War Against German Holy Mother

They went to War against Her, but through saving Grace the English Child was taken to the German House from where he made it to the heavenly One.

The National Church

In today’s Party summary, we’ll be looking at the difference between a founding stone and a cornerstone of a national church. Angela’s research into the English Church was fully complete, and what she presented in public domain was the cornerstone upon its foundation.

That which she had prepared in Italy, however, was the founding stone, but with no edification into the building on top of it. The Italian State knowingly put her in a position whereby she was unable to continue her work through a deliberate lack of funds and an act of sabotage at State level by hiding away her two written presentations.

The Rhine Church

As we know, in 2018 Angela and Alexandra had expected to receive a reply from the German State to their public request to go there and carry out research in Germany. Had the German State responded in writing with a yes or a no, The Party could have published the negative response for future German generations to see, or used the positive response to discretely relocate to Germany and carry on work using a low-profile, which is what Angela in particular needs for her own safety.

Instead, the reply was unofficial, and it was I don’t know what you are trying to tell me!

My public reply here is Well I don’t believe you!

The Irish and the Welsh

But I know what the British establishment was trying to tell me: We are at War against the German Holy Mother and Child, and if you don’t hand over to us secretly a written research on the Irish church and another one on the Welsh, and worship our queen, the Germans will rot!

The Party, both in its current version and in its previous one did publicly state that Angela would be prepared to do studies into the Irish and Welsh church origins on condition of a contract, written and binding, and funded, but not before brother and sister Huns are back in Germany.

Archival proof of the 2018 and 2019 offers from the previous Party version, that got shut down on the 1st September 2019, can be made readily available for proof and republished here, just for posterity to know.

But they said: No contract, no public view, no money, no nothing, all for free, we get paid and you climb ladders, fall down and break your neck!

Must Go!

Foreseeing great peril, Alexandra informed Angela You must go now! She gave her a generous sum and off Angela went to Mexico, for the British were about to come for my sister and lock her up in a prison behind bars to break her will.

We know that they ended up getting her brother instead, first declaring him dead, then ramming him in a British prison.

The English Child made it to the cornerstone in Folkestone, for Angela had left behind a fully renovated English House, all white inside. But the British left him there to rot.

It was the German Holy Mother who came to England and saved him, bringing the Child to the German House to his spiritual brother. Later, he was taken up to the heavenly House, while his German spiritual brother remained in the lower one.

The German Lady also took the two empty frames of the Irish and the Welsh, and these are in Germany. After all, these two peoples were not interested and turned down all the chances they had to come forward here in England, which automatically excludes them from right of appeal. The frames are gone, Amen!

On Changing One’s Mind

Should the German State ever change its mind, and assuming it’s not too late, the Hun needs special German travel documents, a written and signed contract, and gold bars as upfront payment.

The exact same applies for the Italian State when the new government finds out about what secret agencies working for previous governments were up to in Italy when they betrayed the Italian spiritual Mother for Thirty Silver Pieces.

In our last Party page Angela Azzurra in Italia, I wrote: “senza un contratto di lavoro con lo Stato italiano, Angela e suo fratello non potranno tornare e riprendere gli studi essenziali per portare a compimento le sue ricerche”.

On One More Note

All my obligations towards the English Child, and all Angela’s obligations of care towards him, were fulfilled. These duties concerned only the English Church for which reason Freundin was never part of the agreement.

Seeing that there was a War being waged on the German Folk, I considered it my duty to claim Mädel for the German Mother. This is in accordance with Latvian Law. The Latvian brother and his sister came to me and their word became Party Law!

What the British did in 2017 to Freundin, and in 2018 to Angela and Alexandra, and then to me in 2019, I the Hun did back to them by shutting down the English restaurant.

If you don’t go to church, I said, you don’t deserve a restaurant! And continuing, I reasoned But even if you did deserve one, I will shut it down owing to the Law of War!

In the Hun’s vocabulary, these people went to War against Germany and lost, and it was out of Grace that the German Mother saved the English Child for all that She was hated by the British.

But the Hun didn’t show any grace when it came to saving the English restaurant.

They showed me none, they got none from me! he said.

Here is today’s Party song.


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