On Democracy in Germany – Part 2

They said it should never happen again. What, that Germany stands up and says: No!

Never Again!”

In our last Party page On Democracy in Germany – Part 1, I wrote: “When Mädel crossed over towards the Rhine, with her went my words: Das deutsche Reich braucht eine Kirche, nicht einen Krieg der Zerstörung!”.

In a low, menacing voice and looking at me with a deranged glaze in the eyes, they said: “Never, Ever … Again!”. And I was condemned.

Of-course I had confirmed my place on the commissars' list of the damned ad vitam aeternam, but that doesn’t bother me as I was there already and died at the hands of the British because of it – Britain being an EU member-state at the time still working together with EU commissars trying to cancel the EU membership referendum of June 2016.

And it further doesn’t bother me because Mädel is in Germany rectifying the problem relating to communist dictatorship. These people remember the massacre of Dresden as a self-inflicted punishment for “racism”, not as a crime against the German People. The same can be said for all other massacres in German cities inflicted through mass aerial bombings. And these are the very individuals who could sacrifice Germany one more time in a war of destruction owing to their contempt for the dignity of the German Folk.

Dresden Has Nothing to Do With Palestine” … or Has it?

As Mädel told the Bavarians, the State propaganda will not make any connection between those massacres in German cities and the abolition of the Semitic homeland in Palestine in the White Paper of May 1939, or with the racial grievances existing between Jews and Arabic-speaking peoples in that period in relation to this homeland and which were racially motivated one way or the other.

They won’t make any inference between the desire of the Polish state to help or encourage millions of Jewish people to emigrate to Palestine in the 1930s, and the outbreak of World War 2. The part that is left out of the narrative is the decision reached by the Polish government and Ze'ev Jabotinsky to bring about a Jewish revolt in Palestine planned for October 1939 in response to Whitehall's decision to cancel the promised Jewish homeland. 

According to Freundin when she spoke in the Wirtschaft, the Second World War was started in order to appease the City bankers and their dealings with King Ibn Saud and Aramco, at that time a Saudi-US oil company, for Ibn Saud owned the oilfields but didn't want the Jews emigrating to Palestine.

Mädel Deliver Victory!

Once Mädel has completed her work and the minority government is gone, I’ll see if Angela is still prepared to leave Mexico.

Should Angela not have changed her mind and still be willing to travel along the Rhine, I will of-course have some conditions to be met, one of these being that my name is taken off the mortuary list where the last ‘great coalition’ placed it while someone sat at the hairdressers with a pot on their head.

If the self-condemnation and self-hate preached to the Germans was to lead the German Folk into one more war of destruction, I’m sure there would be a few virtue-signalling politicians left who would hold a Dresden-style “sombre church service” full of shame and full of opposition to German identity, followed by a silent human chain of, say, five people “symbolising peace and opposition to racism”.

This is why I rely on Mädel to do an absolute job in her clearing-out process, because once the self-hating, self-condemning Cult of Unforgivable Guilt, the pages of which were compiled by Stalin (see the Katyn massacre as an example) has been identified as having no place in German culture, Angela could actually travel along the Rhine with her brother at her side.

Sadly I haven’t spoken with her any more about this prospect and cannot guarantee anything as it stands now. She might have decided to just stay in Mexico!

Here is today’s Party song.

And Yet!

But one truth is certain: Halloween Man will not secretly hand over one jot of anything of Angela’s to anyone.

He will be left to strut around ‘leaving no scrap unturned’ in his quest to find clues and investigate, a warrant in his pocket assuring him that someone in the Swamp sold to someone else in Italy the Holy Grail of wisdom in return for ‘entering Europe’ (becoming an honorary eurozone member) and for becoming ‘a different people, not the same as they previously were, but racially unique’.

Halloween Man and his friend in Italy will look on in dismay as they realise there is no such holy grail that came from the swamps and no human holy father or founding father that can change this truth, including in Belgrade.

Exspectantes Reurrectionem

There were two possibilities: either remove the German Church and the German Folk in the name of the Cult of Guilt, or deactivate the chips attached to a hairdresser’s pot in the German parliament. If Freundin is successful, I should one day be walking with Angela from a train station to a castle on the Rhine in Teutonic Land – commonly pronounced Deutschland.

It doesn’t bother me what anyone thinks in terms of racism about this, because I burnt the bridge behind Mädel when she left and she is on a make or break mission: either stand and strive, or fall, for there is no turning back!

On the day Freundin left England, the die was cast: she stepped over the Rubicon and there is no deal to be made. Sorry! (Just joking, I’m not really).

Our next Party page is: Germany's Minority Government.


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