Merry England: Our English Flag Is Free

Holy Mother and Child

Our Fair Lady, the Spiritual Mother of the English Folk, invested everything in Her one and only English Child.

English Mother and Child
English Mother and Child

This is why She is personally promoting Angela’s work on the foundations of the English Church.

Nest-Raiding Hornets

Agents and intruders cannot blot out and shut down our Spiritual Mother and Her English Child. She has Allies In High.

Angela in Mexico

When the UK died, which was in the month of September 2019, my sister made it to Mexico. She then contacted me and said Brother not can surrender to Scotland, or to anyone, Huns never surrender. Instead he come directamente Inglaterra México.

This map follows a line from North Camp to Land’s End and on to the Mexican coast.


To Mexico - to Land’s End - North Camp - to Dover

She explained: Brother no look left, no look right, and not can turn head round. He no surrender to anyone.

The Red Saint George

Angela told me to carefully remove the red English cross from the bits and pieces of the union jack and replace the Saint George on its rightful white background.

She said Scots no can follow brother Hun and demand he surrender to them, they no can humiliate the English because he leave remains of union jack for them to sort out the pieces, like jigsaw puzzle. Hermana Angela shed many tears with laughter and cried they can try make one cross out of many shreds and shards.

No Capitulation

When The Party publishes the events that unfolded in the town of Folkestone in the summer of 2020, it will become even clearer that England’s interests are the business of the English and that this country can never surrender to a foreign entity.

Red Saint George
Red Saint George


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