On Democracy in Germany – Part 1
Who decides whether Germany goes to war, the Folk, or foreign governments?
Freundin and German Democracy
According to the opinion polls, not long after Mädel moved to the Land of the Rhine in July 2022, Germany came to being governed by a minority government. If democracy was more similar to its original status in the days of ancient Athens, considering that elections were not held every four years, the failed ideas and political trajectories of any given party would have been voted out of the State’s body and replaced with another set of ideas in pretty short order.
And not less important is that when the citizens of Attica wanted to go to war, they first discussed and then voted on it: if the majority decided in favour, only then did they go into combat. And when they wanted to end a war, again, they deliberated on the prospect of coming to terms with the enemy and terminating the conflict – by public consultation and by public vote.
“Forget the Rhine … Cross the Rubicon!”
In Germany, a minority government (as according to the opinion polls) is in a position where it is told by EU communist commissars, NATO generals and foreign governments what to do and what not, when to go to bed, when to get up and when to fight another country’s war! And having a Lodz-orientated policy, this government could find itself being pushed and shoved into crossing the Rubicon in relation to the war between two Rus peoples, and all this in order to appease an aspiring super power next door to Germany.
Brother Hun has not got involved in the war in Ukraine so as not to ruin Angela’s intended future studies on the Church origins of the Rus peoples, and he knows that in regards to Germany, her river of identification is the Rhine, not the Rubicon. This latter river, however, established a place in history as a crossing point that can determine destiny.
Here is today’s Party march.
A Church, Not Mass Destruction
When Mädel crossed over towards the Rhine, with her went my words: Das deutsche Reich braucht eine Kirche, nicht einen Krieg der Zerstörung!
Having identified Germany’s new religion as being predicated upon the Cult of Guilt studded with self-condemnation, and having understood that democracy has been stamped out and replaced with the law of the commissars operating through a foreign and alien institution called the European Union, she was aware that the narrative: You owe us! would be used by one or other country to continually hook monies from the German public’s purse.
This has been happening to the point that Germans are working to maintain other countries by way of EU net-contributor policies in favour of net-recipient states being funded on a blank cheque system. Much of this has gone on the public debt, meaning Germans would have to work tomorrow, next year and in five years time to extinguish net-contributor expenses paid years ago to eastern European recipients and long ago spent by them on a no-refund policy.
She also understood that one day, someone will stand up and say: The Germans have to send weapons and armies to fight against our enemy because they are guilty and owe us!
And this is the point of the Rubicon-crossing where the Church is meant to be replaced with the mass grave, followed by the self-satisfying, hate-filled sentence: You deserved this owing to your unforgivable guilt!
Standard Education Policy: “No Mentioning, No Criticising”
Discarding standard German educational norms, the Hun decided to mention the one whose name is forbidden in the State propaganda curriculum and who may not be criticised: Stalin.
A communist system – which is what the EU is – never mentions their inspirational comrade Stalin, for doing so would expose his crimes, as most of what he accomplished was accompanied by spates of arrests, mass deportations and mass killings which are very hard to hide away. People disappeared on a daily basis in the USSR and at times entire populations disappeared, usually to reappear somewhere further east and devoid of many of their original number.
So now we know why society is not allowed to criticise Stalin, because his policies and those of the EU commissars only differ in how the population disappearance manifests itself, the results being otherwise identical.
“Sorry But You’re Going!”
Many nations subject to the European Union and its predecessors (the Common Market and the European Economic Community) are in fact gradually disappearing.
In order for a population to remain stable in numbers without increasing or falling, the necessary birth rate per woman in a western country – where infant mortality is not as high as in some other countries – is calculated to be 2.1 births, and that’s just to pull evens.
Under careful EU surveillance, however, it gravitates somewhere between 1.2 and 1.5, and the more a country is burdened with public and private debt, the more its birth rate is at the lower end (1.2 or 1.3), such as in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece, while Germany’s is at 1.5. This means, the Germanic population would decrease by about 25 percent in one generation, whereas further south in the aforementioned countries the reduction would be about 40 percent.
Oh and of-course, “this has nothing to do with the EU and its communist system!” - just joking.
Our next Party page is: On Democracy in Germany - Part 2.
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