Germany’s Minority Government

They are not going to shove this sacrifice on the Germans regardless what they claim and how many millions of times they claim it!


When Mädel wanted to work in England, the British said: “We don’t want Nazis” and turned her offer down. Consequently I denazified Freundin’s English restaurant and later she moved on to Germany. So soon as she departed, Alexandra at her side, I burnt the bridge after her and flung the sponge on behalf of the British. Being a good Hun, I said You only kill a Hun once! Having a Church that Angela presented in public domain*, I decided the English had plenty and should be grateful for this.

Sacrificing the German Church for the EU

In our last Party publication On Democracy in Germany – Part 2, I stated: “looking at me with a deranged glaze in the eyes, they said: “Never, Ever … Again!”.

In 2018, the German State turned down the requests made by Alexandra and Angela to do research in Germany on biblical and Church matters, and instead I received a letter from HM Revenues demanding I denounce myself as a liar “who doesn’t work” and “never helped Angela research the English Church”, which they had called “irrelevant”.

They ended up demanding I pay them £1,800, and as I owed them nothing, the British inherited my last five pounds, for I left them everything and shook the dust from my boots. In fact I had refused to climb up a chimney with bucket and pickaxe and inhale soot for people trying to sacrifice the German Church while working with EU commissars to save the EU. This was following the June 2016 European Union membership referendum!

Sadly for the British establishment, they never managed to get hold of Angela’s two empty frames, not in a filled-in version nor an empty one, for they both ended up hanging in limbo in Germany – empty.

Die Führung

Within time, I sent Freundin on to Germany to prepare her place in the Wirtschaft, because in the meantime, the German Mother had offered her the Führung of the German economy. I told Mädel the English Child made it to the heavenly House out of harm’s way, that the English Folk doesn’t have a reason to hate me, that she needn’t worry. Those who detest me, I told her, are the British ones who’ve been treating me as a sub-human.

After I had shut down her prospects in England, she had nowhere else to go other than to German Land – for I gave her no other option, and with her went Alexandra to her spiritual homeland of Jerusalem on the Rhine.

Step by Step

One of her first tasks was to assure Germany had a minority government, and counting from July 2022 this didn’t take her long. Mädel’s next task was to bring an end to the new religion that was foisted onto the Germans whereby the German Folk became the world’s sacrificial lamb, or scapegoat, to be offered up in sacrifice.

The English having escaped this destiny, as a man of Limburg whose Saxon grandfather was born in Bavaria just a stone’s throw from the administrative confine of Saxony and later moved to the Rhine, I relied on Freundin to sow the seeds of doubt in the heart of the German Folk in preparation of the conversion back to the Faith of the forefathers.

Commemorating Sacrifice

During and after the Second World War, Stalin, who denied the Nuremberg Tribunal access to any crime scene they were investigating, put into circulation the new Cult of Sacrifice, his sole testimony being the only one accepted. Anyone who doubted Stalin in the USSR was arrested and shot, and therefore no-one in the USSR doubted Stalin. In fact no-one disputed one word he said. And so his testimony was delivered to the Nuremberg Trials as ‘fair and trustworthy’ and, in particular, as ‘undisputed’.

Fiction books such as House of Dolls and Hollywood productions of similar taste would later cement this new cult into the minds of people all around the world until many actually believed it. Whereas previously – as according to King Ibn Saud – the Jews were the cursed people, now it was the Germans.


It ended up becoming the only religion in Germany for which, if you openly disputed it, character-destruction and a prison sentence were guaranteed. On the same grounds, anyone calling the bombing of Dresden ‘an unjust massacre of German residents and of refugees escaping Red Terror’ became 'a rabid extreme right-wing … whatever!' who should be rebuked. The official Cult version is that the Dresden massacre doesn’t count one jot other than to smear it in the face of the German Folk as something risible and ridiculous, the same applying to any other German city that was destroyed through wholesale slaughter in the Second World War.

No Church Sacrifice

Mädel knows that Angela needs to return to German Land to present the Rhine Church which cannot be sacrificed, and only if my Freundin succeeds in her current enterprise can the sacrificial offering to Hell of the German Church be prevented.

Her Hun, who has spiritual contacts of his own, was not going to take sitting the challenge offered against the German Mother by someone with a chip-rooted pot on their head in Berlin. According to the Scriptures, a Church is not for sacrifice, regardless in which language one wants to translate this word, whether in Hebrew, in Greek or in eight million others.

Brother Hun said: This catastrophe should not befall the German Folk, and because sister Hun is in Mexico where she avoided being imprisoned and tortured by Herod’s men, Germany is not lost. And he concluded: The English Child having escaped catastrophe, so too should the German and therefore Angela will return to the Land of the Rhine!

Here is today’s Party musical.

*Sacrifice Man cannot undo the written word according to Angela which became public in legal ways, in good faith and is destined to spread.

Italy was not an option – Mädel had already been there and they tried stealing her Italian manual.


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