Germany and Jewish Affairs

Today we’ll take a look at Judaean participation in Spiritual Jerusalem and how this is relevant to Germany.

Spiritual Jerusalem or the Golden Horde

Today The Party will be dedicating some lines to Doctor Alexandra’s intentions to do research in Germany. After reaching her spiritual homeland of Jerusalem on the Rhine, she is waiting for Mädel to clear out the political party combination that has been wrecking Germany’s economy over the past decades and which decided to challenge the German Mother and Child and replace the Rhine Church with the Golden Horde.

Her intention being to study the Old Testament and examine how it’s been interpreted over the ages by different people, she is to all effect an expert in Jewish affairs. This doesn’t mean her attention is limited solely to Jews and their part in biblical matters, but it’s pretty clear she is the go-to person in matters of Faith in relation to the Judaeans, the Old Testament having been written in Hebrew, the original language of the Israelites.

I’m Going Anyway!”

The Party has presented Alexandra’s case in both the post-2021 version and that prior to the 1st September 2019. Her 2018 request to reach Germany had been turned down owing to British objections in relation to the Welsh and the Irish, so she went to the Promised Land anyway in July 2022 and remained there.

Here is today’s Party music.

Her friend, Mädel, is working to change the government-related panorama in Berlin in order to bring an end to the attempts at inflicting ruination on the German Mother by trying to dismantle the Promised Church under the Full Moon and erect instead an underground memorial to the Cult of Guilt.*

My Homeland Is in Germany”

We made clear that Alexandra also intends carrying out historical research into relations between Germans and Jews, and this inevitably means looking at the survival of a part of the Jewish Nation owing to its Rhine connections. In fact the majority of Jewish people were speaking Yiddish – basically a Teutonic language – from the Rhine all the way through German Lands and on to the Urals.

As we can see, Alexandra isn’t one who glorifies the 366 year long expulsion of Jews from England that started in 1290, or other persecutions of Jews in various regions of the world. She believes in Spiritual Jerusalem of the Nations, and she identified the Land of the Rhine as her spiritual homeland.

On “Breaking the Hun”

Brother Hun had accompanied his sister Angela all the way to Greece in order to return to Serbia, he financed the entire enterprise and the journeys that preceded it. So when the British, following Angela’s work for the English Church, decided that the Hun was now broke and needed to surrender to their human-monarchy in return for some money, he chose instead the ultimate sacrifice, while his sister made it safely to Mexico. Surrendering to their monarchy would have meant reneging on Angela’s declaration that the Son of God is the King of the English Folk.

When the British, following their 2018 deed, came running out of a corner saying: The Scots, the Welsh and the Irish should follow the English in the name of ‘sir’ Winston Churchill, I replied: God forbid, leave the English Child alone! He was later saved by the German Mother and made it to the German House and from there to the Heavenly. The British had tried sacrificing him.

That Was So Wrong!

When the British declared me dead for refusing to renounce the Son of God and call Angela a liar, and for not reneging on the English Church and in place of it worshipping their human godhead, I recall later saying to Mädel: They shouldn’t have done that. If they had managed to succeed in trashing Angela’s presentation of the English Church, they would have taken the foundations away from Greece too, as well as from Serbia. She works by way of links that interconnect, from one enterprise to the next, and one cannot cancel her past achievements without taking the foundations away from the following ones.

By this time Freundin had accepted there was no door open for her in England for I had closed it on her, and she also accepted my explanation: The English got a Church, so Angela and her brother’s duty has been fulfilled here, but I promise you I will bust their English restaurant lest the British take over!

I needed to repay them in kind, however without harming the English Church for which I had fully funded all Angela’s required expenses. Indeed I cheerfully declared to Mädel that it’s better for the English to go to Church grateful to have survived the British sacrifice.

A Broken Clock

In the last Party page A Combined Marriage to the Communist Khanate, I wrote how the Italian spiritual Mother “sought an ecclesial marriage in the name of the Italian Church and refused to have a marriage with the Brittunculi forced onto Her”. The time for Italy came, and it went, and adding to this, Angela was also confronted with the claim “she never did anything in England, and she never did anything in Italy either”.

It so happens she did, and in fact she presented the English Church as of its origins in England, whereas her pages in Italy were taken and hidden away by the known person who specialises in Church Abortion.

Schwester Hunnin had used her Serbian matrix in England, to the horror and dismay of EU fathers and NATO commanders who had hoped to ostracise Serbia and the Spirit from within the Serbian Church. They were out to banish the Serbian Mother and Child from Angela’s vocabulary and from Heaven’s too. Sadly, while England was successful, all that’s left now for Italy is a broken clock, one that’s right only two times a day. Had the Italians believed my sister at least in Autumn of last year, they wouldn’t have insisted on trying to exchange Jesus King of English with a foreign human monarch.

The Serbian-German Spiritual Alliance

Notwithstanding all that the EU along with NATO undertook, and the decision of Italy to renege on the Chivasso Axis, the German Lady still had an alliance to draw upon. It’s the direct connection Serbia-Germany and the three devoičice – see our devoičica editions, which guarantees the failure of every attempt at cancelling the German Church without cancelling the Serbian one too and with it the concept of the Spirit within any Orthodox Church.

