Operating on Time and Never Too Late

Having fraternal responsibility towards his sister meant she always came first and her brother Hun was never late in caring for her needs.

Arriving on Time

When the bus pulled up at the appointed place in London, having just crossed the main road with suitcase in hand, I thought: That was well timed!

At the bus stop, Angela, who had temporarily moved to England from Germany not long before and decided she couldn’t stay here any longer, got down and held my wrists in her hands as she greeted me, then she turned round and got back on the bus, I following her.

On the bus she introduced me to her two best friends who were travelling with her till Dover. This is how I got to know Alexandra, who told me her spiritual homeland is Jerusalem on the Rhine. And I got to know the one I’d later call Mädel, who looked German to me – and for all I know may-be always was. They both went to the same private school as my sister.*

Talking a Lot

During the journey, my sister was very talkative and spoke a lot about how she just wanted to get out of England and back home to Germany.

Here is The Party’s first musical presentation for this page.

This went on the whole journey, including later when we arrived in Italy, where she switched to speaking in both Angela-English and in Italian. My sister was explaining little by little why she had asked me by phone if I could accompany her to Serbia, for at first she had only said it was in connection with her studies, but by now I was guessing it was also a vital step for her to get out of England, to then use Serbian connections to return to the Land of the Rhine. Having duty of care towards her and being responsible for her education, I had readily agreed and taken a handsome amount of my savings to fund our journey.


In Italy I found accommodation from where we could plan the journey in detail, and eventually we made a trip to Rome and then from there across the Apennines to Ancona. Talking in a loud voice, Angela would explain why she wanted to go to Valjevo and commit to the Serbian Church, saying it had to do with the Spirit – clearly something she couldn’t find in England.

In our last Party page In the Service of the German Reich, I wrote how, years later, my sister would go on to declare that the Spirit she had worked with "cannot be sold, for it came not from man, not from the Plank, but from the Holy Trinity through a church in Valjevo”.

It was years later when brother Hun realised that Angela sought to free herself from the sacrifice associated with Karfreitag, for the powers-that-be had attempted to sacrifice her, but Jesus having returned at Resurrection, she had received spiritual contact from the Serbian Mother, and what this led to we know, as it has been amply written at The Party. Angela had associated the Serbian Church to Resurrection at Easter, but only in connection with the Holy Trinity and its spiritual manifestation which cannot be grasped and possessed by humans, and in connection with the Faith in One Heavenly Father Only, as taught by the Lady In High of any nation I have had contact with.

Listening in

Before we departed the first time for Serbian Land from Ancona, I had strong indications that people had been listening in, and my conclusion then was that the sbirri had been put into action. These people work for the State, they follow orders, and those who give them orders in turn work for the head of the state. In this case they would have been working for a ‘founding father of Europe’, something similar to a ‘human holy father’ claiming possession of the Spirit!

Matters came to a climax between Italy and Dalmatia as we sailed across the Adriatic Sea: a man from among the crew came to us and said that the land we could see in the distance to where we were heading was in fact Italy, the ship having turned around, and he said that if we wanted to change our mind and get down in Italy, to just let the captain know.

But knowing that the vessel hadn’t turned around, after he had gone away carrying a tray of cups, I consulted my compass and gave Angela a glance through a raised eyebrow, saying: We’re on course to Serbian Land, there is no other land in front of us.

Later we went out on deck to enjoy the view of the mountains in the distance, when another man came along, this time a passenger, saying to us: Don’t go to Valjevo! The land you see is Italy, the ship got into trouble and turned around, you are better advised to disembark in Italy.

Back in Italy

When we got down from the ship in Ancona, Italy, it was not before Angela and I had first travelled to Valjevo, where we had looked around and decided on a house where we would take up residence on our return there: it was situated just across the road from the church dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica.

It was then that I found more permanent accommodation in Italy and rented a villa by the sea in Liguria, a place where in winter it is fairly mild with no ice or frost, and Angela and I slowly planned our return to Serbia. It was also here that the sbirri presented themselves again in the street, for they had bitterly resented our having visited Valjevo and the plans we had drawn up to find accommodation there when we would return to Serbia.

They had overheard Angela talking to me in Ligurian restaurants about her intended studies in Valjevo, and it had not escaped my attention that Serbia was still considered an enemy nation owing to recent wars that had been fought there which involved NATO and EU expansion.


Doing my own strategic calculations, I reckoned the founding fathers of Europe were trying to create a schism within the Serbian people and had set up a base on what later would become the Rotten Floorboard, and as time passed by, it became evident that the one who would reveal himself as church-Abortionist was already at work and had set his sights on us.

The events of Serbia we already know, including how Angela and I returned there at Easter the last time and made it back to Valjevo. She had avoided stepping on the Rotten Plank again by going the long way round through Greece and Bulgaria, but sadly, those of the Plank had also been kept informed … and stole Angela’s written work dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica in Serbia.

