A New Life Awaits Me
Looking me in the eyes, the Italian spiritual Mother said You are, pausing for a brief moment, young and strapping!
Villa With Portico, Garden and Fountain
While Mädel is working in Germany to bring an end to EU Communism, Angela and her brother Hun are now preparing to return to Italy where we intend carrying out essential work on the cornerstone of the Italian Church.
My duty will be to get there first and find a villa for base-accommodation, that is, the place from where we will depart for various destinations within Italy to carry out whichever research Angela needs to accomplish. These could be a day’s journey, trips that last more days, or sojourns that last even weeks. I still haven’t decided where to look for accommodation as this will be contingent on a work contract being signed with the Italian State here in the transit room next to England, an up-front payment and an Italian travel document for myself.
Angela’s Journey to Italy
Once I have found a villa, then Angela will come all the way from Mexico and join me – when she’s one hundred percent certain that it’s not a prison she’ll be landing in. Unless there is a State-guaranteed contract and sufficient funds, she isn’t risking anything. In our last Party publication Non Anglia Sed Angela, I stated: “they need to make a contract with me and not with somebody else, otherwise Angela cannot and will not come back”
On the contract must be written that the work will be eventually promoted only in Angela’s name and in that of the Santa Madre Italiana.
My duties are temporal and earth-bound, and they mostly consist in fighting off cheats and fraudsters trying to get her work for nothing and with no prior contract. They know that without a State-contract they can get away with it, Angela knows it, her brother knows it: we all know it, only the uk policeman still thinks everyone is stupid and that he’s the clever one!
Ora et Labora
Helping Angela is of utmost importance to her brother, and sitting and rotting in a prison is not what he had originally come to England for. His sister was supposed to carry out her fully-fledged laborious studies into the English Church and a partial and not complete research into the Scottish, to then move on to Germany – with the intention of returning to Italy too.
There are reasons why the edification must be carried out according to given rules, and in the case of the Scottish Church, it is clearly because Scotland has an ecclesiastic alliance with Germany for reasons that go beyond my own comprehension. Angela doesn’t always tell me everything and I guess she herself has to first find out certain details through her spiritual contacts, but for all I know it could have to do with preventing the British from sacrificing the Scottish Child.
When we were still in Italy, one day in communion I was shown that, on completing the work she needed to achieve on the Scottish Church before dedicating her attention to the Germans, the British Intelligence would try taking over and doing a dirty one on the Germans, and it was in that occasion that I was shown the Trojan Horse: a cart on which were loaded two Italian vehicles. In fact, the British intended landing Italy in the ditch too. The rest we know.
The Road Out of England |
Not English
Legally I do not live in England but in a transit area run by the German Holy Mother. Considering that Angela and her brother will one day move from Italy back home north-east to Germany, I will only accept a one-way ticket out of England which is next door. When we leave Italy for Germany is unknown to me, but it will not be before Angela is satisfied her work for the Italian spiritual Mother is achieved.
The only other option the Italian State has is to again betray La Santa Madre Italiana to the British who declared Angela a liar and her brother dead, and this would mean calling the Italian Mother a liar too after She denounced the betrayal which the Italian State agency already committed for thirty silver pieces.
Meanwhile Freundin is in Germany working to prevent the self-proclaimed founding fathers of Europe sacrificing Holy Mother and Child of every nation while wearing their twelve-star crown and going to bed with the British establishment.
The Twelve Stars do not belong to those people and their human empire, and it’s why they hate Angela so much and would even try selling God’s Rainbow to the British in return for hanging on.
Horse Trading
Ultimately we need to remember that the Italian State under previous governments placed a price on the Italian spiritual Mother: the ‘founding fathers of Europe’ valued Her at Thirty Pounds and tried exchanging Mother and Church at a market in return for the British keeping a human crown made of metal and studded with looted diamonds and gems.
It’s up to the Italian State to now redeem itself from the shame and disgrace inflicted upon it. Angela always refused to abandon the Italian Mother and had promised that one day she will return to Italy – even though at the time I had believed we’d be going to Germany first. Going by the course of events, however, it’s clear now that we’ll be moving there at a later stage: from Italy.
Here is today’s Party tune.
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