From Mexico Directly to Germany
The British police commander sought to rewrite the church calendar, change the times and change the names with the intention of exalting the one he swears allegiance to.
Returning to Germany
At some point in the future, Angela will make her return to Germany, and she’ll be doing so directly from Mexico. Angela refuses to ruin the honour of the Fair Lady of the English Folk who had made an alliance con la Santa Madre de Mexico, and therefore she shall not return to England where the uk police are.
They would arrest my sister and lock her up in a prison and tell Uncle Sam some lies claiming they ‘heard her threaten the US’ and in so doing attribute to themselves some oxygen. In reality, Angela called on America to stand up for the Fair Lady who Herod’s British establishment betrayed and tried selling off in return for the Antichrist’s kingdom.
Spiritual Church Calendar
Angela’s intention is to continue her work in Germany using her spiritual church calendar for the German Holy Mother in a way that does not detract from Sovereign England and Mexico and doesn’t give a shred of victory to those who sought to replace the Fair Lady with Boris Johnson: they failed and they must deal with it. They shall not hold Angela responsible for their decisions!
In our most recent Party post The Last of the British, I explained: “When Angela returned to England after being knocked down in Italy by the Antichrist, she was on a mission!”.
There is no way she is going to enter a British prison, be humiliated and declare herself a liar. Instead, die Hunnin is waiting for her brother to leave England for Germany and then she’ll join him. There is a Scroll that was taken inside the German Courtyard many years ago, I brother Hun never touched it, and only Angela, who has the appropriate spiritual contacts, can study the text it contains. The British police commander lied to Germany when he falsely claimed he and his ilk could lay their hands on this Scroll.
They wanted to arrest Angela and force her to lead them to the German Holy Child so they could sacrifice him – see reference to HM Revenues in 2018 and to the Thug in 2019. The ‘British’ concocted Theresa May’s ‘divorce bill’ intended to force Germany to replace the German Spiritual Mother with the EU and with the Antichrist’s uk kingdom.
Future Mexican Events
Angela will let me know in due course about her spiritual agreement with the Mexican Holy Mother, but for now she said it’s important not to let slip any such information to Bletchley Park who called the Mexican Holy Child ‘a liar’ and said the same of his Mother and Father.
The ‘British’ establishment was sleeping in bed with their Italian godfathers of the ‘European Union’, and Babylon the City Whore had called the Mexican Holy Mother ‘a liar’. Unable now to find out what Angela’s agreements with Her are, Herod Antichrist’s police are groping around in the dark, but the Mexican Mother can see the City Serpent and knows exactly where it is. What Angela knows on this she’s keeping secret, whereas the British police cannot get her extradited to a City prison.
Here is today’s Party presentation.
Location Secret
Currently I do not know where I’ll be living in Germany, Angela kept this concealed in order to prevent the Serpent getting there first. Alexandra and Freundin’s current place of residence in Germany is also veiled, it could possibly be where Angela and I will set up residence, but for now this has been withheld from my knowledge owing to the importance of keeping the City in the dark.
We mustn’t forget that Angela will also be publishing at some time in the future her book on the foundations of the English Church. This will be in honour of the Fair Lady and so there are many good reasons why secrecy is of the essence for now.
Two White Frames
The Irish and the Welsh never sought a work contract with Angela and this prevented her colouring the two spaces. They chose an agreement with the British police commander and his queen, and with the Thug they sent in January 2019. Personally I the Hun think it serves them right, I wouldn’t shed a tear either, however I realise that the German Mother has made good use of this for Her own Child, and this brings me great satisfaction.
Going by Huns’ Law, a nation should not store its treasures on Earth where Huns break in and take them but should invest the treasure in the High City. The Irish and the Welsh didn’t do this but instead invested in the Thug – which is too bad!
This is why these two blank frames ended up in Germany with the German Holy Mother, She having no intention of allowing the City Whore to hide away the Scroll for Her promised Church under the Full Moon underneath a bed where the Whore of Westminster sleeps with her Italian godfathers of the EU.
Having invested in Theresa May’s divorce bill and her Northern Irish protocol, the Irish and the Welsh had no treasure forthcoming from Angela, whereas the German Lady invested in the German Scroll and is waiting for die Hunnin to return to Her.
This is in accordance with the Law of War and requires a prisoner exchange, otherwise: if brother Hun remains in prison, your frames remain empty!
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