Jewish-Friendly Alexandra
Researching and looking into the history of the Jews in relation to the Germans is something Alexandra is looking forward to.
German Alexandra
Alexandra went to Germany in early July 2022, as narrated on Party space, and currently she is working with Wolfgang, an Army captain, to prevent the British tracking down Mädel who is teaching in a private school explaining to Germans why the EU commissars should not be dictating laws over German Land, for no-one ever voted for them except themselves.
Mädel is not breaking German law, but Wolfgang says the British would be breaking the law if they infiltrated their agents to trace Freundin’s whereabouts. On my part I don’t know her location nor the script she uses to formulate her wording, or whether she wears a veil on her face to protect her identity from admirers who inadvertently could betray her while painting a portrait.
Alexandra is capable of intercepting thoughts coming out of the British Intelligence, something against which there is no law, but even if there was one, it’s a capability of hers they can never prove as thoughts cannot be seen and therefore those who can intercept them cannot be detected in the act of reading them.
It Starts in the Mind
Being minded to work for the German Holy Mother, Alexandra intends contributing alongside Angela to the enterprise needed for the Church Under the Full Moon, each operating within their own sphere. She also has in mind to research and present, perhaps in a separate book, the historical presence of the Jewish people among the Germans.
During the Middle Ages, a very small part of the Jews in the world, known as Ashkenazi, became the majority of all Jews owing uniquely to their presence among the Germans: the rate of persecution against Jews elsewhere meant that those living where German law prevailed were able to prosper and spread from the Rhine, from where they started, all the way across Europe to the east as far as Russia, and west to America. The characteristic that distinguished these people was their common use of Yiddish, a language deriving from the Rhine-German mother tongue with some Aramaic background of the language the Jews were speaking in Mesopotamia.
This presentation of her intended work in Germany – which is to include research into the Scriptures – was presented at The Party in its previous version in 2018 and 2019 when Alexandra made her public request for a work contract with the German State, and it has been repeated here in this version of The Party, as the British Intelligence full well knows.
Some people in Germany had decided to ignore her, although I do not understand what makes them think she would be inclined to surrender to the British seeing that Alexandra has never surrendered to anyone. That said, in 2019, a German lady came to me in the street telling me the British police were following her everywhere but, so soon as I answered her, suddenly went on to say: I don’t know what you are trying to tell me!, a choreographed script that was meant to tell me that I am a prisoner of the British.
Alright, I know this, but Alexandra isn’t a prisoner of the British, which is why she moved to Germany in July 2022 and is never going to allow the British to secretly shut down or otherwise take over the Rhine Church. Also, the secrecy applied by the British Intelligence does not and will not go unobserved.
We already know that Alexandra works with the Hun and his sister, who is currently in Mexico, and not with the British police or any other institution of the British establishment. The Hun cannot get out of prison because he has no work contract with Germany, has no special German travel documents and has received no gold bars as upfront payment for intended work-related expenses.
No Surrender!
Not that this means he is going to surrender to the British, he won’t! According to his sister Angela Hun, the German Mother and Child cannot be sold or traded off, and The Party is making sure that, if we were to fail, current and future generations know why and understand who was behind it and that it was not Angela or her brother who betrayed the German Mother! But they will also know why two frames remained empty in the union flag: because the British Intelligence could not fill them in.
As is with all actions and enterprises, with all speech that comes out of the mouth and writing that is placed by the hand on paper or on digital media, and indeed with all things that are done and accomplished, whether planting a tree in the garden or building a house, making laws that regulate society and even building a city, all of which originates from intelligent thought in the mind and in the heart of persons, so too it is with cowardice and betrayal: they start in the heart, are processed in the mind and then enacted.
This is why The Party is publicly informing the world about who wanted to work and was willing, and who turned it all down and placed a price on Holy Mother and Child of a nation they were supposed to represent.
Opposing Declarations
In our last publication From the Perspective of the Italian Spiritual Mother, under the chapter “The Wrong Person”, I wrote: “the very first time the Italian Lady came to me in communion, which was not long after Angela’s last return from Serbia, she represented beauty in Person and showed me from the start that in Italy they would betray her, let her fall and then just walk away leaving her for dead!”
In her case, only one side can be telling the truth, and if the other side denies it, they are lying. Either that, or they are calling Her a liar!
On my part, I testify that my sister Angela was living in Italy and was dedicating her time out of love for the Italian spiritual Mother, I helped her present a written script in public as her birthday present, and Italian agents came to us just as we left the house and demanded we hand it over. They already knew!
“We Butchered the Wrong Swine”
When the British Intelligence realised that brother Hun could not fill in the two empty spaces of Angela’s union flag even if he had wanted to (which he didn’t) and that Angela was gone and wasn’t coming back to surrender to them, it was too late: they had already declared her brother dead, and he in turn shut down Mädel’s English restaurant, reason for which she accepted the German Mother’s offer and relocated to Germany with Alexandra in July 2022.
All he needed to commit the act was access to the Trojan Horse in England which had been supplied by the German Mother and her Italian spiritual Sister.
While the British Intelligence believe themselves capable of carrying out a resurrection of the dead, the reality is different, for once you stab a person in the back, it’s too late, you cannot undo the act.
The British had chosen to go to War against the German Holy Mother, but sister and brother Huns never surrendered and consequently the British lost.
Here is today’s Party tune.
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