Huns Go West - From English to Mexican

In the upcoming editions, The Party will be presenting the Mexican events of 2019, when Angela went to Mexico.

One’s Death Is Another’s Life

Considering the 31st August 2019 as the day in which the UK died, the 1st September of the same year can be counted as the coming of Sovereign England. The road from England led directly to the Mexican coast and on to Ciudad de México where the Mexican Lady certified the UK’s death and established an alliance with la Santa Madre Inglesa.


Ciudad de México--Mexican port--Land’s End--North Camp--Dover

How the Mexican Santa Madre pronounced the UK as being dead will be seen in a future Party edition. Suffice it to say for now that She read out the words relating to the death of a kingdom that is not of Jesus Christ. She was in full agreement with the Fair Lady who works for the English Kingdom of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, King of England. It coincided with Angela’s arrival in Mexico.

This is the Angela who once carried away the church calendar in its spiritual form from a church in Valjevo dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica. Concerning Angela, my friend Mädel once said to me: they threw away the Gold and took the wood(See our 2018 Easter in Serbia edition under the title Huns March from East to West.)

But first, here is an account of the meeting that took place at Alexandra’s house preceding hermana Angela’s decision to go west to Mexico.


On the first of September 2019, sister Hun packed her suitcase and went to Mexico. She said marriage is consensual between one man and one woman and stems from reciprocal love. As in Heaven so on Earth.

She never received a reply to her offer to research the origins of the German Church and this had made her sad. She cried and brother Hun was very, very sad.

Angela knew that she was supposed to work for the German Church, she was right and the time had come. The German Holy Mother is associated to the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, therefore the German Child requires his own church which leads in Christ’s name to the Holy Father. The Spirit was willing, but without consent Angela could not work.

Kentish Cross
Kentish Cross

One night before Angela departed across the Atlantic, we went to visit our dear friend Doctor Alejandra on whom we can always rely. Alejandra was wearing pyjamas and prepared tea and rum. She wore a striped nightcap on her head and sat at table opposite my sister Angela, and the two talked late into the night.

Sitting in an armchair reading a book from Alejandra's library shelf, I sometimes listened in to what they were saying and sometimes drifted back into the book's contents reading interesting passages on the pox, applied medicines and psychological cures.

¡No Te Preocupes!

At some point I heard Alejandra say: They ignored all you offered to do. Why allow them to repay you this way? It's not worth it!

Yet it is worth mentioning, though, that Alejandra too had made an offer to the Germans to research and present a written history of relations between Germans and Jews which would have been very favourable for Germany and illuminative for the Jews. She wanted to explain to the Jews the real meaning of the word holocaust and its historic background.

She says the term does not refer to the Second World War but rather has rabbinic interpretations that date back a very long time. In her view, the Germans are the nation that did more than any other to help Jews throughout history when other people were often persecuting them.

This work was supposed to be complementary to Angela's research into the origins of the German Church, an extra invitation, a Sondereinladung in addition to Angela's offer, and it came across to her as incredible that the Germans would ignore everything and break her friend Angela's heart too.


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