Prime Policy at the English Chancellery
English Priority
In the following edition, Party policy is being once again spelled out: My girlfriend will never work for the deceased UK’s establishment nor shall we ever allow that they transfer over to Italy information originating from Party members at the English Chancellery.
Overseas Relations
The Party believes in a future special alliance between Sovereign England and Mexico in matters of trade. This is the corner stone in overseas relations as between two equal nations. We drink Colombian coffee from El Continente and not coffee grown in Europe. Several years ago the Tory party told my girlfriend to get lost so there is not a chance they are ever getting near her! It doesn’t matter what the Italians say. On reopening The Party on 23 April 2021, Mädel expressly reminded me not to let the establishment know anything that could keep them in their place of limbo. They need to pass over, they had their time and now it’s time to move on.
While many countries are struggling in Europe to become one empire led by a “holy Roman Politburo” with “Roman commissars”, the reality is that Our Fair Lady of England inherited the Roman Empire in the spiritual version, as described in the Holy Scriptures. Germany lost their compass and are paying for everyone in an epic act of self-sacrifice, but here in Party circles no-one knows why or for which scope.
No Debts
While the City bankers at The Temple Bar are inventing money out of nothing and dishing it out to be spent as if it were real and adding it all to the public debt, Mädel doesn’t owe them anything, in fact she owes no debt to anyone. She won’t contribute to their debts either. She says they made them handing money out to other countries or on City bankers bonuses, but when it’s time to pay up she isn’t opening her purse. And, not less importantly, she won’t allow the Italians to get her work on the sly. Phosphorentia can give them grain from his own sack, not from Mädel’s. This is important!
Being free of financial burdens, she doesn’t care how the Tory party tries pretending to be on top of the public debt, she does know however they won’t be able to fool people into continually believing them. When they go, the whole establishment goes with them.
Impresionante … Esto es El Party!
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