Non Anglia Sed Angela

When the British unleashed Rage and Fury in 2018/19, I said: Well that was more than I had banked on in Plan A!

The Church Comes First, Deus Vult!

When Freundin was ridiculed in 2017 after making her offer in England, the following year Alexandra and Angela were ready to leave England for Germany and I with them. Their intentions then were the same as they are now, it’s been made clear and needn’t be repeated here, but no written official reply came from Germany.

We know that Angela in 2019 went to Mexico and that Freundin had thought there was a new chance for her in economics in relation to Sovereign England, but I later explained to her that hermana had gone to Mexico for reasons of Church matters.

No Second Chance!

After being told in 2018 to inhale soot from old walls, I had taken exception to Mädel opening a restaurant in England and, without asking for her opinion, shut it down through a transfer of Prosperity from England … all the way to Italy and Germany. This I did on account of the means at my disposal which were meant to guarantee Angela’s future work in Italy and in Germany for the Church.

Freundin bitterly lamented my deed to the German Mother, but was offered by Her a place in the Wirtschaft in Germany, which Mädel, who isn’t stupid, accepted a few days later after considering that she had no other offer going.

One day the English will realise it was you who could have helped them in economics, I cheerfully declared over two glasses of Hungarian white wine, and as she sipped from hers, I placed mine back on the table and went on to state and then the realization will hit them that they got Hunned!

Here is today’s Party tune N. 1

They Got a Church!

The English got a Church instead, which I felt was a great deal considering it came through my sister Angela who I funded. This was by no measure a donation on my part, but an obligation to which I applied much time, hard work and great sacrifice owing to fraternal love and guardianship towards my sister.

As the German Mother saved the English Child by taking him to Germany after the British held him to ransom, Angela’s English Church presentation will be one day promoted there – at some time in the future when we have returned home to German Land.

Returning to Italy

In a recent Party page I have explained the Italian Mother’s position as revealed to me in the latest communion, where she informed me that I will receive a sum of money and return to Italy, and that a separate set of funds will be set apart for Angela to carry out her research in Italy, the money being made readily available and without discussion as she needs it.

This means we’ll both be financially covered, and also, as was shown me in November 2022, Angela’s presence in Italy will be essential, hence the separate funding to cover her needs, such as travelling and research. Of-course I will be accompanying her and offering due care to make sure all her requirements are seen to.

Clearly it’s up to the Italian State to see to this, and my assumption is, I’ll need to receive a special travel document in order to depart – because I will never apply for a British one. This document must be accompanied by the work contract explaining my reasons for entering Italy, whereas on my part I shouldn’t need to do any explaining to anyone at the borders but just be able to show the papers, no questions asked, no luggage searched, no inconvenience.

Meeting up Again

Following this, once Angela has also returned to Italy after departing from Mexico, we can then start our travels to whichever destinations (plural) she requires in Italy and research the cornerstone of the Italian Church in order to build up the walls. Of-course I don’t have any plan where to go and excavate, only she will know that in due course. As for the time it will take, I have no idea.

My job will be to find a villa as a base for accommodation, preferably not too far from the local train station. Liguria would be a good option, but we’ll see once I’m there. Needless to say I won’t be giving out any confidential information that could reveal our presence to unsolicited visitations or undermine her need for a low profile.

It’s absolutely vital that I will be travelling on a one-way ticket out of England as Angela will later be going with her brother from Italy to the Land of the Rhine. No-one must ever again attempt forcing her out of what she needs to accomplish and into doing something else instead, and I will not be returned to a prison.

Essential Conditions

There are some more conditions that need to be thoroughly clear. One such is that Angela presented two empty spaces in her British Isles flag which she has no intention of secretly filling in.

She cannot be pressured or made to fail in her future Italian work on account of these, as only the German Mother – and She alone – has the last word if and when they are ever going to be the object of Angela’s attention.

In this respect, the German Holy Mother gets to deciding who my sister Hunnin works for, when and on which conditions. This is in accordance with the alliance between the Serbian Mother and the German Lady as revealed to me shortly after our return from Valjevo.

Germany’s alliance with the Italiana has already been explained, reason for which the Italian spiritual Mother did not make any reference to Mädel or to Alexandra, who are both in Germany, but only to Angela. This is all the contract needs to be about: researching the origins of the Italian Church with funding from the Italian State and a No-Return-to-England guarantee.

Video Connection From Mexico

In recent conversations my sister and I have spoken about this, and she referred me to the Chivasso communion from February 2022, saying Brother not could go west to England. When he and hermana finish cleaning up big mess in Chivasso, he say ciao in German and go north-east and hermana go with him!

Here is today’s Party tune N. 2

This is the Party page she was referring to, entitled Alexandra Exorcist Explains a Dream. At the time, Alexandra interpreted the dream as referring to the presence of Freundin in Italy, the one who’s the expert in economics, who the British tried knocking down, but the Italian spiritual Mother specifically mentioned Angela, the one who the Antichrist actually did knock over in Italy. And this is what my sister confirmed to me in our recent video dialogue, that she is the person of the dream who is needed to take away the rotten pieces. It all has to do with the Italian Church, whereas Mädel’s work is being carried out in Germany where she teaches in a private school.

It Was One or the Other

Angela and Mädel both speak fluent Italian, both have been in Italy and both were willing to work there, and this was no doubt what led Alexandra to give the interpretation indicating Mädel who at that point was still in England.

However, the Italian spiritual Mother made clear it’s my sister currently in Mexico who she needs now, along with her brother in order to reveal the true Italian Church as of its foundations and with its cornerstone, the latter determining the edification that stands on the foundation.

Once the Italian State has accepted that Angela has a mission in Italy that only she can do, that I work with her and not somebody else, and that her previous work has been hidden away by people currently sitting there saying nothing and that the Italian spiritual Mother has denounced these people, then they need to make a contract with me and not with somebody else, otherwise Angela cannot and will not come back.

So long as her brother is locked up in a prison and forced into doing nothing, she will not come back – she will not be locked up in a prison! I her brother took her place behind bars owing to my duty of care towards her!


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