UK’s Communist New World Order

Following Britain’s exit from the European Union, the Conservative party of the UK was just a few steps away from consigning Britain to a New World Order of Communist origin that has been gradually creeping into a position of global dominance.

Microchip Semiconductor Technology

In line with our recent editions, The Party is looking into the developments currently taking place in England in regards to China. Since around last week, an outcry is arising to prevent the Chinese state takeover of a British firm based in Wales that produces microchip semiconductors. These could be used in both civil and military production, including electric transport. It would seem incredible that Boris Johnson has allowed this purchase to go ahead and not taken measures to prevent it, if it wasn’t for the fact that he, and those who tell him what to do, have been for many years orchestrating the gradual sale of British economic infrastructure to the Chinese Communist state.

In order to have an idea what has just been sold off and which the Chinese state is waiting to take away to China to be produced there instead, here is a link to to the company’s technical capabilities. We’re talking of more blueprints the Chinese state still need in their quest to become the new leading world power. That is, if these secrets haven’t already been sent to China over the past days since the purchase was concluded. The sale of this semiconductor factory took place after the June 2021 G7 summit in Cornwall, as if Boris Johnson wanted it to happen after seeing in which direction the winds are now blowing in the USA. The suspicion is legitimate considering the circumstances and the recent declarations in regards to China on the part of Boris Johnson and his family-government.

Semiconductor production is in shortage at global level owing to the rapid transformation of means of transport from oil to electric traction. Companies such as the one mentioned are destined to receive many orders and to create more employment, as well as to earn substantial income. And yet, according to the “UK” establishment, these companies have to be sold to foreign investors “in order to create jobs and bring wealth”. The claim would be considered a bad joke if it wasn’t for the seriousness involved. It is Treason!

The City Dealers

Fully fledged British production sites creating sophisticated technology developed in Britain are being sold off to foreign competitors on a systematic scale, and the Tory party is explaining this as if referring to a nineteenth century village made of mud-bricks in need of foreign investment to build a clinic. It has been happening for years under recent Tory governments and leads one to assume that there are middlemen in need of a cut of the profit and working for foreign competitors. We need to ask who these people are. It would appear they are operating following a scheme dating back at least a decade – to the days of the Cameron-Osborne government, to enable Communist China to take over the economy and its vital components. It isn’t that England needs China for technological development, or to create work in Britain, it’s a case of vital blueprints of existing production being sold off to China on a systemic scale to take away profitable work from Britain and redirect the profits to China. And now, not only the scientific knowledge is being exported straight to China, even the production sites in Britain are being sold to China!

The cream of British research and technology is being transferred straight to Communist China, and the dealers doing this are not the people who researched and invented, but others.

Nuclear Power Plants

Further outrage is being expressed at the Tory party’s plans to enable Communist China to take over the scene in the construction of nuclear power stations in England. The national energy supply would be controlled, both financially and technically, from the Communist party’s headquarters in Peking. England would become a subsidiary of Communist China, with the prospect of the lights going out whenever a dispute should arise with the Chinese Communist party. We would all have to shut up! Here is a link to an article on how the current situation is viewed by MI6 circles. To the question: How do you see the development of technology continuing to impact global and national security issues?, a direct reply on the nuclear issue is not given. So The Party gives an assessment of its own: considering that China is a nuclear power and is increasing its nuclear weapons capacity, any further talk of involving China in nuclear infrastructure in England would be completely insane. Not least because threats have been made recently in China to use nuclear weapons on Japan in case of a war.

The real question we need to ask at this point in time, is: how long will Boris Johnson continue in his muddled-up attitude of not knowing what to do when it comes to the future of England’s infrastructure? Until very recently he was imagining himself as the bearer of a balancing policy, carefully carrying a platter on his head with appeasement to China and Chinese investments in Britain on one side, and “being great friends of the USA and of Pacific countries” on the other. Now if this man is allowed to decide over the future of nuclear, then the world be dumbfounded!

City Rogues

Meanwhile, City rogues would still be sitting there cashing in top salaries and stuffing their pockets with enormous bonuses after having bankrupted the economy and then sold out its assets. They would be given a special status by their Communist masters and benefactors and also told what to do and what to tell England to do – and not do, acting as obedient puppets in return for their continued City bonuses. Hong Kong may be a part of China, but England isn’t.

The Party says that, according to conventional and established law, those who bring about financial bankruptcy need to be summoned to a bankruptcy tribunal and have their private assets frozen pending liquidation, while not being allowed access to the estate which they have busted. As it stands now, these very people have been caught in the act of trying to sell out a country – England – to a foreign New World Order in return for hanging on and cashing in their annual City bonus, perhaps with donations to the Tory party factored in. This is something which Sovereign England cannot tolerate.


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