German Interests Are More Important

The German Spiritual Mother shall prevail!

An Attempt at Getting Angela’s Union Flag

Today I’m doing a quick review of mainstream Party ideology, and the following event happened after they had sent the Thug in early 2019.

One day a lady confronted me out of the blue and started sounding off about being British. Being a worked-out-in-advance crafted, slippery trap, it didn’t commence with being British, but with the declaration that she was English and was giving the impression of being an English nationalist who didn’t like the Scots, the Irish and the Welsh.

Just then as she drew me into a conversation, it changed into something else, namely that she believed the Scots, the Irish and the Welsh should follow the English, which I took to mean they should follow the English around everywhere.

Then it morphed into “but I am British”, and so I realised what she was getting at: the exact opposite of the original packaging in the opening phrase. And it ended with an elogy to Winston Churchill!

It was only that some years earlier, at the time when Mädel and I went on holiday to Italy, I had already told them to take their British crock somewhere else.

Mädel in fact returned from Italy to England, whereas I went straight north back to Germany where I took up abode. At The Party it’s already been explained that I only returned to England because Freundin wanted me back. But now that she’s gone to Germany and Alexandra with her, I don’t have any reason to be here.


Praised be The Lord that my sister Angela out of providence had left two empty spaces in the union flag before fleeing to Mexico, because if it hadn’t been for this, neither she nor I would have ever worked again owing to the obsession of some demented British to shut her down and never allow her brother to be in a position to fund her research. Yet they wanted everything for nothing! That is, everything in her union flag.

If those morons had been able to take her work on the origins of the Irish and of the Welsh churches, they’d not only have hidden it all away along with all her other work and never promoted it, sister and I would have been packed off to Italy in an iron cage and sacrificed to the Swamp on the other side of the sea – through a no-money policy whereby they’d have illegally deported us even though neither of us is Italian.

Sister Hun had foreseen this from the very start after we arrived in England following Serbia, she told me so in no uncertain terms and explained that two frames are remaining empty for this very purpose: to prevent the cheating British imposing their ugly way.

Expenses and More

While it’s true that the kind of research that would need to go into just one of the aforementioned churches that remained blank could require even millions of pounds worth of expenses in today’s reckoning – brother Hun has his requirements, yet even just a preliminary study on Angela’s part into these two spiritual entities would have sufficed for the British to grab the work, claim it “was done” and deport us both, to then lock away in a coffin every word Angela ever wrote.

Those people were in bed with Italy, they weren’t going to give up their relationship, and they had a client over the sea opposite Italy. And because those people over there hated Angela like the plague owing to her spiritual achievements and for having defied their lies and arrogance, it would have come equal to a death sentence for both of us – indeed worse!

As we know, instead of going to Belgrade, Angela got down in Valjevo followed by her brother, she did this many times, and the last time we returned to Serbia, which was at Easter, we avoided the Foul Plank altogether (but they got us when we went there for one day and fell through the rot).

Later, in Liguria, Angela went to the Russian Church, and she was by now the prime target of Rome and Byzantium, hence the UK Antichrist’s visit in Italy as she was also the principal target of the UK. The person they hated more than anyone was Angela, they were out to destroy her!

As Angela fled to Mexico where she honours La Santa Madre Mexicana, they cannot get her, and because she left two flag-frames totally blank, I her brother can afford to sit here and taunt the British. If they say anything, I’ll just wave a white cotton handkerchief in sign of empty frames of Angela’s union flag. There is nothing they can do about it apart from admitting that the Thug they sent is a total liar.


Being the one who has duty of care towards die Hunnin, I her brother can negotiate her scholarship, and at the same time I factor in my own expenses, and these in today’s reckoning are styled out in a gold bar equivalence.

Adding to that, the contract must include the promotion at national level of Angela’s work once accomplished and the contractual agreement that her name only will appear as authoress.

The Hun needs to protect his sister against potent enemies, and in particular he wanted to give the British something to be ashamed of so that she can finally get back to studying, which means relocating from Mexico to Germany. This means the days when the Britishes went around endlessly punishing the Hun for his crimes against humanity will have to come to an end. Furthermore, I don’t regret anything and show no remorse. All that counts for me is that they cannot lock sister Hun in a prison and torture her, steal her work and manipulate it.

German Mother's Interests

The German Holy Mother once blessed me by kissing both my eyes. She wants Angela Hunnin back, but the British sent the Thug to call the German Lady a liar. The uk police commander thinks he is going to possess Angela and waged War on the German Lady, and it is one he’s not going to win. Not him, not Beelzebub, not Moloch. This is a War which he will lose, totally, most finally.

As I stated in The Party’s last print The Humiliation of Aachen, half the union flag is rotting in limbo in Germany, and also, we know that the Scots too have a very good reason to go to Germany to meet the Hun once he is there, to negotiate a stipendium for Angela specifically for the Scots, regardless whether they also want to have a contract with Mädel on economics, which, being a different case, would require a different set of gold bars to be paid in Germany.

Here is tonight’s Party tune.


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