In the Service of the German Reich
Either Angela was going to German Land from Italy, or directly from Mexico.
Descriptive Language
Sometimes Angela and I speak in German, sometimes in Spanish, but when she has negative things to say, it’s usually in English – in her version of English.
When I showed her the responses coming out of Italy after I had contacted some offices there this year on her behalf, and considering all the explanations that had been given in reference to the Italian spiritual Mother, my sister, sitting in her safe haven in Mexico, looked at me and said: They want transfer brother into Italian prison, lock up, torture, and he never leave prison again! In Italy, Britishes inches* look in and taunt him, they laugh with Italian friends who betrayed spiritual Mother and call her liar. Brother buried in steel box and they bang on coffin with iron bars and he not can die, they place big dogs outside and bark in day and in night, and say brother he suffer in hell. But sister, she stay in Mexico!
*Pollici, an Italian measurement translated into English.
It’s Him!
Angela was looking at me through the screen, and I observed her eyes suddenly widen as she exclaimed in Italian: È lui!
Of a Sudden it dawned upon me, it was written in her expression: going by what I had told her in relation to the replies, and that his British partner Halloween Man in the meantime kept sending people calling me a liar, my sister had seen the hallmark of the Italian church-Abortionist who sold out to the Antichrist.
This brings us back to many years ago when in Italy I had seen in a vision my sister being knocked down by someone coming from the west after he deliberately targeted her while driving his car, for him to then turn around and drive away west whence he had come.
When I told her about it back then, she didn’t say much, but the other day as we spoke together by video, it became clear. She had detected the very man who had opened the gates in Italy to the Antichrist and presumed to consign her into ruination to Sacrifice Man, the one working for Herod and who wanted to arrest and place her in a British prison to obtain information in the name of his human monarch.
This is the same person in Italy who, in the autumn of last year 2022, on reading that the Italian spiritual Mother wanted Angela back in Italy to research the cornerstone of the Italian Church, had sold out to Herod for thirty pieces – for thirty pounds sterling.
“Renege on Your Faith!”
The church-Abortionist, following our return from Serbia, had claimed to have purchased the Holy Grail on the Rotten Floorboard. Then he went on to presume to have shut down all reference to the Serbian Mother and Child. But in Italy, Angela had refuted his claim, stating that she had gone to a church in Valjevo dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica and that the Spirit she had worked with cannot be sold, for it came not from man, not from the Plank, but from the Holy Trinity through a church in Valjevo.
When she fled from England to Mexico in 2019 in the name of Sovereign England, Angela avoided the prison, for by that time, a furious Halloween Man was out to get her to fill in with colour the two frames she had left empty so that he could walk away with the complete union flag and consign it to his own monarch.
Instead of her, it was brother who ended up in a British prison where I refused to renege on the Faith that my sister had held dear to in Serbia. In prison I did not bow down to his worship in a human monarch, not even after being offered some regular payments and a knighthood.
The Matrix
Angela applied her Serbian matrix to research the English Church, it was part of the continuation of her mission, and she had declared Jesus, Son of God, as the one High Priest of the English Church and the one King of the English Folk.
On the Rotten Plank they had not managed to steal this matrix, for what they had taken were but pages written in ink in Serbian, whereas the original was concealed by Angela in her jacket pocket between two layers of cloth. Yet in the swamps they claimed to have sold the Sacraments, and in Italy the person on the case was convinced he now possessed the holy anointing oil*.
Operating for his bosses who styled themselves as the founding fathers of Europe, his orders were to enable the spread of the EU over eastern Europe while making believe an Orthodox Church had been eliminated and that there was no opposition from the heavenly City.
*It was in fact snake oil.
Defending My Sister
Years later, while in the British prison following the events of 2018, I refused to renounce the Faith, remembering the Serbian Mother who had come to me in communion and every Lady In High who had spoken to me in the Spirit, and so eventually Herod’s men found a mundane excuse for declaring me dead: They had “imprisoned a Nazi war criminal and found him guilty”.
Sometimes a man can be called upon to commit the ultimate sacrifice, and I the Hun did precisely this so that Angela can return to German Land with her Serbian matrix. In fact, on being declared a war criminal, I rested my case and consigned my spirit to God’s judgement, for I had no intention of arguing with them over an accusation that is but trivial when compared to the greater cause Angela represents.
