British Presumption and Brainwashing

Angela’s achievements are not subject to brainwashing, manipulation or cancellation.


In today’s presentation, The Party is looking at how the British tried brainwashing Angela, the Hun’s sister, into giving up her identity and cancelling from her vocabulary and from her mind all that she ever said and did.

Perceiving her to be a ‘vulnerable person’ who depends on her brother for financial funding and personal protection, as well as for manual tasks, they decided to exploit her perceived vulnerabilities by trying to bang her up in a British prison and torture her into revealing to them all that she knows.

Being an arrogant and presumptuous person, the British police commander, of whom I had been warned in a spiritual communion as mentioned in previous pages, voluntarily chose to ignore a basic truth, that only through travelling and financial funding, and only in the presence of an official work contract at state level, will Angela be able to continue her studies and carry out further research.

This is where her brother, who has duty of care towards her, came in again, as he is less vulnerable. He therefore took her place in prison while she fled to Mexico using funds given her by Alexandra.

Brother Hun is different, he fought in Normandy and was present at the Battle of Britain where he contended with the British in the skies over England. Having experience in dealing with the British, he decided to accompany them all the way down from the lofty heights where they had ascended to. Doing dirty work such as descending down drains and proceeding along sewer-ways to challenge them, he was considered the right man for the right kind of job.

While Angela is probably sitting right now in her garden in Mexico enjoying the sun, I her brother am working out my next plan on how to confront and humiliate the British! One of my tasks is to obey Angela’s orders and scrub the British identity out of them in such a way, that they will say: we were Hunned!

Not There Yet, Lad

In our last Party publication News From Angela on the Scottish Church, I wrote: “Only one Child got to Heaven, the other stayed behind”.

Being “British” and believing the uk police commander who works for Westminster & Whitehall won’t help the Scots, it won’t bring them an inch closer to the completion of Angela’s research into the Scottish Church, just as it won’t fill in the colours in the other two remaining frames of her union flag.

When Scotland sends a representation to Germany after brother Hun and his sister in Mexico have returned there, all the more reason the Scots will have to understand that “being British” didn’t get them where they should be, whereas being Scottish is more likely to be the right way. It’s a question of choosing which kingdom to be a part of: a Scottish one where Jesus is called The King, or the one which died on the last day of August 2019 when Angela fled to Mexico to avoid a British prison.

The same can be said of the remaining two empty frames of the union flag, both of which are in Germany as we have elucidated on Party space.

Sending a war fleet in the name of ‘global Britain’ into the Med to then dispatch a detachment for a run at Crimea to provoke the Russians, and sailing down the South China Sea to stir up the Chinese, although within the plans of Whitehall and grasped upon by Boris Johnson to play at Winston Churchill, was not anything to do with the Kingdom of Sovereign England Angela worked for and achieved on her departure to Mexico on the night between August and September 2019.

And flooding Scotland with cows and sheep from Australia and New Zealand in a ‘trade deal’ is hardly something the Scots would consider to be in their national interest.

The Germans Will Not Believe …

the British police commander, regardless how much he wallows about in the sand on the beach by the sea facing France trying to fool the French into expecting a landing at Normandy. The Hun will in fact be going to Calais in France in order to then proceed to Belgium and from there on to Germany.

The Germans will not believe this policeman, they won’t trust the kingdom he swears allegiance to, and only by giving the Hun special travel documents to Germany along with signed work contracts and an upfront payment in gold to cover justifiable expenses will the way be open for Angela’s return to Germany.

The Hun’s Swiss francs won’t suffice for this, they only serve for one purpose: to get him to Bern and prove that the German-Swiss Lady was right from the very start when She assured him that he will return to Switzerland with no British money but with Swiss francs, that he will not be passing through to go on to Italy but will travel by train to Bern instead.

She saw through the British from the start and also made sure that the British police commander was not going to succeed in sending brother and sister Huns in an iron cage to Italy to be locked away and later sacrificed to the Swamp across the Adriatic Sea.

Here is today’s Party theme.


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