Disputing the Times With Angela

Challenging Angela in matters concerning her calendar is pointless: the very first word she said was prophetic and time-related.

The Spiritual Calendar Started in Germany

As readers at The Party know, sister and brother Huns used to live in Germany, and the earliest knowledge I her brother have relating to Angela’s mission is when I witnessed the very first words she spoke, and these were in reference to a precise time.

Considering that a dispute broke out in which the supporters of the UK challenged Angela’s spiritual calendar and her declarations concerning the times, it is my duty to give testimony to her very first spoken phrase, in particular because she said it to none other than me.

Brother had entered her room and Angela, who I perceived to be asleep as she lay in her cot, suddenly woke up and, looking me directly in the eyes so soon as she opened hers, said Heute ist Karfreitag!, and having said this, she shuddered.

This sentence, and her attitude towards what it implied, is the genesis of Angela’s revealed mission in the world, and I her trusted brother am the person to whom she imparted the revelation. That were the very first words she spoke, they were in German, and they are proof that the German Holy Mother had chosen Angela from the start as the one who has access to the spiritual church calendar.

Explaining the Grief

The day came, and it was after our last journey to Serbia and back, that I asked Angela what these words meant, and in particular in reference to the fact that she had shuddered after pronouncing them. I didn’t know if she would remember having said the phrase, but being in contact with the Spiritual as she is, I thought she might have had an explanation.

She did! Angela made known that we could not go back to Greece no matter who might try sending us there unless her last return to Serbia, which had been after passing from Greece through Bulgaria, was recognised as being in agreement with the Serbian Holy Mother and Her One Serbian Child.

Angela had returned to Valjevo, the place where we had both gone from the start, and had started writing a text in Serbian on the origins of the Serbian Church. We had returned at Easter, the clock having gone back at the border to Serbia from midnight to eleven o’clock – for we got there still in time for the day celebrating the Resurrection of the Son of God.

My sister made clear that if this was cancelled, the Rotten Plank which had betrayed Serbia would prevail, the Serbian Holy Mother would lose along with Her Child too, whereas betrayal, treachery and deceit of the Antichrist would come forth to infest the world in the name of Satan, who, through his agents, has tried to reverse the Resurrection to the Crucifixion.

Angela: Accomplished Once – Accomplished Forever

And so it became evident to me that Angela’s very first spoken words in Germany were a prophetic sentence indicating a future period of her and my life, and I understood that it was necessary to never allow the Antichrist in the uk or the Italian godfathers he worked with to prevail at forcing us to return to Italy and from there across the Adriatic Sea in an attempt at cancelling the already accomplished Return to Serbia at Easter.

The times cannot be cancelled and rewritten, and that which is accomplished as according to Angela’s spiritual church calendar cannot be undone. She will not be told or made to “go back and try again!”.

The Party has presented the course revealed by the Serbian Holy Mother after our last return to Serbia, when we were residing for a while in Italy following our last passage over the Rotten Floorboard that is above the Swamp.

She underlined the need to understand that Angela’s future success will be built upon the foundations deriving from one particular truth: that Angela went with her brother to Valjevo from the very start on our first visit to Serbia and always returned there – including on several occasions by not going to Belgrade when asked to, that Valjevo is the place where Angela received the spiritual church calendar and where she started her work on the origins of the Serbian Church on returning there one more time after entering Serbia at Easter.

Even though this manuscript was stolen in the Swamp by those who betrayed the Serbian Lady and Child, it did not prevent my sister continuing her work, the matrix of her studies by now being established.

No Surrender to the British

When Angela decided to visit Serbia in order to work, her brother paid all expenses with his hard-earned money. All her studies and research in Serbia were financially covered, similar as with her later research in Italy and in England. It wasn’t somebody sitting in Belgrade or in the Swamp who paid, no gifts from Byzantium were forthcoming, Rome did not contribute, and not one penny came from the British to fund Angela’s school and work. I alone covered all her expenses!

Speaking from Mexico by video, Angela said Not can surrender to Britishes!

She assured me that we must get home to Germany where she has to research the Church of the German Holy Mother that is under the Full Moon of Heaven.

Heim ins Reich

Here is today’s Party tune.

Sorry, That’s Too Bad!

Angela never started work on the Irish church. Well that’s because she never had a contract to do so, and the decision not to present and sign a contract with her was consciously made by those who tried manipulating her work. But seeing that the English Child made it to the higher heavenly House, the Irish church – or its absence – isn’t an English problem. Mädel said so, and she is English and has never been British!

While on the topic of conscious decisions, when Theresa May styled out the divorce bill, dedicating three years of public time in the process, she demonstrated that the uk was indeed married to the Italian founding fathers of Europe, that is, to the EU, hence the name of what was known to Angela and her brother Hun very much from the start following our arrival in England after Serbia: the UK.it, meaning dot Italy.

According to Angela’s spiritual calendar, the UK.it died on the last day of August 2019, and thus, regardless what Boris Johnson may have claimed otherwise, it never made it out of bed with the EU. Every British attempt at trying to dissolve the sinful marriage was in vain, and every later attempt on the part of Westminster & Whitehall at bringing about the dissolution of Sovereign England was destined to fail, in particular because in Angela’s calendar under 31st August 2019 it is written: UK died in sin, and under the following day 1st September 2019 it’s written: Sovereign England came to be.

It Simply Isn’t True” – Well It Is!

In our last Party edition Angela Cried Tears With Laughter, it’s written: “Life has an answer for people who lie and cheat”.

Claiming that Angela’s achievements ‘simply were not true’, and with their head in the sand, the followers of the uk went merrily on from one declaration to the next, from one catastrophic decision into the next one, from one false promise onto the following one, and after calling the Fair Lady and the Mexican Holy Mother ‘liars’, they activated the next blunder, which brings us more or less to the present situation whereby Boris Johnson is operating as Winston Churchill the Second and is the self-proclaimed leader of a ‘world alliance against Russia’.

Fact is, in the fall of 2021, Angela returned for a week from Mexico and ordered full steam for Germany, and that’s where Mädel has gone along with Alexandra, and where brother Hun, followed by his sister in Mexico, will be going.

And this simply is true, that is, if the two empty frames of the union flag in the possession of the German Holy Mother have any value and mean anything at all. But even if they didn’t, it won’t change a jot, because the German Lady has an empty frame of Her own to fill and a Child to look after: Her own!

And She gave the order: die Hunnin kehrt zurück ins Reich!

Angela will be going directly from Mexico to Germany once her brother is there.


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