Knowing they had not forced me to renege on the Faith my sister held so dearly to, I confirmed I had fought their British grandfather in Normandy, that he had the sun in his eyes and the movement of the waves beneath his feet just as he jumped from a landing craft, that he slipped and fell in the water, while we were higher up in the dunes concealed in bunkers.
And now I was in a British prison and was expected to answer for it – an irrelevance in comparison to the English Church my sister had dedicated herself to! Betraying the Faith of his sister was not an option for brother Hun, but he did admit and live up to his own deeds. I did it for Angela and died, while she escaped the chains and the rack.
Last Words
My last words to them were: Those among you who are English, remember King Æthelstan, king of the English, who fought the British at the Battle of Brunanburh, for it is written in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle that never yet as many people were killed before this with sword’s edge since the East-Angles and Saxons came up over the broad sea. Now go to Church and rejoice in the English Child, for Angela showed you the way!
On her part, Mädel had used the Anglian Cross as her avatar, the emblem used by the Teutonic tribes who had settled in what came to be England and which sometimes was engraved on their spearheads. Hers was from an original coming out of East Anglia in the early centuries of Anglian settlement there.
I recall explaining to Freundin that the accusation used by the British: You Nazis came and stole our land and settled here, you have no right to a church!, was proven wrong by none other than the Son of God.
According to my sister, said I to Mädel, the heavenly High Priest sent Bertha, a Frankish princess of the Merovingian dynasty, to bring the Faith to her husband, prince Ethelbert, the future king of the Kentish kingdom whose capital was at Canterbury. And this proves the British wrong!
And I continued saying: Before leaving for Mexico, Angela was in England on this side of Offa’s Dyke and east of the Celtic Sea, she worked for the English Church and left two empty frames in the union flag because regardless how much other people resent his status, the English Child’s Church is not theirs to take from him!
Satisfied, Mädel clenched her fist and said: God Is Just!
When, during our recent video conversation, Angela realised who the person in Italy dictating the narrative actually is, that is, after I contacted the Italian State earlier this year, she immediately understood they were in denial. In order to cover up all that they committed to in the past, they were now demanding I call her untruthful.
Having funded her journeys to Valjevo, and having been visited in communion by Ladies In High confirming the truthfulness in Angela’s words and deeds, I accepted my sister’s version of events regarding the person in Italy committing sabotage behind the scenes while covering his own past actions.
She warned me that they were calling the Italian spiritual Mother a liar too, that if I acted on what they were demanding of me, I would pay a price: the secret services, and the institutions these work for, would lock me in a prison in Italy, the British Intelligence looking in and laughing, and the day I would go to Germany with her would never come!
She warned me they were trying to transfer onto me the responsibility for all that they did. Looking me intensely in the eyes, Angela said: Brother: not do! Hermana warned me not to take the blame for how these people set about inflicting abortion on the Italian Church and not to have their guilt transferred onto me, for they would accuse me of what they did.
According to her, once I were to throw off the shield offered me by the Italian spiritual Mother who required I denounce them in public, I would have surrendered to the church-Abortionist still at large in Italy and consigned myself to his satanic vengeance.
The Transit Room
In our 25th December 2022 edition In Communion In and Out of England, my status was revealed to me: I am in a train station next door to England with a German ticket waiting for a train to Switzerland – in the way described in that page.
So this is how it stands at present:
The Church-abortionist in Italy wanted to bring an Orthodox Church into ruination, the Serbian one, denying the Holy Mother and Child of that nation. He went on to declare War on the Italian Mother who abides by the link Valjevo-Ancona-Liguria, and in Brussels there is still someone from the past German government (the great coalition) materialising and making absurd claims about expanding the EU to eight and eighty other countries – no doubt a ruse aimed at keeping intact its current format.
Once Mädel has sorted out the misunderstanding and put paid to the belief that it’s possible to defy the German Mother and Child and sacrifice the Rhine Church, I will eventually leave the transit room next door to England. It all depends now on Freundin!
Here is today’s Party song.
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