Churchill and Ibn Saud

Saudi Arabia on Social Media

The following is an account of a post on social media coming from the Hun and which the English Chancellery has requested be published at The Party. It concerns Winston Churchill’s UK and king Ibn Saud & sons of Saudi Arabia. The following is the transcript of that post:

A clear example of the case presented in the above article has occurred on a website I’ve visited over the past week or so. Three posts of mine have been removed instantly, two of them a few days ago and one today.

I noticed the following: there are between ten and a hundred mods on there, which means 100% surveillance at all times; the topic in question which they hated and removed had to do with how World War Two started. The first two comments of mine that were put immediately into pending, and then removed, were in defence of the Jews in reply to a claim that “the Jews won WW2”, because they “started it”.

So, defending the Jews is against their narrative! In fact, I had mentioned king Ibn Saud too.

The third comment removed, the one from today, was going in the same direction, and its removal confirmed that they hate any reference to king Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia as being involved in the White Paper of 1939 and how World War2, which started in September 1939, prevented a Jewish revolt against the British Mandate for Palestine that was planned for October the same year (a month later), in which Poland would have sent groups of Jewish militia, trained and armed in Poland, to Palestine to take part in the planned uprising against the British Empire.

This silencing tactic brought back memories of propaganda of bondian proportions on the Government Bond channel, where any questioning of the Winston Churchill narrative was opposed and any evidence contrary to official propaganda was strenuously denied, and the Germans were “the bad guys”, with a mouthful of N@ this, that and the other.

This is a copy verbatim of one of the removed comments of mine, from a few days ago:

It wasn’t the Jews who started WW2. One needs to study the White Paper 1939 concerning the British Mandate for Palestine. It had to do with Saudi oil. Oil was discovered in large amounts in Saudi Arabia in 1938, and king Ibn Saud did not want a Jewish homeland in Palestine.”

Mr Invisible sits in Whitehall and is looking out for anyone who exposes him. If God sees through Mr Invisible’s plans, then even God must go (according to Mr Invisible)! It so happens that the Ibn Saud family are still one of the biggest friends of Whitehall – regardless which political party is in “parliament”, and invests heavily in “the UK” with petrodollars, and purchases many weapons to fire at the Yemenis in Yemen. He also got away with the Jamal Khashoggi act – but then: why would Whitehall compare the Jamal Khashoggi case with the Alexei Navalni episode? One, working from the USA, criticised the Yemen war while writing on the Washington Post and got chopped to pieces in a Saudi embassy, the other got a much different treatment and was allowed to go to Germany and then return to Russia and received an open trial with lawyers.

You see, sometimes, challenging the official narrative could mean bringing to an end the establishment’s plans and their source of income. In my case, the Hun is the bad guy and needs to be silenced. Not Ibn Saud and his friend Winston Churchill, the “dear god” of Mr Invisible in Whitehall and of the City bankers.

Thus went the post on social media, and it’s now at The Party too. The English Chancellery deemed it worthy of public view on a large scale.

Audax et celer!


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