Scotland's Child on a Train in Dover
In today’s edition, The Party is releasing more information regarding the Scots.
How Many Trains?
On that day at Priory station, there were two trains. One, as we know, was English, whereas the other was Scottish. On this train too was an infant, the Scottish Child. The Fair Lady’s commands applied equally to both lads, and all those on the Scottish train or with the intention of boarding it were required to be nice to the Child and care for him.
My sister, after dedicating her care and attention to research into the origins of the English Church, then followed the same modus operandi for Scotland, and as is customary, brother Hun helped her. She is faithful to our One Spiritual Mother In High and there is no reason why this should be kept away from public knowledge.
Not participating in a transmutation of cucumber sarnies in honour of Buckingham Palace’s chief resident does not equate to disobeying the command of Our Fair Lady. My sister accomplished her work in the way that she alone could achieve and she did this in relation to the English and the Scot. If Phosphorentia cries foul because his “queen” has been left out of an almighty title, this is not proof of dishonesty on the part of hermana Hun. Indeed it is evidence that Phosphorentia sat on his potty flinging toys at the wall and then stomped off to shut down The Party on the 1st September 2019. Well sister gave me instructions to get the apparatus up and running again and here we are back on air! She dictates much of what is the topic here and has been proof-reading the texts. Not matter brother make spelling mistakes, she said, he just need get subject right.
Alien Allegiance
Scottish MPs and MSPs swear allegiance to Humpty MacDumpty, and they also tend to be attracted to the politburo run by EU commissars. And yet, if this prevents the Scots from caring about Angela’s work and her time and attention dedicated to the Scottish Child, the blame is not hers. She says that the corner stone of the Scottish Church was not laid in the sixteenth century but a long time earlier, similar as the English Church was not founded by Henry VIII. If institutions do not like her work, it is not her fault but theirs for failing to grasp the self-evident. Hermana knows what she sees and will say it as it is, regardless of what someone else might think to the contrary. There is a reason why she is spiritually minded and why the Fair Lady trusts her.
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