When England Becomes Free
Years of Treason
Today’s publication is another one from Captain Merryca published at The Party in 2018 and brought back to life again for public view. At the time, the Captain was expressing his emotions and more generally those of many English people in regards to the two years or more of frustration that the then prime minister Theresa May had already inflicted on England from the day after the June 2016 EU referendum, which she deliberately tried sabotaging following the directives of the Tory party, Whitehall and the failed and bankrupt City bankers.
The truth is, when Boris Johnson later became ‘prime minister’, in December 2019, he went to Europe and signed off the exact same “deal” which Theresa May had worked out, and he did it knowingly and as a puppet – albeit a lying one – of the Tory party establishment. It is why the City, instead of emigrating to Europe to remain there (as the Captain suggested), continued ripping off the English Folk, signed away the £39 billion treason-deal (as in Versailles Treaty), and generally continued handing over every day £50 million to the EU from the day of the EU referendum in June 2016 till around 2020, placing the bills on the public debt and expecting English people to pay all this off.
Boris Johnson Lied
Boris Johnson never was for leaving the EU, and all his actions are proof thereof. He signed over to the European Union England’s fishing waters and allowed the EU to expel tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to England, by simply placing them in dinghies in France with orange jackets and then transporting them via the French navy into English waters. These actions still continue, they are utterly illegal on the part of the French state and of the EU which gives the French government the authority to do so, and the so-called ‘UK’ government allows them to do so, because they agreed with them in secret to make it happen in order to make England fail and force all of Britain back into the European Union. In fact, England is getting all the people who illegally landed in Italy over the past years.
Absolutely everything Boris Johnson did was in accordance with his family members, including his father (the one who dictates law concerning submission to Communist China), who are all pro-EU, just like Theresa May and David Cameron and the larger part of the Tory party back then. He never was what he claimed to be, but instead always worked for the EU commissars in Brussels, just like Theresa May before him, and David Cameron before her. He isn’t merely a failure, he is a liar – like all the prime ministers were before him in the twenty-first century.
Here is the reprint of Captain Merryca’s page back then in 2018, including the link he gave to the background music.
Merry England
Tonight Captain Merryca is seated in the studio in England.
By the grace of God the Hun has gone on holiday and sadly his girlfriend went with him.
Please activate this link for the soundtrack.
I'm contemplating how England will be once the EU has departed and the government too, especially after the prime minister Theresa May will have signed over almost £40 billion as a departing bill to the Brussels government. Perhaps she'll receive a job as adviser to the EU once she leaves Westminster, what we call here riding the gravy train.
Firstly, many of us will be making merry in the streets, we'll be dancing all day and on through the night. If that is what it costs to see the back of Theresa May and her government and their EU chums - the grand figure of £39 billion - let's hope they take the bankers in the City of London with them! We will then print off 39 billion pounds and send it after them, even rolled in balls in the form of toilet rolls. Maybe I could sign a few of these off as the new governor of the Bank of England with my very own signature.
Once Theresa May and her government have gone, and the city bankers and the chief executives too and have departed forever to live a new life in Europe, we will reintroduce the maypole in England and we'll bring back our old festivities of yore. We'll remember Alfred the Great and the old times when England stood up, expelled the invading looters who took our silver, and went on to become a centre of learning and culture.
Yes we will be happy and we will dance for days and for weeks and we'll start adapting ourselves to a new form of life where we are a free people, merry and industrious. We'll plant orchards and we'll plant gardens and we'll tend to our flocks and never again will we give up our sovereign nation.
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