The German Church by Way of Alliance
In terms of national churches we’re talking of the direct connection between the Serbian and the German.
From Serbian Church to German Church
Shortly after Angela’s return from Serbia to Italy the last time, in communion her brother was present when the Serbian Lady with Angela entered the German house and spoke with the German Mother. And, as has been made clear in the devoičica pages here at The Party, the agreement involved Angela’s two best friends also being in Germany, although they were not present in the communion.
It’s owing to Angela’s Serbian matrix that this agreement came to be, because my sister came to the world in Germany and this was how the Serbian Mother wished to thank the German Lady and recommend Angela’s success in Serbia regardless of the Swamp and the attempt made there to steal and cancel her Serbian blueprint – all of which was compiled in Valjevo.
Two Opposing Versions
These people, as we know, claimed to have made the Serbian Faith fail in return for a free passage into NATO and into the eurozone as honorary member. If that claim were to prevail, the German Church would fail before it could ever be researched and presented, and with it the concept of the Spirit in the Orthodox Church would be rendered null and void too.
In fact, in the Swamp they claimed to have possessed and sold the Spirit to some human empires, whereas Angela always maintained that they never were in possession of the Spirit, she having gone to Valjevo and to the church dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica where she got to know the Serbian Mother in the Spirit. It’s their word against hers.
I Took Mädel From the English
At the time when I told my sister about the communion referred to above that was set in Germany, she answered by saying that, according to her spiritual calendar, we first had to go to England and that Germany would be for a later time.
The rest we know, and later in England, in order to prevent the communist commissars of the European Union claiming to have expanded their power over eastern Europe by purchasing the Serbian Church and with it the Spirit, and to have then inflicted devastation on the German Folk, I shut the door on Mädel’s prospects in England*, telling her plainly that she needed to choose between England and her Hun.
She chose the Hun, left England and moved to Germany. Otherwise, the Communist International along with the City banking establishment would have wiped out the entire history of the Orthodox Churches and at the same time cancelled the German Church from its very historical foundations, all the while reducing the populations of Europe – as well as England’s, at the rate of 25% to 40% with each passing generation through their failed and totally bankrupt system and by way of the financial slavery they inflicted on many countries in the form of public and private debt.
Freeing Germany From Communism
Since arriving in Germany, Freundin has been deactivating the political party system that’s been governing there and she’s been preventing the German Folk from becoming the vassal of the aspiring superpower next door to the east.
Angela Hun on her part made sure the British think twice before trying another time to ally themselves with Poland against Germany, because she left two empty frames in the union flag, thereby leaving the British with unfinished business of their own to look into – and which they will never bring to fruition for only Angela could have achieved this†.
Here is today’s Party presentation.
Allies of Germany
Mädel understands that Germany needs allies, and I made sure she understood that if Sacrifice Man succeeded in taking from Germany the Rhine Scroll while communist commissars continue with their inane rants about saving and indeed expanding their EU empire, then with the German Church would fall the Serbian matrix and the Spirit that Angela knew in a church in Serbia.
In this case, the concept of the Spirit within the Serbian Church too would be made vain, and the church-Abortionist in Italy who sold out to the above-mentioned Halloween Man for thirty silver pounds would walk away satisfied with his deed and boasting how he managed to bring down Serbia too through betrayal and to shut down the Serbian Church in the name of the European Union and of NATO, while at the same time doing a service to the British monarchy. This human monarchy would in turn claim that Angela’s words were false when she stated that Jesus is the rightful High Priest of the English Church and the rightful King of the English Folk.
In Mexico
Currently Angela is in Mexico where the Rhine Script‡ was assigned to the German Folk by way of an alliance that neither the church-Abortionist in Italy nor Sacrifice Man of the British could undo. Sister Hun’s spiritual connections and consequently her part in this War are essential in enabling her friend Mädel to achieve success in Germany.
This brings us back to the communion written about at the beginning of this page: the Serbian Mother had made an alliance with the German Mother, and so, after making the Rainbow Transfer out of England and in so doing shutting down her prospects in England, I told Mädel that going to Italy was not on the cards and that the only one country available is Germany, just as Angela had informed me in the autumn of 2021 when she came from Mexico to visit us for a week, the Spiritual Jerusalem scroll having been assigned to Germany.
*Mädel is infallible, it was not the British establishment who had the power to shut her career down in England, it was I her Hun who did this, using the tools at my disposal and the Rainbow of Prosperity.
†The man serving Herod Antichrist, contrary to the church Abortionist in Italy, probably knew the Swamp could not have sold the Spirit and, having made fantastical promises he could not keep, wanted to imprison Angela and force her to at least fill in the two empty frames so that he could place the work in his monarch’s name, but he missed my sister, she having fled to Mexico before he could arrest her.
‡See Party publication Many Pens in Mexico, to understand that the Scroll concerning spiritual Jerusalem was indeed deposited with the Mexicans In High in the night between the 31st August and the 1st September 2019, its written contents however being concealed so that even Halloween Man of the British establishment and the church-Abortionist of the Italian establishment cannot secretly bug or otherwise gain access to the script.
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