The Saltire: Separation from the Union Jack
What became of the Union Jack?
This evening’s Party publication explains why the Scots would not participate in the westwards charge to victory of the English Cavalry.
Put simply: they wanted back the pieces of the Saltire, for the English were carrying the Red Saint George of England and the Scots intended redeeming their own Cross from what was left of the union flag.
Mädel is good at interpreting these messages and she explained to me that I surrendered the Scottish Saltire only to the Scots and no-one else. What you said, she explained, is “I only surrender the Saltire to Scotland”, because, she continued, this was the reason the Scots followed you: in order to take it from you.
She is right! When going west to Mexico, the Cavalry only carried the English Cross on its white background because we started out from England and within an English-only context. This explains visions I received many years ago but which at the time were not completely clear to me. Indeed the English riders were wearing red tunics and riding west to victory, and I had no intention of surrendering to Scotland and went with the English.
The Separation of Crosses
Victory for England as for Scotland comes through separating the respective emblems from the flag of the dead kingdom. The Scots didn’t want to humiliate me for the sake of it, but only I could give them their Cross from the old flag I once carried.
That which hermana Angela had shown me from the start - over a decade ago – while holding up the linen cloth, was indeed a true insight of hers. According to Mädel, the time had not yet come for me to fully understand. But, she said, you did well in not confusing the English Church with the Scottish Church and in maintaining the distinction between the two lads, never questioning Angela’s superior wisdom. And she went on to praise me for never betraying Our Fair Lady’s interests in regards to the Italians.
More on the Old Union Flag
About seven or eight years ago the Fair Lady came to me in communion revealing that the Establishment was using the union jack to wage war on the union jack, thus rendering vain all attempts on my part at carrying this flag as standard bearer. The fact was, they refused to acknowledge Our Spiritual Mother and instead continued trying to hold on to their queen and her titles. Although my sister Angela saw through it from the start, time had to pass for me to understand that one day I’d be called upon to remove the Red Saint George and place it on its rightful white background. This was the only way to be rid of what became a deceased kingdom that used the union flag for its own ends. The demise of their queen’s kingdom meant both England and Scotland must become each a sovereign nation.
On Scottish Constitution
With one face looking left it’s “I am god-almighty by divine right” and the titles “head of the church” and “head of the state”, are used. Then, with the same face looking right it’s “I decide nothing but only repeat what is written in front of me by my government”.
When you swear an oath of allegiance to Mickey Mouse, then you are swearing an oath of allegiance to the Tory party that has written Mickey Mouse’s speech.
Party Doctrine
They demanded we give allegiance to Humpty, we said No!. Then they tried shutting down The Party. It was grave, but hermana and brother looked at each other and said with determination: Huns never surrender!
¡Ay! Esto es El Party, haw haw haw!
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