UK-China Policy and the USA

China or America?

In today’s number, we will be presenting a summary commissioned by the English Chancellery highlighting Westminster’s response to President Biden and the US Administration when it comes to policies towards China. At the recent G7 summit in Cornwall, England, that took place in June 2021, the US called on Britain and Europe to subscribe to an investment plan that would counter Chinese economic domination around the globe by offering a balanced alternative.

Belt and Road Initiative

Presented in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative is a master-plan of the Chinese government to establish land and sea routes from China to the rest of Asia, to Africa and to Europe, and even beyond, for example to Britain and as far as the United States of America.

This plan involves large investments in the restructuring of roads and railroads for transport, and the purchase of ports around the world which are then modernised in order to cater for largescale cargo trade with China by sea. However, the project also includes the purchase of assets such as steel works which in turn can be used to lay out more railroads.

One such example is the very unpopular plan to construct the HS2 highspeed railway in England, which is neither wanted nor needed. Another example is Chinese investment in new and – again – very unpopular nuclear power stations that the Tory party wants to build in England, which would be funded and owned by China, either partly or entirely.

The Belt and Road plan, in practice, consists in the progressive purchase of assets by China in other countries, to the point that these countries become entirely dependent on China, even to the extent that they could not break away without being shut out from what would become a Chinese-dominated world economy. Under the Tory party, Britain became perhaps the first subscriber to the Chinese Communist party’s plan to bail out bankrupt economies by buying up their assets, and this plan goes back to before 2010.

Rishi Sunak Challenges America

On the 1st July 2021, the Asia Financiallinked here - reported: “Rishi Sunak highlights £40 trillion Chinese financial services sector as a target for UK firms, as potential deal with EU fails”.

This is a blatant challenge to President Biden’s request that western countries adhere to a new formula, namely to avoid embracing Chinese funds in return for selling their assets to China, not least considering that China has already bought up vast amounts of infrastructure in many countries.

A Trojan Horse

According to a report in The Times - in this link – published on the 2nd May 2021, “Chinese investors have amassed a portfolio of UK businesses, infrastructure, property and other assets worth nearly £135 billion, almost twice as much as was previously suspected, an investigation reveals today.

The swift and largely unnoticed buying spree includes at least £44 billion of purchases by Chinese state-owned entities.”

Clearly we can see that the Tory party UK has long ago decided to transfer Britain’s future over to the Chinese Communist party. There is no plan B, and Britain would in effect become a Communist country run from abroad, while the City elite would still be stuffing their pockets with large salaries and even greater bonuses, just like they have been doing ever since Henry VIII plundered and – in many cases destroyed – English churches.

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