The UK Double-Crossing America

Is Russia an Enemy?

Back in 2016, the MI5 was spreading rumours in secret that Russia may have interfered with the vote on whether to leave the European Union, and later within that same tone spread the rumour that Russia had influenced the US presidential election. Meanwhile, a former MI6 agent prepared the Russia-Trump collusion allegations leading to a wild goose chase in an attempt to destabilise the USA and get rid of the President of the United States of America.

This all came about under the leadership of Theresa May, the same person who threatened to annul the EU referendum unless her “deal” with the EU commissars was accepted – even though no-one in Britain ever voted for a deal with the European Union, but on whether to remain in - or leave - that organization. It is the same Theresa May who prepared the illegal £39 billion exit fee to leave the EU, a treasonous act that cast Britain into a Versailles Treaty situation to which Boris Johnson later signed up, just so he could claim, as newly-elected prime minister, to have “managed a deal”. He was later to go on making fantastical claims that he would “build forty new hospitals, import 25,000 more nurses from abroad, build a Chinese-funded high-speed railway track, fund (with Chinese money) a powerhouse in the north of England, span a bridge between Scotland and Ireland … all of which came to nought. As we can see, Russia was not the enemy either of Britain or of the United States of America. It was the EU commissars and the government of Theresa May who were threatening Britain with cancellation of the democratic EU referendum or with sheer bankruptcy of a kind that was previously inflicted on Germany in 1919 at Versailles. Boris Johnson later signed up to the latter of these two possibilities.

The following article from The Guardian dated July 2019 gives insight to the unfounded rumours spread at secret service level under the watch of Theresa May and aimed at sabotaging credibility in the US presidential election by depicting Russia as the enemy that decides who gets to govern in the United States – here the link.

It’s the Russians!

As stated in a BBC article published in August 2020, “Mr Steele (former MI6 officer) was behind the so-called Trump-Russia dossier, which alleged collusion between Moscow and the US president’s 2016 election campaign”.

The article goes on to state: “Former MI6 officer Mr Steele gave evidence to the Intelligence and Security Committee’s Russia inquiry, which released its report last month. The report criticised the security services for failing to investigate whether the Kremlin had interfered in Brexit and other areas of politics in recent years.” Here is the link to the BBC report. 

It becomes clear then that “Russia brought about Brexit and Russia decided who became the US President”! Or does it?

Secret Policies With Communist China

Under Theresa May’s direction, and with the complete collaboration of the Tory government and Whitehall, a decision was made at a secret meeting of high-ranking UK ministers, including the prime minister, to assign to China the installation of microchip-related technology in the 5G telecommunications systems, a move that would also jeopardise allied countries, including the United States. The idea that decisions of public interest should be made secretly by ministers – above the heads of the common people – is in itself proof that the opposite of democracy not only is tyranny, but can lead to serious betrayal of public and national interests.

Someone, however, listened in to the meeting and leaked the information out immediately. The Defence secretary was blamed by Theresa May and sacked, even though he strenuously denied any involvement.

An article in The Guardian dated May 2019 gives valuable insight to Theresa May’s secret dealings with a foreign entity and how she dealt with any opposition, both real and presumed. “Gavin Williamson has claimed that he is the victim of a ‘kangaroo court’ after being dramatically sacked by Theresa May over the leak from the National Security Council of Huawei’s involvement in the UK’s 5G network.”

The article in The Guardian goes on to explain: “The Daily Telegraph obtained details of discussions at the NSC, including the claim that the prime minister had overruled several ministers, to allow the controversial Chinese firm to be involved in building ‘non core’ parts of the 5G network”. Here is the link to The Guardian.

May-be it was the MI6 who did it, by now aware of the treasonous consequences of Mrs May’s top secret actions and her ruthless tyrannical stance on any opposition within the government (Mao Tse Tung?). Only the arrival in England of the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, in July 2020, when Theresa May was no more in a position of crucial authority, was the decision to open up Britain’s 5G telecommunication system to China cancelled. If it had not been for this visit from the United States, then Boris Johnson would certainly not have yielded. Otherwise he would have simply cancelled the Theresa May & Co. decision some nine months earlier on entering 10 Downing Street – which he didn’t. On the contrary, on entering that place, he was busily continuing with the selling-out to Communist China programme, and making his fabulous claims of coming prosperity, obviously based on the notion that Chinese money would do it.

After all, he always said back then, before the pandemic broke out: “We can do it!”.

Qualified Opposition to Boris Johnson

It was in that time, when Mr Johnson was making his wild claims of prosperity, that the newly appointed chancellor, Sajid Javid, along with his advisers, raised concerns as to the financial feasibility of these plans. Confronted by Boris Johnson with the demand he sack all his advisers, Mr Javid chose to resign instead, to be replaced by Rishi Sunak, who obediently went along with the “prosperity” tropes coming out of 10 Downing Street, when the whole cabinet had to repeat Boris and say: forty new hospitals, 25,000 new (imported from where?) nurses, five thousand more Police officers, a highspeed railway, a powerhouse in the north … in a show worthy of Maoist theatrics in the politburo.

Perhaps the first chancellor under Mr Johnson, the one who was ruthlessly expunged, hadn’t realised to what extent the Tory party had planned on selling Britain’s assets out to the Communist Party of China.

Black Sea Incident

This brings us to the point where we need to seriously ask ourselves whether the deliberate and provocative act operated off the Crimean coast by a British warship, HMS Defender, under orders from Westminster, was not a desperate attempt on the part of Boris Johnson’s cabinet to create a basis for military hostility with Russia, no doubt in the hope that this would prevent the large British carrier fleet – of which Defender is a part – having to proceed down the Suez Canal and on towards the South China Sea, as is envisaged in its plans. These plans were drawn up around three or four years ago, before the USA became officially awoke to the Communist China world-hegemony campaign, and we can imagine that, over the past few months, the carrier fleet’s voyage must have become of serious concern to Westminster, whose plans are anything other than confrontational with China.

If so, then one would be advised to ask serious questions as to the reliability of a government – the one purporting to represent “the UK” – when it comes to an alliance of understanding in preventing the Communist takeover of the western hemisphere. Because Mr Johnson and his predecessors were clearly baking their cakes on the Chinese Communist furnace and their entire financial plan for the utterly bankrupted “UK” economy rested on selling out Britain’s economy: to a lesser extent to Middle East petrodollars, and to a much larger extent to the publishers of Mao’s red book.

The Consequences of Anti-Russian Diversion Tactics

If Westminster’s machinations are left to go unchallenged, the extreme danger which the West is heading into is that Russia, systematically provoked, could be drawn closer and closer into a military alliance with Communist China, something that Russia traditionally has avoided. We need to ask whether precisely this is the aim of the Tory party’s secretive Whitehall and City elite, which, totally bankrupt and liable to paying up towards the public debt with real assets (including private), would do anything to thwart an end to China’s Communist purchasing schemes in Britain – and anywhere else in the world, for that matter.

To put it frankly, these people see the idea of an English court of law releasing a “You are declared bankrupt” sentence as the one and only enemy, and they will literally try to do anything to avoid this, even if it meant selling out a large part of the world to Communist China and driving into China’s embrace the otherwise independent-minded Russia.

The False Oracle

It wasn’t Russia that bankrupted Britain, it was the City, but Communist China could bail out the established elite. Therefore, everything the City does is a misdirection campaign, and redirecting from China to Russia is part of this strategy. It works fantastically – for them!

Otherwise, it will be an English Court of Law based on financial facts, and they know this.


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