Angela Challenged Rome’s World Order
When she made it to Mexico, I knew Angela was safe from Rome and would never be coming back to the British.
They Hated Angela
Tonight, The Party is stating a brief review of its established lines of defence against the attempts that were made to possess and cancel my sister Angela’s work or to manipulate it in their own interests through a no-money and no-response policy.
We have established that the uk police commander of whom I had been warned in communion, working for a foreign power based in Italy – Rome is in Italy – wanted all the info from sister Hun, he wanted it silently and for nothing.
Unable to explain to the USA why she did not even carry out any research into the Irish church, his facade of lies began to steadily crumble as Uncle Sam woke up to the stark reality that he’s dealing with a conman.
One of the most evident forms of proof that he is indeed a hoaxer stems from the very fact that, without an official contract and without any form of funding, Angela’s research into the Irish church was unable to start in the first place. The same applies of-course to the Welsh church. It also applies to any church she intends researching as of its foundations.
Rome in Italy
Angela and I have both lived in Italy, we stayed there for a while in-between and after our various visits to Serbia, and I afforded her accommodation with all expenses as well as covering our travelling costs.
In Italy, I was somewhat less aware of her undertakings than I had been in Serbia, she got on with her studies and embarked in some enterprises while I got on with my affairs. If we weren’t eating out in a small restaurant, then she would be doing some cooking in the kitchen or preparing picnics for an outing somewhere in the countryside or in a park of some town we decided to visit.
The Rome Byzantium Axis
During Angela’s presence in Serbia, she and I were confronted with the client state of Rome that lies opposite Italy. It was here that Rome had sought an alliance with Constantinople, this having been also revealed to me in a communion following our last return from Serbia after Easter.
These people hated Angela and they sought to eliminate all that she had done within the Realm of the Spiritual. Having seen that she had gone to Valjevo from the start and always returned there, Rome placed all their efforts in the client state to frustrate her work for the Serbian Holy Mother.
The Rotten Plank had sold out to Italy from the start, they were working all the time against Serbia and for Rome. But, when Angela, after our last visit to Serbia and her subsequent expulsion from there by the client state of Rome, then went to the Russian Church in Liguria, those who hated her went haywire.
And that would also be about when the Antichrist from the UK appeared on the scene, the one who, in a vision, I saw knocking my sister over as she stood with two other people, who at the time I assumed were her best friends Mädel and Alexandra.
The UK for Rome and Byzantium From the Start
When Angela got back to England accompanied by her brother, one of the very first things she told me after assessing the situation here was that the UK was working for Italy and planning on deporting us there – basically in a coffin.
It became evident they were never going to sign a contract for Angela’s studies, they were only ever going to ignore her work, and they hated her by far more than they did her brother. This is why they tried cancelling not only the Serbian Holy Mother and Child, but every manifestation of Mother and Child of any nation from Angela’s vocabulary.
Their attitude harks back to the one we encountered on the Rotten Floorboard opposite Italy: the very first thing they did there once they realised we were going back to Valjevo in Serbia was to pretend they were going to fund her work. But they lied and demanded money instead because they were recruited and paid to betray Serbia. They betrayed the Serbian Holy Mother, in about the same way as the UK later betrayed the Fair Lady. They were always working for the axis Rome-Byzantium.
And there, along that axis, they have no place for Angela Hun who received from the Serbian Mother the spiritual church calendar and always defied their lies, tricks and deceit. This is why I always had to protect my sister, and it is why many a Lady In High has come to me over time to let me know where I stand in all this in order that I protect Angela from the liars who are out to make her fail.
German Lady
In our last Party edition German Interests Are More Important, under the chapter titled Vorsehung, I wrote: “Praised be The Lord that my sister Angela out of providence had left two empty spaces in the union flag before fleeing to Mexico”.
Seeing that the UK went to War against the German Holy Mother and Child, and taking into account that they cannot touch Angela who escaped to Mexico and that Mädel and Alexandra moved out of their reach to Germany, I the Hun made sure they will be royally screwed!
And their Italian associates, for whom they always worked and to whom they knowingly tried betraying the Fair Lady, are not going to get anything trafficked over to them by their “British” friends, nor are they going to trade Angela over the sea to the Byzantines.
Angela is going to Germany, and going by the Law of the German-Swiss Lady, both the British and the Italians can go join each other elsewhere in a bed, but they are not going to do it on Swiss soil. Those people are not getting their hands on Angela or on her work, she’s out of their reach, and if they had got their way, the Church under the Full Moon would have been replaced with the aforementioned axis.
As for my Swiss francs, I stored them in a safe place where Italians and British and their clients across the sea cannot break in and steal them!
Here is tonight’s Party presentation.
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