When Holy Mother Will Not Surrender

Going to War against the High City required an alliance with Satan, and he lost!

A Failed Winston Churchill

In our recent video discussion, hermana Angela has asked me to publish a page on how a Lady In High will not surrender no matter how much an arrogant band of human people organised at secret service level try imposing the agenda they are pushing.

Angela, as we know, is hated by the British establishment for refusing to be locked up in a prison and tortured into writing what the British at Bletchley Park want to hear, as also in Whitehall and in Westminster. Their plan was: If you don’t tell your brother to climb a ladder and go up a chimney, we won’t give him five pounds, and you will both rot until you write exactly what we want. Then he will get five pounds.

Being cowards, they waited till I had used up all my silver Reichsmarks, had sold all my gold and had invested all my savings, and when it was time for Germany to fund Angela’s next research, they sent HM Revenues along instead!

To Hell with that!, I said to them, and Angela, using funds from Alexandra, departed for Mexico, while I took her place in prison.

Here is today’s Party presentation.


Winston Churchill had brought Tito to power and imposed Communism over Serbia, and later his people waged war on the Serbs in the 1990s. However, then Angela went to Serbia with her brother, all the way to Valjevo, and she did so for the Serbian Holy Mother and Child.

The Serbian Mother gave Angela the spiritual church calendar in the name of Easter of Resurrection, and She and Her Child were not going to be overthrown by anyone. That included Winston Churchill, the Italian founding fathers of Europe, and NATO, the time for human empires imposed from abroad being over.

After Angela’s return from Serbia, the Serbian Lady made sure her brother understood that his sister’s church calendar has value and cannot be stolen, misappropriated or abused by human powers that be.


Winston Churchill fought two world wars against the Germans, his latter-day followers thought they’d fight another one against the German Holy Mother. They thought they would force the foreign and alien EU communist dictatorship onto Germany and prevent Angela from researching the Church under the Full Moon. They presented Germany with a ‘divorce bill’ instead and a northern Irish protocol, claiming the German Holy Mother did not exist.

The German Lady showed me She is not surrendering, and Angela personally told me, while visiting us for a week from Mexico and wearing Mexican dress, that her work offer to Germany is not going away! She said she will eventually be going directamente de México a Deutschland.

In our last Party post Intercepting Spyware at The Party, I wrote: “In Alexandra’s recent letter coming by post from Germany through our secure S-mail service, she informed me of a British attempt at intercepting the communications we exchange with each other”.

Winston Churchill’s times are over, and Alexandra, who is also a security officer at Betchy Garden, listens in to their plots and schemes, and she takes appropriate action when necessary, forestalling their intended actions.


At The Party it has been made clear how the English Child made his way to Folkestone and to the Corner Stone, for the English Holy Mother refused to be shut down by the Britishes who worship Humpty Dumpty and Winston Churchill.

As we can see, a five pound note didn’t get them far, whereas brother Hun’s hard-earned savings got Angela to Serbia and back, and from Italy to England, and funded her private school, and also got Mädel to Italy and home again to England, although her private school was funded by her Mum and Dad.

Mädel never received a penny from the uk and owed them nothing either. On my part, I left the British five pounds to cover the expenses for erasing my name from their registers in response to HM Revenues and the Thug.

England is Mädel’s country, I said, and she never was British but English!


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