Angela received the spiritual calendar from the Serbian Mother in a church in Valjevo dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica and so it’s a question of choosing between believing the Italian and the British establishments on one side, or die Hunnin on the other.

Materialistic, Not Spiritual

In their materialistic mindset, purchasing the Holy Grail in the Swamp seemed plausible. On realising it was fake, trying to imprison the Spirit which Angela abides to with the intention of torturing her and applying reverse-engineering in another’s name also came across as acceptable to them – which explains why there was never a work contract in Italy or in England – where the British were calling the shots. Dirty deeds don’t require an official State-approved work agreement lest the presumed integrity of the foul deed be impugned and contested in public.

Indeed Alexandra made clear: Even if I gave you a million pounds to fund your sister’s studies, without a State-guaranteed work contract, they would just steal all the pages and hide them away while taking out bits and pieces to be signed off in someone else’s name, all dedicated to another’s cause.

Sadly for the Church-Abortionist, however, his Herodian friends can never give Italy knowledge of the cornerstone the Italiana so dearly wanted. Fakery from the Rotten Floorboard, prison keys, no-money, no-replies … all to no avail! And Italy will have to answer for it because I refuse to take the guilt for what the Italian State allowed him to do.

The Sacrifice

Alexandra also intends writing about Sacrifice, only, her version of this word in a biblical context is different to that established in law by German governments and the occupation powers that attempted dominating the Land of the Rhine.

Because the law as it is currently imposed in Germany forbids Alexandra from working there, it needs to be changed, and for this to happen, my Freundin needs to be successful in removing the government past and present: she does so by making clear how democracy can be used and abused to install communist dictatorship by way of EU commissars.

Remembering Normandy

As a good Hun who fought the British in Normandy, and who later in England saved the German poppy from British conscription where, counter to its nature, they tried selling it off as a “British poppy”, I wasn’t inclined to be bothered how brutal Mädel is in going about her task: The more you smear their reputation using your knowledge of the German language, I said to her, the sooner they will go!

I recall reminding her as she sat there looking back at me over the dinner table what happened in England: The British hanged democracy on a gibbet, they smashed it to pieces and dismembered every single word I had said or written in public or to public offices while erroneously believing their lies about ‘democracy’.

Continuing, I recounted how they had officially stated in public at government level: “We knew how to shut down fools like you in two world wars, and we’ll shut you down now as well”.

And that was merciless!, I told her, adding: Now you had your chance in England, Mädel, because when your time came they turned you down too. I was just waiting for them to do precisely that and then I made sure you didn’t get another go as it wasn’t on the cards. In fact I ruthlessly shut down your prospects in England when you wanted to try again, and as I was merciless, so too must you be in Germany.

Looking her deeply in the eyes, I underscored the one truth she needed to know: Unless you clear out first, they will never allow you to manage the Wirtschaft. But if you succeed, then the German Mother wins, for She’s on your side, not theirs!

Back to Alexandra

This brings us back to the protagonist of today’s page: Alexandra. Our expert in Jewish affairs, she’s looking forward to seeing the day when her friend has opened the gates to Jerusalem on the Rhine, for she says this City is open to all nations who follow the Road of the Lord, including the Judaeans – but also the Germans.

Her desire to work in German Land cannot be taken away by anyone, not least because it is not a democratic decision to do so but the decision of a few people who were striving for the Khanate of Europe dependent on China.

The Bankrupt Khaganate

No nation ever voted for the EU commissars except in the second Irish EU referendum – the result of the first one having been rejected. In return for going back and voting “Yes”, Ireland was offered money, which they then duly received.

As a result, Ireland went on a big spending spree, became over bloated with greed and speculation, and then the EU mask fell, the bubble burst and bankruptcy set in very rapidly. This led to a financial bailout paid for by other countries from whom the EU commissars took the money, falsely claiming it was their (the EU’s) money, when in fact it wasn’t, it was Germany’s money and of whichever other western country it was taken from!

It didn’t take long, and Portugal and Greece were also being bailed out with other countries’ money as the EU lie fell soundly down the drain. Which brings us back to Plan B: Let’s sell out to China, dispose of the Holy Scriptures and accept Mao’s Red Book!

Will Ye Choose Me?

This in turn brings us back to Mädel, for, on shutting the English door on her, I had calculated that she would either leave me and choose England, or leave England and choose me. My charm proved superior to what they had to offer her, and the German Mother, wanting to help out, came along and offered Freundin a place in Germany.

In the communion, I believe She asked Mädel why there were no customers in her restaurant, to which she replied: My boyfriend … ! Yes, I had placed a Closed sign on the door. When I told her about this communion event with the German Mother, she was startled that her skills could be so sought after, and so I was right: Mädel left England behind and moved to Germany.

As it stands now, basically, Germany has to choose between her and China. If it’s her, then I should be returning to the Rhine, die junge Hunnin walking along at my side carrying a satchel with papers, wax and crayons.

*A kind of Golden Calf that is contradictory to the Faith.


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