From Valjevo to Alexandrov

Today, The Party is publishing events that were revealed to brother Hun on account of my sister Angela.

Do as She Says

Aware that she is spiritually minded and in contact with Ladies In High, I sometimes wondered if I am doing all that she requires of me. Angela being very young at the time and dependent on brother’s presence at her side when travelling, it was important that I put her interests first and assure that she receives all the support needed in order to continue her studies.

Within this context I received some visitations on various occasions that allowed me to understand that Angela is always right when embarking on a journey and that all I need do is listen to her and accompany her to whichever town it may be.

Eastern Heights
Eastern Heights

A Blessing

One night as I slept, in a vision a Lady came to the side of my bed, the Serbian Mother, and with her was a small girl at her side, who then sat down in order to be level to my pillow. I reached out my arm and rested my right hand on the girl’s head, and shortly thereafter the vision ended.

On awakening, it occurred to me that this was Angela and that the Serbian Lady approved my sister’s request from several days earlier to return to Serbia. Although this wasn’t the time when we returned at Easter, it was to be one of those journeys we made to Valjevo during which she did observations and research into the Serbian Church. And so, fortified by the Serbian Mother’s visit, I put aside any plans to earn some more financial income to fund the journey and simply put in my wallet the money I had available at that time.

Within a few days we had packed our belongings in a shoulder-strap duffel bag and were heading east to the Adriatic Sea and beyond.

The Russian Mother

It was after our last return from Serbia, after the Easter journey, that, by now in another country, Angela and I went to a town where we came across the Russian Church as mentioned in a previous edition (see: The Serbian Manuscript). Betrayal of the Serbian Mother and Child did not come cheap, and She called upon Her Spiritual Sister the Russian Mother. This Russian church is dedicated to Christ Our Saviour. Once again my sister had worked out the way using her spiritual calendar, and this time too brother Hun received a visitation. 

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I had been wondering how Angela managed to get this achieved shortly after the Russian Mother had first appeared to me as already mentioned, when, in a vision, the Russian Mother again came to me and at her side was the young Russian, Her Son. He appeared as a young man. She was dressed in Russian clothes and on Her head she wore a Russian winter hat.

I should have given Her first my hand, but instead I shook hands with the young Russian, and then with Her. This slightly embarrassed me, but She made a sign of the hand as if to say make no worry of it, whereas the young Russian smiled at me.

And She said to me in English with a Russian accent: You can stay with us.

Within a short period of time from this visit, in another vision I was on a train and reached a town in Russia. Written in large letters was the name Alexandrov. Until that time I had never heard of a town or city or any location going by that name, it only became known to me later that it is a place in Russia.

I Am Called …

And this leads us to the next topic, namely my own name. When we went to Serbia, I was called Alexander. However, some time later, certain people claimed this name had been dropped, albeit in an instance utterly unrelated to Valjevo in Serbia. And now I had all the proof needed to know that indeed no, my name still remained the same as far as the Russian Lady is concerned.

And this corresponds with an earlier visit I received from a Lady In High after our last journey to Serbia, namely from the Serbian Mother Herself, when She showed me clearly in a sequence of events what She thought of trying to change my name through some rituals that only served to detract from Angela’s original mission to Serbia.

For this is not about me and who I am, but about Angela, my dear sister, the one of whom Mädel said: They threw away the Gold and took the wood instead!

Now, I know that my sister is a very special person whereas I usually need to walk into a lamppost before seeing it, but Mädel didn’t mean it in the sense that I’m as thick as two short planks. I think she meant to say they rejected the Spirit that works with Angela and took a wooden cross and crucified themselves on it, not withstanding the truth stated in the New Testament proclaiming that Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to his Father and, from Heavenly Zion, set about sending the Spirit among mankind.


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