Italian Supremacy Against Spiritual Provenance

In this morning’s edition, The Party is taking a closer look at the phenomenon of human interference in God’s affairs, with particular reference to Italy’s attempts at shutting down.

Whose Church Is This?

For centuries, Italians have been claiming that Rome is the capital of the world’s church. All roads, they say, lead to Italy. Going by Our Fair Lady’s standards, however, Folkestone Road leads east to the Light Tower Church at the Castle. If the way is blocked along Folkestone Road and one turns west in the opposite direction, then Our Spiritual Mother directs the way to the Corner Stone, as we have seen in a previous publication. We must ask ourselves whose church this is, because surely it doesn't belong to the Italians. She has clearly shown us that Her road in England heads to the English Church one way or the other and certainly not to Italy. The Holy Spirit comes from High and is directed to the Folk of the land. As the Spirit does not come from anyone else or from some other place, that which is meant by God to be for England is not to be shut down by the Italians. This is the same message which El Santo Padre Mexicano gave when coming to talk with me: He will not be shut out.

Whose Economy?

When it comes to a country’s economic well-being, again the Italians should not be deciding over England’s affairs. We need to ask ourselves whose economy this is. The European Union has its origins in the Treaty of Rome in 1957 and initially involved six states. Yet now the Italian “founding fathers of Europe”, who gradually extended that organization’s domination over many more countries, are presiding over a bankrupt state of affairs run by a politburo and commissars. England’s economic aspirations are no concern of Italy’s and my friend Mädel doesn’t owe the Italians anything. She didn’t take anything from them and doesn’t need to give anything back. She is however interested in good economic ties between England and Mexico and El Continente.

The Gulf Stream

According to Mädel, El Santo Padre sends temperate weather from the Gulf of Mexico to England in the form of the Gulf Stream, thus bringing prosperity to the land. It doesn’t come from the Italians, even if they claim to have founded Europe. Indeed, they may be calling themselves “the holy father” and “the fathers of Europe”, but none of this should be of interest to England. That which is of God comes from God.


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