Germany’s Minority Government Revisited
Its popularity dwindling by the week, Germany’s government is rapidly losing favour.
Das Telefongespräch
Recently I spoke with Freundin by phone and told her that the British and Italian agents are congratulating themselves for inflicting abortion on the Italian Church. These people work at institutional level and have access to any government-related office, hence the possibilities at their disposal to commit sabotage – from a human perspective – are practically unlimited.
The objective of our talk was that now, feeling emboldened, they are out to abort the Rhine Church. Mädel listened carefully as I told her that the very people in Italy who tried stealing her manuscript written in Italian when we went there years ago on holiday, remained in their positions even after Italy’s change of government.
Listening in Silence
And so I revealed to Mädel that earlier this year I contacted some Italian State offices in order to help Angela carry out her studies in Italy, and in response, people were showing up calling me a liar, and it was clear they were being sent by the British agency to whom someone in Italy had sold out for thirty silver pieces.
It was hard explaining this to my sister in Mexico, she took it badly, because I was doing this for her and for the Italian spiritual Mother who had summoned me in communion to help Her. Mädel listened quietly as the picture was being presented in its brutal reality with regards to her best friend who evaded the prison of Herod’s police but was being insulted again by the same people in Italy who had stolen her work there many years ago.
It Depends on You!
If these people manage to knock out the Serbian Mother and Child and cancel Valjevo in Serbia from sister Hun’s curriculum vitae, I told Mädel, it will be out of rage owing to their failed attempts at exchanging the Serbian Church and the Spirit for their European Union empire and NATO that accompanies it. But because it’s never going to happen, they decided as plan B to sit there and simply waste Angela’s life away and that of her brother.
She relies on you, Mädel, for only if you succeed in continuing to diminish the popular support for the German government to the point that they have to go, the British and Italian agencies cannot bring about the abortion of the Church Under the Full Moon. They are out to cancel the alliance between Serbian Mother and German Mother and to sacrifice the German Child, and therefore you must stop them!
In a Nutshell
Freundin, having listened carefully, assured me that the German government, as it stands now, would get 28% of the vote, whereas last week it was still at 36%, and this is because the realization is spreading among the people that the political parties in power over the last decades have ruined the economy and reduced it into bankruptcy.
My reply to her was: Do whatever you must to wreck their reputation, Mädel, they have to go! The German Mother chose you, She did this for you and the Wirtschaft, and She did it for Angela so that you can open the gates to her in German Land where she came to the world. The reputation of the political parties that embarked Germany on insane enterprises of failed empires dedicated to communist and to City-banking rule should be so small, that it can fit into a nutshell!
Getting Younger
We spoke for some time on German affairs, although for obvious reasons Freundin can’t reveal where her lessons are located and to what extent she travels from place to place and gets the word around - apart from the generic statement that she is running a school and gives private lessons there. The British can’t find her, they are powerless to do anything about her activities, and Wolfgang keeps tabs on security matters in relation to Mädel’s whereabouts.
Towards the end of our conversation, I declared to an enchanted Mädel: There’s a reason why In High they gave me a renewed life, why I am resembling more and more the man in Wehrmacht uniform you knew from the photos, the one you fell for and said you loved.
Having duty of care towards my sister Hun, if I died a second time at the hands of the British and their Italian agency friends, no-one would care for Angela, she’d be alone and they would declare victory over the Serbian Church and over the Church of the Rhine! The Italian spiritual Mother would be aborted and only the English Child would have made it to the heavenly House.
But you my Freundin promised me you would reciprocate all that Angela and her brother did for him, that you’d open the door for her return to German Land with her brother at her side, and now all depends on you! You were chosen by the German Mother who offered you the place of honour in Germany, you are loved In High, do not fail your duty!
Here is today’s Party presentation dedicated to Mädel, the one who I took from the English and gave to the Germans.
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