Angela's Church Calendar: From Serbian to Russian

In today’s edition, The Party will be presenting some relevant extracts from a number published in early 2018 but since deleted when all disqus channels were erased.

Celestial Calendar
Celestial Calendar

Deleting Church History

History-scrubbing doesn’t work with Angela because her work is based on events and phases that lead one to another. It’s important to understand that she took the calendar in a church in Valjevo and has used it ever since. Being in the spiritual form, it cannot be taken back from her, nor can the work she accomplished be simply erased once it has been made public on Party space.

The following title and accompanying text came out around three and a half years ago and is being re-published word for word, representing about half the original publication:

The Serbian Manuscript

Anglia Of England

@angliaofengland 13 hours ago (2018)

Today, The Party puts forward Angela’s case concerning a lost Serbian manuscript.

When she was very young and still going to school, Angela had gone to the Serbian Church and started doing research into its origins. She had written a manuscript in Valjevo, Serbia, and she wrote it in Serbian. Valjevo is near Ravna Gora.

After having left Valjevo, my sister and I were planning on returning there, but her Serbian manuscript had meanwhile been detracted from her possessions.

Angela has done extensive research into the Orthodox Church and says she was spiritually motivated by the Serbian Lady. She has knowledge concerning Orthodox innovation which one day she wishes to write about.

As we know, Huns tend to march from east to west, whereas most other people march from west to east. Angela and I once proceeded west following the afternoon sun and appeared in front of the Russian Church. They sure didn't expect us to come from that direction, but there we were.

We used a tactical surprise: the globe is round, and if you follow the right pathway, you will advance on – and reach – an objective from the rear, so by evading all obstacles that were placed in front.

We at The Party will outmanoeuvre Bond, and we shall do so using the strategy that only Betchy Garden can bring forward.

End of extract.

Explanation Key

The first part of the above text from around 2018 refers to my sister’s work when we were in Serbia. She started the manuscript after we had returned to Valjevo at Easter. Sadly, although we had avoided an ambush on the way there, we fell into one on the way out, and it was of anti-Serbian connotations and extremely nasty and deceitful. And it wasn’t the first time these people had set up such a plan. In fact, being aware of this, it was the reason she had chosen a different route back to Serbia and one that coincided with arriving at Easter. Alas, Serbia’s nemesis prevailed again and not only, they stole the manuscript too.

The second part of the 2018 text refers to a journey my sister and I made in another country after we had departed from Serbia the last time. In that occasion, I was completely taken by surprise when Angela told me to go with her somewhere to a certain town, and, walking along an avenue, I saw a Russian Orthodox church right in front of me.

Only several days earlier, I had had a vision of the Serbian Holy Mother transforming into the Russian Holy Mother, and when I told my sister about it, she said she knew what it meant. Indeed, being in possession of the spiritual church calendar, she knew exactly where to go, when, and why. We were following the afternoon sun at the time, going west.

The last phrase of the 2018 edition is in reference to Government Bond. At that time, we promised we’d get round Phosphorentia, Betchy Garden being The Party’s intelligence centre.


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