UK’s Catastrophic China Decision

In economics, dumping-price transactions and fair trade are irreconcilable.

UK-China Relations

The following publication at The Party is a presentation of various texts, one being a verbatim reprint from a 2018 edition – later cancelled when Disqus channels were shut down, the other a very recent social media post from the Hun which the English Chancellery has asked me to include on Party space. We are highlighting the catastrophic decisions taken at Whitehall-government level in the ex-UK in relation to China and then left for England to deal with.

The following is the reprint of the Party’s 2018 article:

Chinese Junk

Anglia Of England   

@angliaofengland    •a few seconds ago (2018)

At The Party we will be looking into projects to promote trade between England and El Continente.

Clearly there are too many junks crossing the sea to reach Britannia's Shores and we need to impose strict trade tariffs on the merchandise they transport, especially when it is made of plastic and produced at a wage of 50 pence an hour.

Creating work for English people in England should be a priority in the field of employment, and this can be integrated with imports from Mexico and the countries further south.

Fair trade and junk-price trade are two different things, and what we are getting from China comes under the latter.

It simply cannot go on!

This will be bad news for the City banking establishment, but when hard times hit, they could well be sleeping in parks anyway once the bankruptcy tribunal has caught up with them.

Ahi! El que impone el sabor.

End of text.

And here is the reprint of the Hun’s recent social media comment promoted by the English Chancellery:

On Beliefs – Chinese Belt and Road Initiative

Beliefs are associated to – and are the root cause of – actions. Hence, a belief, or set of beliefs bound into one concept, leads to one or another course being followed, but should not lead to contradictory roads which do not reconcile with each other, that is, if the belief is to have a chance at being successful when translated into real life. The description of sequence is therefore:

  • 1. Being convinced in a belief – whether one's own or of a group.

  • 2. Decision to take action based on it.

  • 3. Follow a particular path by applying actions. This requires investing time and effort and significant resources, both intellectual and financial, that will affect the person or group concerned and may affect a wider range of society.

One very good example of how a belief is destined to fail can be seen in the City administration at Westminster. They were the first and the most important customer of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative. This was in order to attract Chinese financial investments to bail out the bankrupt economy through the massive sale of assets to Communist China. At the same time, however, Westminster considered the USA to be the best friend and ally. As a result of these two separate relationships, as soon as Communist China and the USA became two separate camps each with their own requirements, with one pitted against the other, the entire belief system at the City, as also at Whitehall and in the "UK" parliament, was destined to collapse.


In a belief system, one cannot ride two different horses at the same time, or walk two different roads in one, when each road leads in a different direction. A consequence of doing precisely that is the presence of the "UK" carrier fleet heading towards the South China Sea. If a war breaks out just then, that fleet will either:

  • 1. Receive orders to fight for China and against the USA.

  • 2. Be ordered to fight on the side of the USA and against China.

  • 3. Turn round and sail home with a squadron of US aircraft on deck just as Uncle Sam needs them.

End of text.

Junk-Price Trade

Known also as dumping prices, the sale of industrial products at prices that equate to junk items, as explained in our opening 2018 edition, undermines fair trade and thereby ultimately suffocates production in the countries that are subject to the import of under-priced manufactures. The difference between dumping prices at below-manufacture costs and prices based on unequal currency rates is often a grey area. In fact, if the Chinese currency is artificially low in comparison to western currencies to the point that one hour of factory-work in China might equal 50 pence in Britain or 50 cents in Europe, then economic prosperity in the West can only be wiped out. Only the City bankers and a restricted group of dealers profiteering from cheap imports can earn on that, whereas many among the working people stand little chance of decent employment.

In our upcoming publication, the Party will be presenting the case concerning the Johnson dynasty currently connected to 10 Downing Street and its involvement in national and international politics, whereby it appears they were trying to emulate the Borgia family of Rome, or perhaps the Medici of Florence, in installing a new world order of sorts on a father to son basis while completely miscalculating the consequences of the risks they were prepared to take on the global chessboard.


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