Byzantine Invasion of Italian Affairs
Spiritual Jerusalem will not succumb to the network of intrigue and fallacy coming out of the Byzantine court.
From the Battle of Clavasium to the Coming Battle of Beneventum aka Maleventum
After the Italian spiritual Mother defended Italy against the British invasion at the Battle of Chivasso, she then went on to publicly denounce the State agencies centred in Rome for their part in betraying the Italian national Church to the British, for it was they who let them in by opening the gates to the Antichrist for Thirty Pounds.
In the most recent communion, the Italian Mother informed me that now she is also intent on expelling the Byzantine invasion from her shores. The places, and the names they bear, are of the Italiana’s own choice, she choosing on her own territory the battleground that is most propitious to her cause.
Fully aware that Angela had gone to Valjevo and not to a swamp to do her research into the Serbian national Church, and that she had returned there at Easter to avoid falling through a rotten floorboard, the Italiana knows that the people who betrayed Angela had also tried sacrificing to the Byzantine Empire the Italian Church which she had set about researching.
“We Will Make Her Fail”
Sister Hun made a name for herself by refusing to surrender to self-proclaimed holy fathers, but the secret State agency tried forcing her through a no-contract, no-recognition and no-funding policy into surrendering to Byzantium. This they did while operating with foreign powers.
I have already noted that this has to do with an unholy alliance between self-proclaimed founding fathers of Europe dominating finances and self-appointed holy fathers claiming possession of the Holy Spirit, and that these people hate Angela.
They got together and agreed among each other to bankrupt her brother to prevent him further funding her studies.
They must have known about the Serbian Mother’s alliance with the German Lady and sought to prevent Schwester Hunnin from returning to her homeland. Beyond doubt they offered Germany ‘a place in Europe’ and a provincial status in the Byzantine Empire in return for forsaking the German Church.
Judas Iscariot and Thirty Pounds
In our last publication War Against German Holy Mother, it’s stated: “they went to War against Her, but through saving Grace the English Child was taken to the German House from where he made it to the heavenly One”.
At The Party it’s been made clear that the alliance between the German Lady and the Italiana was designed long ago to defend against the British who would try bringing both down by applying to Angela a no-response, no-funding and ‘you are a liar and never worked’ status.
On the grounds that there never was an alliance between the Italian Lady and Britannia before Angela and I left Italy for England but a state of conflict that continued right up to the Battle of Chivasso, the Agency that opened up to the British is considered as having colluded with an enemy of the Italian Mother, who equated their action to that of Judas Iscariot.
This is along the same lines as the German Mother considering Moloch an infiltrator sent to Germany by the British to sabotage and bring down the German Church with the intention of locking up Angela, tormenting her, getting her to reveal to them info and then cancelling her name for another.
Upholding Angela
In the recent communion from a few days ago, the Italian spiritual Mother showed me there will be funds for myself and for Angela in Italy in relation to her studies into the Italian national Church which she has been unable to carry out owing to the betrayal of the Italian State under previous governments.
We can see that both Italy and Germany are dealing with a satanic adversary intent on imprisoning Angela and replacing her, even though she fled to Mexico to evade their persecution – her brother taking her place in prison.
When the British claimed they would get my sister from Mexico, incarcerate and bug her, they instantly entered into War against the Mexican Santa Madre and immediately the Rhine Scroll passed to the German Holy Mother.
The Situation
Considering that the German Mother succeeded in Mexico and then came along the East-West road to England establishing her presence, and that the Italiana succeeded at Chivasso and came to England and did the same, there is no truth in the claim that the person I was warned against in communion, the one who, approaching me, kept claiming ‘he said he would join us’, is in command here: he isn’t!
He failed, and he wasn’t able to traffic away any work of Angela’s into the Irish and the Welsh either, whose two empty frames were taken to Germany so that no-one can ever reach them and fill them in unless it were Angela herself, protected by her brother and following a Treaty with the German Holy Mother.
In this sense, the Italiana cannot help the Irish or the Welsh nor does she intend doing so, her only concern being the return of Angela in due course to Italy to continue from where she left off years ago when the Italian State ruined her birthday through betrayal.
No Conflict of Interest
The empty Irish and Welsh flags are part of a spiritual reality concerning the German Holy Mother. On her part, the Italiana not only is not concerned in these two flags, she didn't make any reference to Mädel either, who is operating in Germany to bring an end to EU domination, and this is because there is absolute accord between her and the German Lady who has employed Freundin.
Italy has a new government but a secret agency that operated under an old one. Once the Italian government has grasped the situation, all they need understand is that Angela requires a binding work contract to one day return to Italy and continue her studies there, and she will only do this with her brother.
Secret Agreements to Nowhere
The above-mentioned person who, while not even looking me in the eyes claimed something unsubstantiated, will not secretly hand anything of hers over to Italy, no matter what he claimed to be in a position to achieve! Nor is he in command over England’s destiny, his hands having been relieved from any attempt at possession.
He never looked me in the eyes because he had no agreement with me, or with Angela, but with others. And he could not keep his word. This is why the Italian State should ignore him and contact me in person, for they know where to find me. The Italiana’s presence here should serve as guarantee, just as the German Lady’s presence should for the German State.
Following the passage of the Jerusalem Scroll in Mexico from the English to the Germans, the situation started to change. The Trojan Horse and the ensuing transfer of Prosperity destined for Mädel had a role in this. At the time, I the Hun chose to make this transfer from England to abroad because I had the available option and the means to render it possible.
It’s like using Western Union Money Transfer to send money to someone who suddenly finds themselves in need. Only, I used Eastern Union Rainbow Transfer to send Prosperity to those in need.
My first and immediate thought had been This is for the English!
But later, coming to my senses and remembering the Trojan Horse that could render the alternative to destiny, I started to see reason, saying This cannot be for the English!
Following this, as we sat opposite each other at table, her blue eyes looking deeply into mine, Mädel confided I know what you did, you shut the door on me and walked off! And then, after glancing fleetingly at my face and looking me again in the eyes with a renewed sense of interest, she continued But you always loved me, and they didn’t!
Holding her gaze and confident of the knowledge Mädel had accepted my deed and still trusted and believed me, I replied But I remembered the English in my will and left them my last five pounds … I left them everything material I had … save my Swiss francs.
Here is today's Party tune.
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