Why Democracy Became UK’s Enemy No.1

What Referendum?

One may wonder why in 2010, somewhere before that year’s general election in Britain, both UKIP and the Tory party were offering the idea of referenda on important issues both national and local.

So soon as the Tory party got into government in a coalition with the Liberal Democrats, the idea of referenda was swiped from the Tory party’s vocabulary. Why? Because the unelected administration in Whitehall decided that there was no place for democracy in Britain. A subsequent infiltration of UKIP by Tory party agents then made disappear from UKIP’s agenda all reference to national and community democracy in regards to popular votes on important issues. So much to UKIP’s vaunted Swiss style democracy!

The Whitehall Regime

It may not be clear to everyone that Britain is anything other than a democracy, and yet, this is the case. For example, whereas Athenians in ancient times could vote on whether to go to war, and whether to end a war by suing for peace, no-one in Britain – except politicians following Whitehall’s directives – got to vote on whether to go to war in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Libya, or to get involved in the wars in Syria and in Yemen. Then again, no common person got to vote on Britain fighting two world wars in order to enter Europe. These two wars were foisted onto British people whether they liked it or not, and never was the option given to the people during the wartime period of 1914 to 1918, or 1939 to 1945, to vote for an end to the fighting.

As Mr. B.W. once wrote on a public forum in Dover: “we knew how to shut fools like you down in those two wars!” OK, understood! However the Hun did publicly inform you at the time that your wars in Afghanistan and in Libya were not going to get you anywhere.

City Tyranny Banking – London

For anyone who doesn’t know, the Bank of England employs hundreds of bankers at the treasury, which is supposed to be a public institution. The Bank of England and Whitehall are in fact the tyrannical secret government, and their party of preference is the Tory party, which the City Banking - Civil Service secret elite manages like puppets. The first past the post electoral system in Britain always assured that one or the other of only two parties is actually ever in government, sometimes with the marginal contribution of a third party. And as we have already seen in a previous edition – here is a link, Tony Blair the former Labour prime minister was employed by successive Tory governments to run Middle East affairs, namely with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, unelected, of-course, and oftentimes involved in secret policies designed to obfuscate transparency even though they should have been considered of public interest.

Power, Top Salaries and Bonuses

People may have wondered why City bankers, chief executives of large share companies in general, as well as arms dealers and various other characters (see Tony Blair), get massive salaries and even greater bonuses (these latter sometimes ten or twenty times higher than their actual annual salary), and why they always get away with it. The answer is, they are the governing elements of finances, and they are always guaranteed for by the unelected Whitehall regime that in turn dictates what the puppets in parliament can vote on – or not discuss at all. At this point, readers may be having a clearer understanding as to why common democracy on important local matters, and even on issues of national concern, doesn't stand a chance in Hell of passing Whitehall’s approval, because democracy would inevitably lead from chaos to order and that would mean stopping the self-serving hands of the City establishment.

Public Inquiries Going Nowhere

We have already seen in previous Party publications that Whitehall wasn’t going to allow David Cameron and Theresa May to act upon the Chilcot Report – which was a public inquiry – not in its undeleted form, nor in its washed-down fake version, and that indeed the inquiry was dragged out into the long grass for years and then simply ditched under Theresa May.

Similarly, the public inquiry into establishment child abuse in Britain was deliberately sabotaged and then faded out into nothingness – again under Theresa May. Child abuse in the Westminster establishment has been covered up, and this includes (as mentioned by Sky News before they suddenly ceased reporting on it) the acts of the Special Branch that used to follow child abusers in order to later pass on the details to Whitehall so that the child-abusers could be blackmailed once they became involved in high-ranking posts (in government). Who else would the Special Branch have passed this info on to?

An article in the Express from June 2014 sheds light on Special Branch activities in the child abusers scene, with reference to members of the political establishment, Home Office state-funding of child-abuse activity and documents on establishment child abusers being detracted and disposed of. Here is the link to the article. The white-washing of a public inquiry operated by Theresa May only lasts as long as it takes for the whitewash to come undone.

