Angela Azzurra in Italia

Senza un contratto di lavoro con lo Stato italiano, Angela e suo fratello non potranno tornare e riprendere gli studi essenziali per portare a compimento le sue ricerche.


Avendo la missione di ricercare le origini della Chiesa nazionale in Italia, Angela si dedicò alla Madre spirituale italiana. Preparò un’introduzione d’importanza fondamentale, ma le presero il lavoro, lo nascosero e decisero di tradire!

In quanto suo fratello, io ho il dovere di denunciare coloro che tentarono di sacrificare Angela, e essendomi rifiutato di abbandonare la Santa Madre italiana, mio è il compito di esporre coloro che La tradirono – e questo lo faccio a sua esplicita richiesta.

Wearing Blue

In the last Party print Angela Is Out There Waiting, I wrote: “Being a cheerful person by nature, Angela sought to protect herself from the very start.”

When we were in Italy and my sister was dedicating her attention and her time to researching the foundations of the Italian Church, I helped her present the written introduction to her work. This was nothing less than the presentation of the founding of the Italian Church as per Scripture.

She warned me to be ware of the secret agents coming to take her work and hide it away, but I failed her! They came, sent by the Italian State, and took the pages away and hid them.

At that time, in communion, shortly before the agents took possession of her work, the Italian spiritual Mother showed me I was holding a very small girl in my arms who was dressed in blue. An Italian Lady held her arms out as if to care for the small child, who, however, remained in my hands.


It immediately became clear to me that this small girl in the communion is none other than Angela, the one to whom I have the obligation of care.

Having been to Valjevo, my sister had been using her church calendar and was in contact with the Italian spiritual Mother. But there was a group of people at international level who hated her.

Their hate can be explained in simple terms: Angela, who professes faith to One Holy Father, refused to hand her own work over to human beings claiming to be holy fathers.

Adding to this, self-proclaimed founding fathers of Europe intent on establishing and expanding their European Union empire hated her. These two entities had formed an alliance and were out to bring her down.

This explains in simple terms why the State in Italy betrayed the Italian spiritual Mother and has remained silent ever since. They would have known that Angela was destined to move to Germany going by the original alliance of the Serbian Holy Mother with the Germans, but they sold out to the British who in return promised to protect the EU project. We know this even from the so-called ‘divorce bill’ signed by the Tory establishment, the scope of which is to ensure EU domination over many nations.


Angela’s stay in England was never meant to be anything more than temporary.

She’s been accosted by clowns claiming the need for her to go and attend lessons in English to try and reach an O level, something she flatly refused.

At some point in 2019 my sister was told that unless she could present tangible evidence of having worked in England for a number of years and by way of a legal contract, the Brexit law would require her expulsion. But on the papers, instead of putting England, they put ‘the UK’.

Angela became pale in the face. They claimed she’d need to submit the papers to ‘HM government and the queen’, and never having worked for any of these institutions or received funding from them, she felt trapped: they wanted to steal her work and sign it off in their own name!

Being German, she had hoped for a reply from the German State in 2018 to her request for work, and because she received none, the alarm bells were ringing: surrendering to the British and their kingdom and having her work stolen was never going to be an option.

It was Alexandra, who meanwhile had become a doctor, who helped her out financially: Angela packed her suitcase and went to Mexico – from where she has never returned!

The Wehrmacht

On my part, being her brother, I was startled when they offered me some regular five pound notes in return for worshipping their queen. I showed them my Wehrmacht documents and the stamp of issue of my posting to Normandy.

Some friends of ours in a neighbouring company stationed above the same beach where we were positioned had previously been posted to the Channel Islands, and one of them had also married there. His wife was English.

It was about this time that I was declared dead by the British authorities, and I immediately declared myself a prisoner of war. To this day I am sitting in prison – and all because of my sister Angela who refused to learn proper English.

Höissa ja höissassa!

I cannot understand how a nation could turn down Angela and replace her with an assortment of holy fathers and founding fathers when she is loved In High on account of her faith in the One Holy Father.

Here is today’s Party presentation.


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