Remembering Angela Who Had Gone to Serbia

Curriculum Vitae

Our readers will be aware that Phosphorentia’s people and their associates from elsewhere cancelled The Party and all its contents from the internet airwaves when they shut down and deleted all the disqus channels. But there are events from Angela’s life that can never be silenced, and so she has decided to reprint verbatim a Party edition from early 2018.

Western Heights
Western Heights

It refers to her return to the town from which, several years earlier, she had taken the church calendar in its spiritual form. It was the Serbian town of Valjevo, and because she had the spiritual calendar, she worked out how to make her return to Serbia at Easter in a spectacular way, and in a way that she could not be hindered in an ambush. It was Angela who did the planning and told me when we had to pack our cases and commence the journey and which routes to take.

Here is the exact script:

Huns March From East to West

Anglia Of England

@angliaofengland 19 minutes ago (2018)

In today's edition, The Party recounts an adventurous campaign that my sister, Angela, and I undertook when she was still going to school and we wanted to return to Serbia. It follows the lines of the legend that Huns march West as the cock crows.

How to Reach Valjevo?

My sister yearned for the time when she could return to the white town of Valjevo, and I knew of a church there which I wanted to see again. I identified it as the Church of the Serbian Lady. We had to work out a plan to get there, and we needed to avoid anything in our path that could give away our destination.

To Greece

And so we sailed east to Greece and landed at a town on the mainland, opposite Corfu, the ancient Corcyra. From the Greek Ionian coast we moved further east towards a town in central Greece, traversing the countryside of Epirus and Macedonia. Still proceeding in the direction of the morning sun, we came to the city of Thessaloniki, on the Aegean coast.

On to Bulgaria

From Thessaloniki, we turned our direction to the north, and to the fair land of Bulgaria we came. In Bulgaria it was the day before Easter, and we turned west in order to reach Sofia, the Bulgarian capital. We spent Easter in Sofia, and then we prepared to move towards Niš in Serbia, the city where the Emperor Constantine was born.

Easter in Serbia

When we reached the border with Serbia, it was midnight, and Sunday was turning into Monday. However, on crossing into Serbia, it was Easter. Angela and I arrived at the eleventh hour in Serbia, because the clocks were put back one hour. This is how we entered Serbia marching from east to west. We came to the city of Niš, and from here we moved north-west towards Valjevo. And to our beloved destination we came, taking up abode in a room just opposite the church that is so dear to the Serbian Lady. Over this church we saw the full moon!

This is a true account from: The Adventures of the Hun and his Sister.


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