The German Mother Will Not Surrender

When a human being backed up by a state institution tries replacing Holy Mother and Child, it's time to make a choice who to believe.

No Surrender to the British

The Party has explained that the British have been trying to force the German Holy Mother to surrender to them, to lose Angela Hun who fled to Mexico and to allow the British to cancel the Church under the Full Moon.

The reality is, the German Spiritual Mother will not surrender, not even to the British to whom I left five pounds only. I considered this to be a decent sum of money and it was all I had left.

My Swiss francs however I kept as these will get me to Bern in Switzerland as according to the Law of the German-Swiss Lady.

My Life Not Yours

We may assume that the attitude of the German Lady towards the British is: This is my life, not yours. So once the Germans understand that the Spiritual Mother of the German Folk is not surrendering to the uk police commander and that he is instead a hoaxer of human origin working for the human kingdom he swears allegiance to, I should be receiving a German delegation in England.

Time to Change Your Own Nappies

Mädel who lives in Germany has been explaining to Wolfgang that the EU has to go as a precondition to her working in the German economy, he understands this and has been taking appropriate measures.

Germany is not required to care for the financial upkeep of other countries, these need to sort out their own financial affairs and see to their own economic business. They need to learn to tie their own shoelaces, to walk and talk and not expect Germany to carry out their potty or change their nappies. They have to start getting a life!

On Learning to Walk

If the Irish and the Welsh prove incapable of walking to Germany after brother and sister Huns have returned there – I from England and she from Mexico, then I guess they must still be using a pram. Then someone will have to push them there.

Contrary to the known conman who thrives on a hoax, Angela does work through travel and research. The conman, however, managed to fool even Uncle Sam who was elected to stand up for the Irish after Theresa May had bound them to her divorce bill and to the protocols of Northern Ireland.

As her brother with duty of care towards her, I calculated some expenses concerning unravelling the identity of the Scots and of the Picts in relation to original church foundations at some point in the future after returning home to Germany, and I came to the conclusion that a decent amount of gold bars will be necessary.

No Middleman

These gold bars will not be going in the pocket of the hoaxer who is a parasite trying to steal Angela’s work, not least because her research will never commence until there is a contract up and running first and an upfront payment of expenses.

This is another good reason for learning to walk in order to meet with the Hun rather then sitting down listening to the drivel coming from a proven liar who works for a private family abounding in wealth, luxury, castles, estates and palaces.

At The Party, I have already explained what happened in Communion to the Irish bus driver and to Welsh Hook who believed the Thug sent by the conman: it went down the drain! The same had already applied to the Scots who believed in him.

Believe the Thug at your own expense, he was sent by the known liar against whom I had been warned from the start and who is trying to imprison Angela and manipulate her work while claiming the credit. He is paid so that she cannot work at all, and this is because sister Hun is not going to enter a prison in the first place.

Recognising Satan’s Brood

In yesterday’s Party page Angela Challenged Rome’s World Order, I stated: “When she made it to Mexico, I knew Angela was safe from Rome and would never be coming back to the British”.

We need to remember that Satan is the father of the Lie, he never releases a prisoner, and sister Hun refuses to surrender to him. Until such time as the Germans learn to distinguish between the Holy Spirit with whom Angela works, and a satanic liar, I brother Hun will bide my time in a British prison taunting and humiliating the British. I’m making sure the conman will not go undetected to the current and to future generations. He’s been exposed and the Germans will remember him for what he is.

Here is today’s Party presentation.


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