Mädel Is Staying Permanently in Germany

Tally-ho! Mädel has settled in Germany, I must get out of Britain now!

I’m Staying in Germany!”

Mädel has contacted me to say she is settling in Germany and is waiting for me there. I’m not going back, she wrote, so youll have to come here to me!

This is Freundin as I know her: she’ll contact me and make clear I need to come to her if we want to be together and work together.

I’m greatly satisfied, meine Pläne sind aufgegangen! When I was in Germany and she had appeared to me in a dream – Mädel later confirmed this was out of love from the heart, at that time she wanted me in England. This event has been explained here at The Party as being the only reason I returned to England. Also explained here is that, before leaving Germany, I made a plan B for the eventuality they should try doing on her what the Italians had attempted in Italy: stealing her work.

Back then in Italy, where we had gone on a holiday, I had pulled her out from a corner as they were trying to take her manual, and we made a quick exit, she to France and I north to Switzerland and then on to Germany. And that was my plan B in Germany before making my decision to return to England: if the British try a dirty one on Freundin, I’m pulling her out and getting her over to Germany!

As is known from Party prints, the German Holy Mother helped me by offering Mädel a place in the Wirtschaft, knowing that her skills are orientated in that direction.

Five Pounds

I’d have preferred avoiding this chapter save for reiterating that the Hun left the British – – five pounds only – – in his bank account and not one penny more.

Considering that Germany got Mädel, I left all the British money I had and consider all bills to be paid. My Swiss francs I kept, the British aren’t getting these as they’re my return ticket to Switzerland and on to Bern.


Since Mädel has gone to Germany, Poland has demanded 1.3 trillion euro from the Germans, but sorry, she came from England not Poland, and as stated I left the British five pounds to avoid any future payment demands aimed at Germany.

The German Lady must have been quite surprised to find they were happy to get so little for her as clearly She valued English Mädel at more than that. As stated, the German Lady offered Freundin a place in the Wirtschaft, she accepted, and one hundred percent guaranteed the German Mother will not be placing Her Wirtschaft up for sale with Mädel inside – not for any price!


Our last Party publication, written based on notes dictated from Germany by Alexandra and titled A Dispute Over Sovereign Scotland, states: “A sovereign nation cannot be under the fictional power of Whitehall”.

At some time in the future, Scotland could aim for a special trade alliance with Germany. Alexandra had mentioned something about cows and sheep from Australia and New Zealand flooding the Scottish market under a Boris Johnson agreement which she described as insane. She wrote: This is like carrying coals to Newcastle.

With Mädel waiting for me in Germany, I’m sure she’ll have better solutions to offer that could be of reciprocal value to Germany and Scotland and are not predicated upon self-aggrandisement of somebody who just wanted to quickly leave his imprint on history regardless of the consequences.

Alexandra didn’t mention how to solve Scotland’s share of the three trillion pounds public debt, two trillion two hundred and fifty billion pounds of which were accumulated since 2010 under Tory supervision. That, of-course, is something which Mädel might know about – or not know about. But if anyone did, it would be her and no-one else. I certainly wouldn’t have a clue!

All I can say is, that by comparison I left five pounds in positive black and therefore not in red and never left a public debt behind, therefore I owe the Scottish public nothing! But should Mädel one day receive in Germany a work request from Scotland, because we’ll be living together and I’ll be sharing my time with her, I will expect some gold coming our way to cater for various expenses, including enlarging Freundin’s Chancellery and stocking a wine cellar with fine wines from the Rhine.

These gold tributes must be official payments at state level to which corresponding receipts will be issued.


Finally, I have a spiritual visa ensuring me safe passage out of England to Calais, from where I expect to head north to Belgium and then east towards the Ardennes, to then cross the Eifel and reach Aachen.

Hermana Angela knows some French sentences, some of which she picked up from Mädel and some from brother. Once I said to her: Une grande merde est tombée dans la mer (a big turd fell into the water). I was telling her a story about Normandy back then when someone jumped from a landing craft just as an incoming wave picked the boat up and tossed it two metres to the right. Even in hard times, funny things can happen, I thought at the time while observing this from a high position overlooking the sea. Listening to my tale, Angela’s eyes widened and then she cried many tears with laughter.

Here is today’s Party presentation.


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