So at this point we’ll fast-track forward to when we returned to Italy the last time from Valjevo and my sister had managed to bring back the hidden matrix which they could not find on the rotten plank that is above the Swamps – what they stole was a course copy Angela had got me to write in bold ink and place in her satchel.

The Great Controversy

A dispute had broken out in Serbian Land between the Serbian Holy Mother and Child on one side, and the EU and NATO on the other. The church-Abortionist in Italy was working for the expansion of the ‘founding fathers of Europe’ all over central and eastern Europe, he needed to cancel Serbia from the equation owing to the opposition the Serbs posed to his masters’ expansion schemes, while at the same time trying to shut down the Spirit that is in the Serbian Church.

The people he allied himself with became honorary members of the eurozone and claimed to be able to sell the Spirit in return for becoming a new people with a new state, separate from the Serbs, while at the same time trying to take over in Belgrade the capital of Serbia! This is why they stole my sister’s Serbian manuscript after it had been compiled in Valjevo, and in so doing they assumed to have cancelled all reference to the Serbian Church. They were using contacts in Belgrade enabling them to subvert the cause of the Holy Mother and Child of the Serbian Nation. They were working one and accord with their contacts in Italy – who would later go on to betray the Italian Church.

Ecclesial Marriage, or No Marriage!

They claimed to have somehow sold the Holy Spirit out of the Serbian Church to the church-Abortionist in Italy – but without giving any proof that they had actually handed over the Spirit, whereas Angela insisted that the Serbian Mother recognises only One Holy Father and the ecclesial marriage within the Spirit, which is the fruit of the Holy Trinity.

Now Angela, after we had returned to Italy the last time through Ancona, set about applying her Serbian matrix to the Italian Church, and then the Abortionist came along and said: Questo matrimonio non si ha da fare, né adesso, né mai!

Later, Angela applied her Serbian matrix in England to the English Church, and Halloween Man, who worshipped his own monarch, called her a liar and tried exposing the English Child at the very cornerstone in Folkestone, but the German Mother came along and saved the Child, as narrated on Party pages.

So when the Italian spiritual Mother wanted Angela back in the autumn of 2022 to work for the Italian cornerstone, the Abortionist, who had already tried evicting Her from Marmorito Santa Maria and had hidden away Angela’s written research carried out in Italy, felt he had a very big problem to deal with.

They Should Have Sacked Him Long Ago

Not having been relieved of his authority as commander with unlimited access to institutional offices notwithstanding the change in government in Italy, the church-Abortionist carried out a colpo di coda and opted for an abortion, selling out to British Halloween Man and to his human monarchy for thirty silver pounds (so this was in autumn of last year). Well he was the same person who had already opened the gates in Italy to the British Antichrist many years earlier.

Seeing himself then exposed by none other than the Italian Santa Madre who denounced his latest betrayal which She counted as selling out in return for £30 sterling, he then set about trying to transfer his guilt onto me. He got his partner Sacrifice Man to send people telling me that Angela was a liar and with her the Italian Mother too, and so my sister warned me not to fall for the bait, for if I did, he would exact satanic vengeance on me, whereas she would remain in Mexico.

According to my sister, he wants to cancel all her spiritual work starting in Serbia, pretending it never happened, and this from the very man who directed the operations from the start to try and make her fail in Serbia! He’s trying to break all the links between Angela’s work and to eradicate the times in which this work came about in an attempt at bringing down every Lady In High in his War against the One Holy Father.

The church-Abortionist is a loser and with him his British Herodian partner, and this is how they should pass into history, along with all the consequences of their actions.

In Germany

While Herod’s police are strutting around in England unable to reach their hands to the empty frames Angela Hun left in the union flag, by sending Freundin to German Land in July 2022 I made sure they could not inflict ruination on the German Mother and Child as they did to the Italian Mother.

The political parties who have been driving Germany against a concrete wall must be following Halloween Man’s script, and yet the German constitution is not subject to his British HM monarchy but rather is based on democratic elections.

Once Mädel has made tabula rasa of the current political party system that’s been in power there over the last decades along with its Cult of Guilt, Angela will return to Germany, her brother at her side carrying a 24 hour briefcase containing a work contract.

Before she left England, I said to Mädel: Democracy acts upon reputation, destroy their reputation, and they will have to go, and that will put paid to uk Herod’s War on the German Holy Mother and Child!

Here is today’s second Party musical presentation.

*Years later the British wanted to place Angela in a comprehensive school, saying she needed to first obtain an eleven plus, but she had snubbed them with a bah humbug! adding: Not can!

Something similar was to happen many years later, after Angela had left England for Mexico, when two men speaking with a Scottish accent walked past me in the street in England, one of them looking at me and saying: Don’t be nice to him! I assumed he was speaking of the Scottish Child and thought to myself: Actually, they were supposed to be nice to him, for that had been the law at Priory Train Station, but if they’re not, it’s their decision not mine, they answer for it, not me.


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