The No-Church as According to the British

If not in German land, then it will never happen, but the British are not getting it!

They Work for the British

At The Party the realization is setting in that Angela may have been denied access to German land by people who evidently decided to apply to her brother the “you don’t exist” policy they learnt from the British.

Knowing that she cannot and will not ever be able to initiate and bring to fruition her research without her brother – for others would steal it and send her packing as a liar, and knowing he has no valid travel documents and will never apply for any in England, they took advantage of this to make her fail.

With this prospect in mind, Party pages are becoming more a testimony for the current and future generations as to why the Church Under the Full Moon dependent on the Rhine Scroll could never come to be owing to the British who shut it down and people in Germany who gave them the permission to do so through a five-pound-note policy. According to this system, unless you worship their human monarchy, climb a ladder and stand on the top rung balancing yourself with two outstretched arms, one hand holding a bucket of soot and the other a shovel, then you simply will rot.

Meanwhile the British would have been sitting there silently handing over to others spiritual work they never participated in or funded.

Here is today’s Party song.

No Pick and Shovel

We have explained that Angela fled the British and is not coming back as she refuses to be locked up in their prison, and that her brother was pronounced dead by the British for refusing to accept their forced-labour and spying operations.

However, in today’s edition I’ll be looking again at the position taken by the Italian spiritual Mother, who, at the Battle of Chivasso, put paid to the idea that her Italian Scroll will be taken out of Italy and consigned to the British for them to then sit there and torment Her – no doubt in collusion with the secret agency in Italy who they worked with and which the Italiana denounced for selling out for Thirty Silver Pieces.

These people hated la Santa Madre Italiana and were willing to leave her for dead, bitterly resenting that Angela was the chosen one and not some combination of holy-and-founding fathers intent on building, expanding and perpetuating their time-limited human empires.

We Hate Her

That small girl claiming spiritual contact which we cannot see is a liar, they said, and her brother who helps and protects her is a known associate from the Wehrmacht who fought against the very man – Winston Churchill – who we worship as the liberator of Italy, or something along those lines.

While they despised me, they hated my sister, and it was this hate which I opposed rather than the disgust they felt towards me – which perhaps was understandable. But hating Angela is not an option, they have no blackmail against her, and blackmailing her brother to hit her is something I will not accept, regardless how much they use Special Branch operations.

What I did, I am responsible for, not die Hunnin, and I will not allow these people to use my crimes against humanity to punish her. I her brother confronted the British in Normandy overlooking a beach, I was posted around Europe where we got on well with people while being served wine or beer in the local coffee shop, and whatever other crimes I committed are entirely mine, not hers.

But they hated her even more than they hated me: she didn’t fall down and worship a human holy father or accept to be fooled by people walking around with Bibles while working for the secret agency but with whom she never worked at all. And, according to the State institutions, she happened to be messing about where founding fathers of Europe didn’t want to see her interfering: in national church sovereignty!

No British Prison

From the day She first came to me in communion, la Santa Madre Italiana never accused me of anything, instead she was aware I had accompanied my sister in Serbia and returned with her to Italy where I was offering accommodation in my house and affording all the expenses, as a brother would do for a sister to whom he has duty of care.

But once the British had started worming their way in, the Italiana made clear to me – as also to Angela – that she will never surrender to them and will not accept being locked up in their British prison.

And this refusal to be deported and locked away became most definitely fulfilled on the day the Italian Scroll was taken back from Britannia in Chivasso. That rolled up script was based on introductory work which Angela had already accomplished in Italy, it is written in Italian and has absolutely nothing to do with the British, regardless whether human or divine persons.

Not a Chance in the Abyss!

It was not going to be taken away for people in Britain to sit there and hide it under a bed, read it, traffic over to Italy bits and pieces of the content on a five pound note payroll, all the while using an Interpol warrant declaring Angela a suspected criminal and her brother the object of police investigations that never end.

Aware that Angela is in Mexico out of harm’s way and that her brother declared himself a Prisoner of War and has protested publicly as to the treatment he’s received and the absence of any Red Cross parcels from Germany or from Switzerland, and knowing that the founding part to that Scroll was presented in Italy by Angela but taken and hidden away by the Italian secret agency, instead of surrendering to the British and entering their prison, the Italian Holy Mother denounced the secret agency for betrayal, as presented here on Party space!

