Scotland and the European Union
This evening’s Party publication takes a look at some of the questions that would arise from a decision on the part of the Scottish parliament to join the European Union.
New Situation
In a sovereign state, all revenues paid in Scotland would go to the Scottish central and local treasuries and none to the Temple Bar in the City. This would propel the Scottish treasury to donor status within the EU’s fishing nets, because, going by the foreign exchange rate, the annual average income in Aberdeen would look various times higher than in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria or Croatia – even ten times more in some cases, giving the impression that Scotland is an over-rich country. In reality, these eastern countries have much lower living costs in terms of house and food prices if the comparison is based on the currency exchange. So at the end of the day, the difference in salary is only fictional, as most people in Scotland earn about as much to pay their expenses as those living in Lodz. It’s the difference in the exchange rate that makes it look as if people are richer in northern Britain than in eastern Europe.
Hand Over Your Money – Give Me Your Jobs
However, the commissars in the politburo in Brussels wouldn’t explain this part, instead they’d make believe that Scottish people are seven to ten times richer than in the east of Europe. Scotland would become a net contributor to the once-in-a-lifetime project of the founding fathers of Europe, a group of failed adventurists who started off in Italy with the Treaty of Rome in 1957 and audaciously worked their way along, finally managing to inflict on Italy a birth rate that is dramatically in decline. According to official data, the fall in births will see that country’s population halve by the end of the current century. Many Italians complain that they would like to have children but can’t afford to, meaning that it is not all down to a voluntary choice but inflicted through a bankrupt state of finances. In fact, the money in the EU flows one way only, from west to east, whereas the cheap labour goes in the opposite direction, from east to west, thus causing unemployment for many millions of people in that half of Europe on top of an impossible national debt.
Public Debt
The crippling fifty million pounds a day paid by Britain to the EU over many years, even when counting the significantly smaller sum that came back, dried the finances out and contributed to leaving an impossible debt that stands at around £3 trillion. Scotland’s share of this could be around ten percent. Some of this debt came about through funding the Commissariat’s failed project in Europe, in particular since the eastern countries joined the EU, and more debt was added by paying around £13 billion a year on foreign aid to half the world. Add to this the public salaries and pensions, the NHS and all other public bills, and one can see that membership of the EU was a very expensive experience that only exacerbated an already critical situation.
There is not a chance in Hell the EU would contribute to paying off Scotland’s share of the public debt, they would only add to it by demanding more monies for eastern European funding. And what they do not tell people is that much of that money paid over the years was added to the national debt and, in theory at least, still needs to be paid for by future English and Scottish generations.
Breaking Every Taboo
Presenting the picture as it is has probably earned me another ban for life for stating the blatantly obvious – that which was expressly forbidden to ever say or write. But that doesn’t bother the Hun because you cannot ostracise a person for life more than once.
What counts is that they never managed to get Mädel’s cooking recipes on economics and find out what she knew, could have done or might have made happen. She’s the expert in economics, and it so happens she chose the Hun. Ah haa ay-aauu, Phosphorentia could not get Mädel’s hand!
Our next publication is on Scottish Sovereignty and NATO membership. At The Party we believe the Scottish parliament does not have the courage to stand up to NATO preventing Scottish independence, and Boris Johnson & Co. know this, even if his head is elsewhere in Communist China.
¡Ahi! Esto es El Party.
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