The English Church Isn't Subject to Horse-Trading
Church Constitution
This edition has been commissioned by Alexandra at the Ænglisc Rīce Chancellery to confirm the spiritual status of the church. The expert in matters constitutional, she says that simony can never buy the Spirit nor the Church. It is the reason why Angela walked into a church in Valjevo in Serbia, took the Spiritual Calendar and never paid a dime for it. It is the reason why brother Hun never accepted payment to worship Phosphorentia’s queen. Hermana may be ignored and brother banned, but the English Church cannot be shut down. Even when the Temple Bar is creating hundreds of billions of pounds out of thin air and distributing these sums to be spent as real money - so the City bankers can avoid being declared bankrupt, not even then! And sitting in Windsor Castle running down the clock won’t deter the Spirit. The English Church was founded in Canterbury the capital of Kent, and this foundation is part of the English church constitution. It came around long before Henry VIII plundered the churches. Indeed he never founded the Church, but he did demolish a great number of ecclesiastical buildings that had been standing many centuries before his appearance.
The Fair Lady
Trying to suppress Our Spiritual Mother, attempting to sacrifice Her Child, it won’t work. She isn’t going away.
Light Tower Church |
Humpty will have to leave her castle when the time expires, the UK has gone anyway, but the Church of the English Child will never fail: it’s here to stay. Their queen will have to go, but the Fair Lady will not leave. There is no bishop of Rome or Italian clergy that can undo the Election of Jesus Son of God as High Priest and King in England, for he is God’s Anointed One. The Holy Spirit came to the English by way of him and in the manner he chose. This spiritual advent started in the days of Prince Ethelbert of Kent and his wife Princess Bertha. Doubting the foundation of the corner stone does not bode well, trying to replace it is insanity. And yet a mortal person holed up in a castle is still being shrouded in messianic titles deriving from a false foundation based on Henry VIII.
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