Not Interested

The Italian Lady is not interested in Celtic mythology, the Tea Tephi Codex or British Israelism in any of its shapes, forms or fashions. If someone blew down a Pictish castle-wall using primitive fireworks and then ordered Nessie to the bottom of the pit, while entertaining, it is not however within the sphere of her attention, just as much as She doesn’t promote the idea that Mickey Mouse founded a church and became its head. Henry VIII was a thief who stole from churches and priories and then knocked them down and sold the land off to fund his lifestyle.

Having once offered to help the Fair Lady in Italy to achieve a proper researched script from Angela in due course of time, but then being confronted with e revolt and a declaration of War, she will not go down that road again and is entirely disinterested in anything to do with Irish or Welsh churches.


It is known to the Italiana that the German Lady is prepared to one day have Angela’s accomplished research into the English Church presented in Germany, that the German Mother also saved the English Child at the very cornerstone in England and took him to Germany to her own House and that he then made it to the higher heavenly House. All the Italian Lady wants is Angela back in Italy together with her brother who protects her rights to work and makes sure the names in the writings are not deleted, exchanged for someone else’s name and the text adulterated by the Italian agency.

She hasn’t asked anyone to carry out investigations into the Hun’s past, to make lurid claims or to punish him for what he did, and she will not accept Angela being rammed in a prison with British agents looking in and orchestrating torture methods.

For all they may have claimed to be able to crack the Enigma Code, Bletchley Park does not get to imprisoning the Italian Holy Mother and bugging her national Church!


As a good Hun who fought in Normandy, I believed Angela when, back then in Liguria over a stone-baked dish and a few glasses of wine, she explained to me: Brother, we go England, he then see Britishes use big hoax when landed in Normandy.

He thought big elephants land in Calais with trumpets blowing and Britishes empire Indian riders sitting on top and think that in Normandy enjoy wine and good food.

He not could understand why land under brother’s nose and all German army sit in Calais with big wine bottle and lie on beach while brother fight on Norman sand.

Angela was referring to the tanks which she compared to the war elephants used by Pyrrhus, Hannibal and the Emperor Claudius – the latter in Britannia.

She rightly predicted that radio stations would be broadcasting American jazz close to the Pas-de-Calais to make believe that dozens of divisions were stationed there, that a cardboard fleet would be floating in the water and rubber Spitfires and paper tanks would be lining the streets in full view of German reconnaissance.

As a former Luftwaffe pilot before transferring to field duties with the Feldgrau army, I was used to seeing things from high up but without detail, but as a Wehrmacht soldier in England I soon realised that Angela was right, for I experienced the bent and twisted hoax under my very eyes – this time just a head and shoulder lower than me.

Need I add that the Italian spiritual Mother had come to the same conclusion long before I did, and that She too had told me as much in many ways back then in Italy?

Funding in Italy

In a recent Party page I have made reference to the latest communion where the Italian spiritual Mother spoke to me not many days ago: she told me that I will be receiving funds for myself in Italy, and separate funds will be established for Angela when she is back in Italy doing her work. But she also showed me that it was the British and Italian secret services in agreement with each other who stole my car in Italy – it was found some days thereafter but the engine had been abused, causing it to later break down. The Italian State did this after Angela had presented her introductory work on the Italian national Church because they had sold out to the British and their queen.

The Italian spiritual Mother is fully aware what they did and has denounced them publicly for betrayal! Thirty Pounds, that is Thirty Silver Pieces.

It’s therefore up to the new Italian government to ascertain what has been written as there is a rogue agency in Italy that has tried sacrificing the interests of the Italian nation using lying and cheating methods and which is currently sitting there silently hiding – and also sitting on Angela’s work that was meant to be presented as her birthday present years ago in Italy.

Se loro lavorano con i servizi segreti britannici, non devono neanche parlare con me perché io con loro non lavoro, e lo stesso dicasi di Angela. Ma costoro non terranno in prigione né la Santa Madre Italiana né Angela, e poiché non trafficheranno nulla agli Italiani è tempo sprecato!


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