into perdition a Holy Child. The one he wanted to target first of all is the English Child – the one who later made it to the higher heavenly House.

On making sure that Angela never received from her brother the financial means necessary to fund her studies into the Irish and Welsh national churches, the UK then set about making sure Angela would never be funded by Germany to work for the German Child.

This was in 2018, and the following year, the British police, whose government in Westminster was collaborating with the EU commissars to impose an alliance called “UK and EU” over many countries including Ireland and Germany, decided to intern Angela in a prison to rot away. This is when she fled to Mexico and I took her place in prison.

Unable to arrest Angela, the British police are still singing songs to the USA:

Please Mrs. Avery, I just gotta talk to her, I’ll only keep her a while …”

And Uncle Sam says – 40 cents more – for the next ... three ... minutes …”.

Having lost their credibility with the USA, and unable to get Angela out of Mexico, the British police played their last card.

We’re Going to Germany!”

In 2021, the ‘British’ decided to put Angela to the test. Now ‘the British’ had already knocked her over in Italy, sending her pens and crayons flying, and they thought they could get away with it all, but this time I said to Mädel, who is English, You know what, these people might have locked me in a British prison, but I’m not surrendering my soul to them because I went to prison for my sister Angela! I’m going back home to Germany!

Alexandra agreed with me, and within a short time Angela came from Mexico for a week to visit us. She issued the following decree: We’re going to Germany!, and made sure I repeated her 2018 work offer to Germany here at The Party. Eventually Mädel agreed, once the preconditions were established.

From that time on, even if the British police stood on their head in Connaught Park in front of me with their legs in the air, it wouldn’t change anything, it’s too late!

Here is today’s Party presentation.


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