From the Perspective of the Italian Spiritual Mother
Today’s Party print is looking at the situation from the point of view of the spiritual Mother to whom Angela dedicated her care when in Italy after our last return from Serbia.
“The Wrong Person”
The very first time the Italian Lady came to me in communion, which was not long after Angela’s last return from Serbia, she represented beauty in Person and showed me from the start that in Italy they would betray her, let her fall and then just walk away leaving her for dead!
The State-run institution that was spying on my sister bitterly resented her because, without necessarily realising it at the time, Angela challenged the Communist EU empire they were intent on expanding in the name of Babylon the Whore. So they decided to systematically cancel all reference to both her and the Italian spiritual Mother and secretly take all Angela’s work as it came and hide it away.
They said: “This Holy Trinity is the wrong person(s)”, because Angela, who never delved into politics, always made reference to a nation, whereas they were intent on cancelling all national churches and replacing them with one worldly and political institution run by humans calling themselves holy fathers and founding fathers.
The rest we know: the Italian State, enslaved to Babylon, sought to sacrifice the Holy Mother of the nation to a foreign and human monarchy, the one that, from a spiritual perspective, knocked Angela down in Italy.
Current Preconditions
Knowing that the Serbian Lady recognises Angela’s brother as German and had promised to uphold her need to return with him to her German homeland, the Italiana always showed me she has never been in dispute with the German Mother. Her struggle has been entirely with the British who, from a position of inferiority, were out to humiliate and force her into submission to them.
Uninterested in the empty flags of the Irish and the Welsh, or in the fact that Angela never completed her edification-research into the Scottish Church, and knowing that all this is part of a dispute between the German Lady and those who seek to bring the German Folk down into ruination, the Italiana is solely interested in Angela’s return to Italy along with her brother who cares for his sister’s interests.
After Failing in England
At the time when we returned to Italy empty-handed from England where we had been unable to get a work agreement, my sister said in English Britishes at war against Germans, they not like sister and brother. It was shortly after this that she informed me of her contact with the Italian spiritual Mother. Angela would go out to places and became a very happy person, and using her knowledge of the Italian language set about writing pages – in Italian.
Having already turned her down in England, the British were in a position of inferiority and had no claim to her in Italy. However, aware that the British were plotting and scheming, the Italian Mother had made clear, shortly after our return from England, that She was prepared to help la giovane Britannica achieve success for the English and for the Scots by offering her a place in Italy.
Come to Italy!
Seeing that the British didn’t want Angela and declined to offer her a work contract and any funding, the only one available option for the aspiring Fair Lady was to accept the Italiana’s offer and move to Italy, for it was made in good faith and with sincere intentions: after all Angela was in Italy, speaking Italian and revealing herself as a very happy person dedicating her attention to the Italian spiritual Mother. In fact, the British rebuff in England had done nothing to break the will and the desire to work.
The knowledge that young Britannia’s affairs would be cared for by the Italiana in due course meant Angela was riding a crest, for her visit to England had turned out to be a success after all – thanks to the Italian Mother.
As readers know, my sister was no stranger to England seeing that we had moved there* from Germany some years earlier. Her two best friends lived there, Angela having introduced me to them in London, and following our failed return to England, my plan was to arrange for them to move to Germany and join Angela there once we had completed our work in Italy.
Order of the Day
At this point in time, the established rule was as follows: Angela was meant to go to England for a while and then return to her homeland in Germany. She went to England and was turned down. Then the Italiana offered Angela to work in Italy for the Italian Church using her matrix from Serbia.
She also offered sanctuary to the Mother of the English and the Scots, meaning that after obtaining a contract in Italy to research the Italian Church, Angela could then later look into the ecclesial origins of the English and the Scots too, after which she would be free to move on to the Land of the Rhine – in accordance with what the Serbian Mother had shown.
My sister, also aware of this offer by way of her own contacts, accepted with joy and I was happy with the arrangement.
A Revolt
In communion it had been shown to me that the giovane Britannica had revolted in Italy against the Italiana, gone back to Britain and then declared War on Italy.
The communion events in Italy to which I was party are all too clear in my memory, for later they were to play out exactly as had been presented, because events went a different way and took the path of War. The experience my sister went through at that time is nightmarish, as she herself told me back then, and I was devastated on understanding that the Italians were working for the British and were applying hate and torture methods.
In Serbia, die Hunnin had been learning the language well, whereas in Italy she spoke fluent Italian, and that’s how we spoke together there. But one day she said to me in English Why Britishes do this to me? They not wanted me in England, no like Germans, why they want shut me down in Italy?
This was shortly after I had seen in a vision how the Antichrist had arrived and knocked her over, turned his car around and then drove off back to where he had come from. It became all to clear that the Italian State, who had let him in, had gone diabolic on us both, for no reason, just as she had set about presenting her studies on the Italian Church foundations.
The Italiana Was Right
The Fair Lady of the British Isles was incapable of managing the situation, for the British tried shutting down everyone’s national Church and the Holy Mother and Child of every nation, including of the English! Their only god was their human monarchy who they clung to, remaining loyal to her to the bitter end. Angela they called a liar while promising to bug her and secretly trade off her work to others, and her brother they declared dead for refusing to bow down to them and their queen and to climb another chimney.
Following the Victory of the Germans In High over the English in Mexico in 2021 when the Rhine Scroll, in care of the Mexicans, was assigned back to Germany, the Italian Lady, absolutely intent on preventing an incapable Mother of taking over in Italy, managed to defeat the British in Chivasso.
We Have No Copies
The two written introductions, not exactly identical in wording, which Angela presented in Italy, one by post and the other that got taken by the State agents in the street, remained in Italy in possession of those who hid them away. There are no available copies elsewhere to be found to which Angela or I have access. We kept no copies.
On our arrival in England the second time, she gave orders that the Italian door will not be unlocked here, in the same way as two frames will remain empty in the union flag.
It’s pointless for the Italian State to secretly wait for these to be filled in for they have nothing to do with Italy, and its pointless waiting for her to unlock the Italian door here, because she won’t!
All they have is the word of their agents serving previous governments against that of the Italian spiritual Mother who called them out for receiving Thirty Pounds – Thirty Silver Pieces – from the British and betraying the national Church that Angela had wanted to continue researching in Italy by way of a funded contract.
I was shown by the Italian Mother that exposing the affair in public at The Party is sufficient on my part. She did not ask me to secretly contact the Italian State because the people there know what they did and would only deny it.
So it came out in public.
Here is today’s Party presentation.
*Currently I am living in a transit room that is not England, where I am waiting to receive German documents to travel on once the German State has decided to sign a contract with me here.
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