One Kingdom of England: Jesus Is Our King

Angela Is Back

As The Party has noted in the past, she has a book to offer on the foundations of the English Church. Angela has been drawing attention to her accomplished work for some time now.

One King, One High Priest

Being an official spokesperson at The Party, Angela has been upholding the truth relating to England: Jesus Son of God is the rightful king of the English Folk and the head – and therefore high priest – of the English Church.

Mother of the English Nation

Our Fair Lady has stepped in to personally promote Angela’s written work. As She is of the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, the intervention of our Holy Mother must be seen and understood as most final.

The Party Is Back

Angela has given instructions to her brother the Hun to set up all the necessary equipment needed in order to get back on the airwaves. This includes installing a computer, establishing internet contact, charging a digital camera and tracing out an illustrated map to be published and broadcast on Party space.


A journey needs to be made in preparation of one of our forthcoming editions entitled: The English Events at Folkestone. I will be assisted by my sister Angela in tracing out the map once the manual tasks mentioned above have been completed.

For now I will present a sequence of events that took place in early 2019.

Demonic Attack

The Demon had planned a vicious attack in Folkestone Road. Just as he was about to cross the space of the open door to enter the room, a pre-emptive move by Divine Hand encountered him and he instantly transformed from man to Devil while turning upside down and descending to Hell.

This is how the event was shown to me a few days later when it was recorded in the annals of damnatio memoriae.

From the moment he crossed the line defining the entrance to the room, every word which the demonic one said came directly from the Devil who spoke through him. Satan kept shouting that I must fall down and worship his queen, called the Fair Lady a liar and promised that the UK would make me go penniless if I refused to comply. If I accepted his offer, I would receive five pound notes at regular intervals.

Now in the Hun’s parlance you fight the devil with the devil and so I faithfully carried out my duty, choosing to go without a penny instead.


               Demonic Attack and Descent to Hell

To the castle … Folkestone Road ... To Folkestone

Coming Back for More

The satanic event happened in February 2019, and in the following months the demonic one actually tried coming back and contacting me. Each time he was rejected.

From Hell you came, to Hell you must return” was my motto in dealing with him and his queen’s kingdom.


When the UK died in September 2019, it left nothing in its will for the Hun. Oh the nasty piece of work!


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