Only One National Irish Flag

Angela had made clear from the start that there is only one national Irish flag, and this pitted her against the UK.

The Union Flag

When Angela got back to England after her last return from Serbia, the uk police commander who I was warned about in a communion vision, found out from very early on that her union flag encompasses one sole Irish frame, and this means one Irish people and one Irish church.

Being a liar, he set about sabotaging Angela’s work and made sure she could never carry through research into the Irish church foundations. He knew that the uk establishment to which he swears allegiance and operates for would come to an end through Angela Hun, and so he has gone around lying ever since in order to prevent my sister doing her work. He tried locking her up in a prison – and failed.

Holding the Irish to ransom in the name of his queen and the Antichrist kingdom he serves, he needs to explain to Uncle Sam why he does this, he can’t, and so I the Hun did it for him.

To Germany

The same person and his ilk also set about waging War on the German Holy Mother in an attempt at holding Her Child to ransom and therewith the Church under the Full Moon. Being liars, they fail to explain to the Germans how Angela is supposed to do her studies into the German Church when her brother is in prison and has no German funds to finance her.

The one truth in this respect is that Angela will be going from Mexico directly to Germany before she ever gets back to doing her studies. This has been made clear on Party space, and it means that if her brother does not receive contact from Germany, then it is because of the British police commander serving his masters in Whitehall and Westminster who keep lying.

The Party has explained that the German Holy Mother has the two empty frames of Angela’s union flag in Germany and this means the British police commander will never get his hands on them and they will remain empty until he is recognised for who he is: someone part of a dead kingdom who failed to imprison Angela Hunnin who is in Mexico out of their reach.

Here is today’s Party tune.

In Mexico

Angela has her own spiritual contact with La Santa Madre Mexicana and an agreement with Her that goes beyond what I know, and I dare say my sister didn’t tell me so as to prevent the British police commander interfering in and sabotaging this agreement.

He doesn’t know where she is in Mexico, he cannot trace her to a specific location, and all he is banking on is that Uncle Sam will go on believing him that he will possess Angela’s work on the Irish – when in fact he won’t!

He wants to replace the Fair Lady with the queen he swears allegiance to, he tries to replace the Mexican Holy Mother too and is at War against the German Spiritual Mother. In my estimation he is at War against the USA too.

We already know he went to War against Sovereign England, and he missed Alexandra and Mädel by a mile when they departed from England to Germany in July of this year. He has God against him, as too the establishment he works for, and he disputes this because he claims the person he swore allegiance to is “god”.

In our last Party publication commissioned by Angela When Holy Mother Will Not Surrender, we wrote: “Going to War against the High City required an alliance with Satan, and he lost!”.


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