Bankrupt State and Fake Pound

Since 2009, following the financial crash of the previous year, the (what was then) UK treasury has created 895 billion pounds in quantitative easing, usually abbreviated with QE. Of this, over 500 billion QE pounds were created during the Covid19 pandemic, when, in 2020, Rishi Sunak gave the go-ahead to use fake money to avoid any kind of taxation of the City elites to fund the lockdown.

The question is: how does the City avoid the pound depreciating in value, let’s say by around 99%, with so much fake money being created by the Bank of England (of which the treasury is to all effect a subordinate puppet), considering that the entire sum of GB pounds officially in circulation amounts to £80 billion once all banknotes and coins are counted?

The following is a graph of the Bank of England showing how much GB pound currency is officially in circulation.

Banknotes in circulation

Evading Bankruptcy Declaration

In 1975, the amount of GB pounds officially circulating as legal tender was £5 billion, in 1995 it was £21 billion, in 2011 £48 billion, in 2019 £70 billion, and in 2020 it became £80 billion.

The total sum of cash in circulation determines the value of a currency on the international exchange, and this is also the case of the pound, whereas QE does not, because it is not considered real money. So how can 895 billion fake pounds be created over an eleven year period in Britain without crashing the system, considering that it is used as real money when in reality it is not?

The QE emissions are being used by the Bank of England primarily to purchase treasury bonds, and the sum is then added to the official public debt, meaning that the public is supposed to repay this debt to the treasury at some time in the future with real, hard-worked for money, and the treasury in turn will hand it over to the Bank of England, who created it out of thin air, making the Bank of England the beneficiary. In other words, they create fake money at the BoE to avoid the City being officially declared bankrupt, and then get this back in the form of real money, while the City establishment continue stuffing their pockets with top salaries and bonuses. Whereas democracy based on correct knowledge of the situation could lead to the City being officially declared bankrupt and the puppet parties not being voted back into parliament, fake money is used to keep a failed economy running, and the puppets continue working for their masters in Whitehall and at the City.

Selling Assets to Foreign Countries

The attentive eye will have noticed that there is still a grey area concerning how the GB pound remains a super-currency, never deflecting from its artificially high value on the international currency exchange. In fact, QE fake money alone cannot keep the City from falling. To achieve a situation whereby the City can be financed into the future and remain above the waves, there must be something else at work. Indeed there is, and it is a way of attracting massive foreign investments in the form of real money to back up the £80 billion of GB currency officially in circulation.

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar have collectively invested at least £160 billion of petrodollars in Britain, and in return the “UK” has had to go to war against Iraq and Libya and get involved in upheavals in Syria and Yemen. And this is another explanation as to why the Whitehall - City establishment cannot tolerate democracy, lest the common people get wise and prevent such things happening in the name of private oil-dynasty families lusting for power way beyond their own borders and using the “UK” for their own ends, all in return for the bankrupt City’s privileged status being protracted further into time.

Chinese Communist Party

This brings us to the remaining piece in the puzzle. The Tory party, as a puppet institution of Whitehall and the City, decided, some way back in recent history, to progressively sell out Britain to the Chinese Communist party in return for a much greater sum of money than even the oil-dynasty families could afford to spend. In return for Mao’s red book being taught in English nurseries and England’s economy being operated from the Chinese Communist party’s headquarters in Peking, China would basically buy up the economy and invest hundreds of billions – nay even a few trillion pounds worth of foreign currency in England’s bankrupt economy with a lavish percentage being reserved for City top-salaries and bonuses. The gravy train was assured, highspeed or not, and the Tory party would have continued conning their way along, well apart from the common people, but somehow connected through BBC and Sky News and a few others, and the odd appearance from Buckingham palace (or Windsor castle).

This brings today’s Party edition to a conclusion, with a hint that it appears these grand plans of the City bankers are quickly disintegrating as world events take a different turn.


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