Hun’s Corner Is Back on Air

Hun's Corner Revisited

In this edition, we are reprinting a Party article published in September 2018 written independently by the Hun on his own initiative and since taken down with the Disqus deletions. It highlights our stance in that period on trade with China and on tariffs in general on cheap imports, and evidently it didn’t go down well with the Westminster sell-out to Communist China and George Osborne’s ‘golden era’ ideology of a one-way Communist takeover of England’s economy. We may assume that the plan was: the sooner Britain’s economy goes bankrupt, the sooner China will buy up England’s economic assets and in so doing give the City establishment an extra lease of life. It was never in the interests of the common folk but in China’s interests and in those of the City banking elite that bankrupted Britain and should have been declared bankrupt!

Here is the reprint:

Anglia Of England

@angliaofengland (September 2018)

More Tariffs on Chinese Junk

Today, The Party reports from Hun’s Corner and takes a look at President Trump’s latest move on the chessboard against cheap and nasty one-pound products sold in the pound shops all over the world, from cheap imitations of English can-openers to reverse engineered American F-15s, plastic laptops and paper mobile phones, as well as fireworks that go off before you light them.

The Hun saw from across the Pond and approved.

The information can be fact-checked in this link to a Sky News article of September 2018.

In the latest round of customs duties, America shall be imposing a 10% tax on two hundred billion US dollars worth of Chinese imports, to be paid on crossing the borders of America.

The Hun says: just do it!

These taxes are to take effect as of 24 September (this month), and are to be increased to 25% starting next year. Combined with the tariffs recently imposed on other Chinese imports to the USA, around half of all China’s exports to America – which amount to about 500 billion dollars a year – will be under President Trump’s new tax regime.

Hun’s Corner says: brilliant!

Even better, the President of America warned that should China retaliate, the other half will also be taxed. That would mean that all China’s exports to America would undergo tariff application starting with 10%, hopefully increasing to 25%. No more cheap junk!

President Trump did say he expects China to amend its ways in which it deals with America when it comes to trade. He said China’s trade policies “plainly constitute a grave threat to the long-term health and prosperity of the United States economy”.

He couldn’t have expressed it better – although the Hun would have gone further.

He also said: “For months, we have urged China to change these unfair practices, and give fair and reciprocal treatment to American companies.”

Chinese Communist Agenda Is Different

However, China changing its ways in trade will be unlikely. For China to do this it would need to abolish its core principles as its trade relies on reverse engineered production of western inventions and downloaded technology hacked from companies.

Donald Trump has noted America’s massive trade deficit with China, which last year amounted to $336 billion.

The little silly man in my area (the establishment commissar) will be asking: will this affect my pension?

Hopefully yes! It might have a 25% tariff imposed on it to help pay for the schooling of English children so they can have a place in English society.

I’m fine Jack, I’ve got my pension!”

Yes and who pays for it? That’s why England too needs import tariffs on Chinese junk, and I the Hun propose going a lot further than President Trump on this matter. Fair trade and free trade can be two very different things. One is fair, the other is open to unregulated carpetbaggers.

End of text.

Standing up to Communism in England

The stance taken by the Party was always in defence of England. Now it is dawning on many people how Whitehall – Babylon the City harlot – was busily running to those who would pay them in order to avoid a declaration of bankruptcy, whether in the Arabian peninsular with petrodollars, or in the Chinese Communist party with almost unlimited reserves of money. Only Chinese money could have funded the mirage that Boris Johnson and the Tory party were painting on the horizon in 2019, in the months before the pandemic came and brought about the lockdown. That mirage was their plan, the ‘golden era’ which Cameron and Osborne were working for, and also Theresa May, and that Boris Johnson was supposed to deliver. Where the pandemic actually came from might be coincidental, it might be up for discussion and dispute, but it appears that it was the death of the City’s plans to betray democracy for Communism.

Dominic Cummings

When Dominic Cummings, Boris’ former top adviser who later got sacked at the end of 2020, talks about how clueless Boris Johnson was during the pandemic, may-be even he doesn’t understand to what extent Covid-19 put a spanner in the Tory party’s plans, although, to his credit, he does state that he and other advisers at 10 Downing Street were talking about ditching Boris Johnson as prime minister within days of the 2019 general election owing to his sheer incompetence. That was in the days when Boris was making high-rise plans based on money no-one except the City knew of: Chinese money from the Communist state. So if even Dominic Cummings didn’t know, or the other advisers in 10 Downing Street who got unceremoniously sacked, or Sajid Javid the chancellor and his team who got sacked by Boris straight from go, then one may assume that the common people were not aware either how close the Tory party had brought England to the abyss of Communist takeover. The mercy blow appears to have been dealt by the US Administration at the June 2021 G7 summit in England, when Boris was told that selling out to Communist China is no longer an option.


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